Work that people can do from home is somewhat limited.
Not everyone can do their work remotely.
ーWork that people can do from home is somewhat limited.
「リモートワーク」は work that people can do from home(家からできる仕事)のように言えます。
ーNot everyone can do their work remotely.
work remotely 「離れたところから仕事をする」を使っても言えます。
Certain types of work can’t be performed by telework.
Certain types of work いくつかの種類の仕事
cannot be done/ performed 行われることはできない
remotely 離れたところから
by telework 在宅勤務によって
Certain types of work cannot be done remotely.
Certain types of work can be performed by telework.
Not all jobs can be done remotely.
Only certain jobs can be done remotely.
remotely は「リモートで」という意味になります。
work remotely で「リモート勤務する」です。