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2017/10/06 02:04
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  • You can eat delicious fish in Akita city because it's close to the sea.

  • You can eat delicious fish in Akita city because it's near the sea.

直訳ではありませんが、自然な英語の文をご紹介します! You can eat delicious fish in Akita city because it's close to the sea. 秋田市は海の近くなので、おいしい魚が食べられますよ。 「~の近く」はclose toやnearを使います。場所の紹介をするときに、ここではこんなことができますよと言いたいときは、You can~という表現をよく使います。 例: You can enjoy surfing in Shonan's beach. 湘南の海岸ではサーフィンが楽しめます。 You can experience local culture in the festival. そのお祭りではその土地の文化を体験できます。
Ami オンライン英会話講師、翻訳家、英語習得カウンセラー
  • Akita City has great seafood because it is located close to the sea.

  • Akita City is near the sea so they have the best seafood.

In this situation, you can use both "near" and "close" to describe the proximity of the city to the sea. If you want to use a more simple expression, you can simply describe the city as a seaside city. The word seaside automatically let's the listener know that the city is in close proximity to the sea.
この場合、都市から海が近いことを表す”near"と”close"(近い)という言葉が使えます。 もっとシンプルな表現の方が良ければ、”seaside city"(海上都市・臨海都市)という名詞フレーズを使って表すことも出来ます。 ”Seaside"(海辺)という言葉自体が都市が海に近いことを表します。
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • The fish in Akita city is delicious because it is close to the sea.

  • Akita city as a great supply of fish being so close to the ocean.

The fish in Akita city is delicious because it is close to the sea. Akita city is a great supply of fish being so close to the ocean. You will find great tasting seafood in Akita city, as it is so close to the ocean.
例文 The fish in Akita city is delicious because it is close to the sea. (秋田市は海に近いので、魚が美味しい) Akita city is a great supply of fish being so close to the ocean. (秋田市は海に近いので、多くの魚が取れる) You will find great tasting seafood in Akita city, as it is so close to the ocean. (秋田市は海に近いので、美味しい海産物が味わえるでしょう)
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Akita town is located near the sea so you can enjoy fresh seafood.

  • Akita is a seaside town(city) where you can enjoy delicious seafood.

1.秋田市は海の近くに位置しているので新鮮な海鮮が食べられる 2.秋田は海辺の街なので美味しい海鮮料理が味わえる located in/near=~に位置してる enjoy=楽しめる・~を楽しむ fresh=新鮮 seaside town(city)=海辺の町(街) seafood=海鮮漁師 delicious=美味しい ここであえて「魚」といわず「海鮮」と訳させていただきました 新鮮=美味しいイメージなので1では美味しいという直接的な単語は使いませんでした fresh seafoodといえば海鮮料理好きの人は皆惹きつけられるでしょう eat=食べるというよりenjoy=楽しめる・味わえるという表現をしました 食べるだけでなく「美味しく楽しめる」ニュアンスです
Meiko L DMM英会話翻訳パートナー
  • Because it's close to the sea

  • Because it's close to the ocean

言葉の説明: 海--> "ocean/sea" 近い--> "close/ close to" 魚 --> "fish" 美味しい--"delicious" 秋田市-->"Akita city" 文法 Aなので "Because A" 翻訳: 「秋田市は海の近くなので魚が美味しい」 "The fish in Akita is delicious because it's close to the sea" "The fish in Akita is delicious because it's close to the ocean"
  • Akita city has remarkable seafood due to its closeness to the sea.

  • Akita city is close to the sea, so the seafood there is always fresh and tasty.

1. Akita city has remarkable seafood due to its closeness to the sea. "Remarkable" is word that describes something or someone that is amazing or wonderful. 2. Akita city is close to the sea, so the seafood there is always fresh and tasty. The above two sentences are two ways that you can express that fish is Akita city is better that fish elsewhere due to the fact that Akita city is close to the sea.
1. Akita city has remarkable seafood due to its closeness to the sea. (海に近いため、秋田市には素晴らしい魚介類があります。) "Remarkable"は「素晴らしい、卓越した」という意味です。 2. Akita city is close to the sea, so the seafood there is always fresh and tasty. (秋田市は海に近いので、常に新鮮で美味しい魚介類があります。) 上記例文はどちらも「海に近い秋田市の魚介類は、他の場所の魚介類よりも美味しい」ということを表す文章です。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Akita has excellent seafood as it is located close to the sea.

  • The seafood in Akita is amazing as it is just next to the sea.

There are a variety of ways to express this information to someone but these two examples are the ways I would say this to someone. 'You have to try the seafood in Akita city, it is so good as it is so close the sea.'
いろいろな言い方ができますが、私なら上記のように言います。 'You have to try the seafood in Akita city, it is so good as it is so close the sea.' 秋田市の海産物を食べた方がいいよ。海に近いからすごくおいしい。
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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