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文字制限があり書ききれなかったのですが、 インドに来て半年経ったので、 カレーを手で上手に食べれるようになりました! と言いたいです。 同じように、 日本に来て1年経ったので、 お箸を上手に使えるようになりました。 などと応用していきたいです。
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2017/10/13 11:54
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  • I went to India and have learned how to eat curry with my hands.

  • After staying in Japan for a year I can now eat with chopsticks like a Pro.

▪I went to India and have learned how to eat curry with my hands. I went to India means that you went there to go visit or stay there temporary. Learned is knowledge to study something new. This means that you can eat curry with your hands after 6 months. ▪After staying in Japan for a year I can now eat with chopsticks like a Pro. This means that you have only been in Japan for one year and can already eat with chopsticks like a pro (professional). ●
▪I went to India and have learned how to eat curry with my hands. I went to Indiaとは、直接そこに行って、一時的に滞在することを意味します。 Learnedは何か新しいことを学んだ知識のことを言います。 これは、6ヶ月後に自分の手作りカレーを食べることができる、という意味です。 ▪After staying in Japan for a year I can now eat with chopsticks like a Pro. これは日本に一年住んで、箸をプロの様に扱える様になったという意味です。 ●
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • After 6 months of living in India, I can finally eat curry with my hands.

  • I finally got used to using chopsticks after living in Japan for a year.

You can put the time at the beginning or the end of the sentence, both are correct. The use of the word 'finally', makes it sound as if you tried and failed for some time but now you can do it and do it well. You feel accomplished. Used to - means that you are now comfortable in doing something and can do it almost naturally.
最初から最後に時間を持ってくることができます。 どちらでも良いです。finallyなどを使うと、疲れていたり、何度も失敗していて、最終的にできるようになった、うまくなった、といったニュアンスをだすことができます。 used to は、それをほとんど自然にできるようになる、または、慣れるという意味です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • I've got used to eating curry with my hands

  • After living in Japan for a year, eating with chopsticks is a piece of cake!

A piece of cake = something that is very easy to do: "The history exam I did in the morning exam was a piece of cake." To get used to something = If you get used to something or someone, you become familiar with it or get to know them, so that you no longer feel that the thing or person is unusual or surprising. "This is how we do things here. You'll soon get used to it. You quickly get used to using the brakes."
A piece of cake =とても簡単にできること。 例文 "The history exam I did in the morning exam was a piece of cake." 午前中の歴史の試験は楽勝だったよ。 To get used to something =物事や人がよく分かるようになり、もはや違和感を感じたり、意外な感じがしなくなること。 例文 "This is how we do things here. You'll soon get used to it. You quickly get used to using the brakes." こうやってここでやってきたんだよ。あなたもすぐに慣れるよ。すぐにブレーキを使うことに慣れるよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • It has taken me 6 months in India, but I am now proficient at eating curry with my hands.

  • Having lived in Japan for a year, I am now well acquainted with the use of chopsticks.

This sentence structure puts emphasis on your time in India more than the eating of curry but has the same meaning. Proficient is another word for good relating specifically to a persons skill level. This also puts emphasis on the length of time, rather than the eating method. "well acquainted with" means "familiar with" or "knowing well"
この文は、カレーを食べることよりもインドにいる時間を強調してますが、意味は同じです。 Proficientは、特に個人の能力水準が素晴らしいということを表しています。 この文は、食べ方よりも時間の長さを強調しています。"well acquainted with"は、 "familiar with" 又は "knowing well"(よく知っている)という意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • You are great at using your hand to eat Indian food now.

  • You have mastered using the chopsticks, haven't you?

  • You have become an expert at using your hand to eat!

Also, You are doing so well with using your hand to eat now. You can easily pass off for an use your hand to eat so well now. Wow! You use the chopsticks to eat like a pro! Look at you eat with your hand now! Practice makes perfects doesn't it? You are doing so well with the chopsticks now. I cannot fault you! You are so skilled at using your hand to eat now...just like an Indian.
又は 例文 You are doing so well with using your hand to eat now. 今はとても上手に手で食べていますね。 You can easily pass off for an use your hand to eat so well now. インド人と間違えられるかもね。今は手でとても上手に食べているね。 Wow! You use the chopsticks to eat like a pro! わぁ、お箸を使ってプロみたいに食べるね。 Look at you eat with your hand now! Practice makes perfects doesn't it? 手で食べているのを見て!!習うより慣れろだねえ。 You are doing so well with the chopsticks now. I cannot fault you! 今はお箸をとても上手に使っているね。言うことないよ。 You are so skilled at using your hand to eat now...just like an Indian. 今は手を使ってとても上手に食べているね。インド人みたいだ。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • After being in India for 6 months i have got good at eating curry with my hands

  • After living in Japan for a year i can use chopsticks well

If you have stayed somewhere for a certain period of time then you would say 'after living in ......................... for ...........................' if you do something good then you can also say you do it well
どこかにある期間滞在したなら、'after living in ........ for ........' が使えます。 何かが上手なら、'good'(上手な)に加えて 'well'(上手に)も使えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • After living in Japan for a year, I have grown accustomed to using chopsticks well.

  • In the six months I have been in India, I have improved at eating curry with my hands.

Traveling is fun, we learn so much from the world around us, lessons and tricks we can use in our everyday life. Chopsticks are a popular East Asian eating utensil and are usually made from bamboo, plastic, wood, or stainless steel. In India and other places like Sri Lanka and some places in Africa, it is disrespectful to eat using your left hand. It is a tradition to use the right hand to enjoy all meals. There is a special technique to follow, it is seen as an art, it needs to be practiced in order to eat without a struggle. Utensil: a tool for a specific use. eg kitchen utensil, garden utensil. Disrespectful: unmannerly
旅行は楽しいものです。その国々で日常使われている教訓や技などたくさんのことを学ぶことができます。   東アジアでは、竹、プラスチック、木やステンレスなどでできた箸を食べるときに使うのは一般的です。 インドやスリランカ、アフリカのある地域のような他の場所では、左手を使って食べるのは行儀が悪いとされています。伝統的に、右手は食事を楽しむものとされています。アートのように、特別なテクニックがあり、難なく食べられるよくになるには練習する必要があります。   Utensil: 食器、ガーデニングの用具のような器具のこと Disrespectful: マナーが悪いこと
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • After living in Japan for a year, I have grown accustomed to using chopsticks well.

  • In the six months I have been in India, I have improved at eating curry with my hands.

Traveling is fun, we learn so much from the world around us, lessons and tricks we can use in our everyday life. Chopsticks are a popular East Asian eating utensil and are usually made from bamboo, plastic, wood, or stainless steel. In India and other places like Sri Lanka and some places in Africa, it is disrespectful to eat using your left hand. It is a tradition to use the right hand to enjoy all meals. There is a special technique to follow, it is seen as an art, it needs to be practiced in order to eat without a struggle. Utensil: a tool for a specific use. eg kitchen utensil, garden utensil. Disrespectful: unmannerly
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
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