世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/19 21:13
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  • What was the most fun today?

  • What was the most fun thing you did today?

  • What did you enjoy most today?

What was the most fun today? 今日何が一番楽しかった? What was the most fun thing you did today? 今日したことで一番楽しかったのは何? What did you enjoy most today? 今日何が一番楽しかった? 子供に言う場合は fun が一番簡単でいいですね。enjoy は「楽しむ」という意味の表現なので同じ意味になりますが、子供たちは fun を多用します。 most fun = 最も楽しい most fun thing you did today = 今日したことで一番楽しかったこと 寝る時に言うなら、次の表現もいかがでしょうか。 Let's have fun tomorrow too. 明日も楽しもうね。 僕は fun のことしか考えてなかった子供の頃に戻りたいです。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • What was the best part of your day?

  • What was the most fun thing you did today?

私はよく子どもにこんなかんじでききますね。 What was the best part of your day? 今日の一番のことはなんだった? your dayは今日todayを表す言い回しでとても自然な言い方です。 What was the most fun thing you did today? 今日一番楽しかったことは何?
  • How was your day? What made you smile today?

 こんなのもあり!って思うものを挙げてみました。   ・How was your day?「あなたの一日はどうでしたか」  この表現は子供にも大人にも使います。この表現で会話をスタートさせることがよくあるので、ぜひ覚えておきましょう。  ちなみに、おっちゃんぬの奥様の Miss Read もよくこの質問をしますし、How was (your) work? 「仕事はどうだった?」という質問もよくされます。your は言っても言わなくてもOKです。 ・What made you smile today? 「何があなたを微笑ませましたか?」→「面白いことはあった?」  ご質問の「1番楽しかった」にピッタリというわけではありませんが、子供に尋ねる質問でよくあるもののひとつです。この質問の仕方も一番楽しかったことを意味することができますよね。 ★ 文法  文法的には使役動詞の make を使っていると言えば難しく聞こえますが、だからと言ってネイティヴの子供に難しいわけではありません。  make + 人 + 動詞の原形 で、「人に〜させる」という意味です。make は強制的という記述で多くの本に書いていますが、見方を変えると「自分ではコントロールできない力が働く」と見ることができます。つまり、誰かが面白いことを言ったりしたりしたら、ついつい笑ってしまいますね。そんな状況で使うことができます。映画を見て泣いてしまうのも同じです。  英訳例では made you smile で、「あなたを微笑ませた / 笑わせた」という意味です。ちなみに、what ではなく who を主語にして、「誰があなたを笑わせた?」という質問もよくあります。  ご参考になりましたでしょうか。
English Otchan 英会話講師と発音矯正のプロ Buddy's English College 代表のバイリンガル夫婦
  • What was the funniest thing that happened today?

ニュアンスは少し異なりますが「一番楽しかったこと」は「一番面白かったこと」とも表現できると思います。 What was the funniest thing that happened today? 「今日何が一番面白かった?」
Tomoko Goto 「使える英語ドットコム」、日英通訳・翻訳、写真家
  • What made your day today?

make one's day というイディオムは、何かのモノや人が「とても幸せな気持ちにしてくれる」「最高の一日にする」といった意味合いです。 日本語には訳しづらいですが、こういう表現を使えるとカッコイイですよね。 What made your day today? 今日あった素晴らしい出来事は何?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • What did you enjoy the most today.

  • What made you happy today.

If you ask your children these questions they will like you can about them and you interested about their day. *What did you enjoy the most today.- This means you would like to know what stood out or what made their day extra special on that. For example: You:What did you enjoy the most today. Child: You won't believe this mummy. I was chosen to be in soccer team today. I am really happy and we have our first match next weekend. You are coming right?
これらの質問を子供にすると、その日に最も楽しかったことなど答えてくれます。 *What did you enjoy the most today. (今日は何が一番楽しかった?) これは、その日に特別に楽しかった事を知りたいという意味になります。 例 You:What did you enjoy the most today. あなた:今日は何が一番楽しかった? Child: You won't believe this mummy. I was chosen to be in soccer team today. I am really happy and we have our first match next weekend. You are coming right? 子供:信じられないよ、ママ!今日サッカーチームに選ばれたんだよ! とっても嬉しいよ、今週末に最初の試合があるんだよ!来てくれるよね?
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • What did you enjoy doing the most today?

  • What fun thing did you do today?

1. What did you enjoy doing the most today? 2. What fun thing did you do today? Asking any of these questions to a child will prompt them to tell you the thing that they enjoyed doing the most today, the thing that was most fun for them.
1. What did you enjoy doing the most today? (今日は何が一番楽しかったですか?) 2. What fun thing did you do today? (どんな楽しいことを今日はしたんですか?) このように子供に対して質問することで、今日一日の楽しかった出来事を尋ねる事ができます。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • What was the best thing you did today?

  • What did you like doing most today?

If you are pitting a child to sleep and want to ask them what the most fun thing was that day, thenm you could try one of the above example questions. The best = a superlative - nothing is better
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • What was your favorite part of today?

  • What did you like the most about today?

  • What did you enjoy the most about today?

Notice that we can either ask what was their, "favorite,' part of the day, or we can ask what did they, "like," the most. In addition, we can also use the verbs, "to like," and, "to enjoy," interchangeably to have the same meaning.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • What did you enjoy most about the day today?

  • What made you very happy today?

1. What did you enjoy most about the day today? A fun activity is an enjoyable one so this question is very clear and unambiguous. 2. What made you very happy today? Having fun and enjoying oneself makes you very happy so your child will immediately be able to interpret this question correctly as one which asks what he did for fun.
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • What was the funnest part of your day?

  • When did you have the most fun today?

  • What was your favorite part of today?

Although it might not be taught in formal English second language lessons, the word 'funnest' is a correct superlative adjective in modern English and can be used to ask a question about what is/was the 'most fun' as in - "What was the funnest part of your day?". Another way to ask this question to ask for a time - for example - "When did you have the most fun today?" We also do use other words to ask about 'fun' times with phrases such as "What was your favorite part of today?". If you are asking a young child, they are most likely going to tell you about the funnest part of their day!
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • What was the best part of your day?

  • What was the most fun thing you did today?

  • Tel me one thing you won't forget from today.

What was the best part of your day? What was the most fun thing you did today? Tel me one thing you won't forget from today. When you are putting a child to bed and you want to know and ask what the best part of their day was, then you can ask or say one of these three sentences/ questions. I hope this helps. Have a great day. Will
Will Jay DMM英会話講師
  • What was the best thing you did today?

  • What was the best part about today?

The best/ most enjoyable/ funnest. What was the most enjoyable thing you did today? The best - nothing compares to it. Unbeatable moment. A common phrase is ''highlight of your day''. What was the highlight of your day? The highlight was definitely the animals.
Niabh DMM英語講師
  • What was the funnest thing that you did today?

When you ask the question: what was the funnest thing that you did today? You want to find out which activity or thing that they did today which they had the most fun doing. For example: What was the funnest thing that you did today? Playing on the playground after school! I had so much fun!
Logan M DMM英会話講師
  • The highlight of your day?

  • We all had a really fun time, but what was "the highlight of your day"

As ever with the English language... its choices, choices, choices:-) There are lots of ways to ask what was the most enjoyable part of the day?: What was...The best bit /the most fun moment/ or the " Highlight of your day".
英語ですと、さまざまな選択肢があります。一日の中で何が一番楽しかったか聞く方法はたくさんあります。 What was the best bit of your day? What was the most fun moment of your day? What was the hight light of your day? これらは、どれも今日何が一番楽しかった?というフレーズです。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • So what was your favourite part of today?

  • What was the most fun thing you did today?

If you would like to ask a child what their favourite part of the day, you can say something like "What did you do today that you found to be the most fun?". or "So what did you do today that you enjoyed the most?". These are some ways to ask a child what the best part of their day was.
Kharina DMM英会話講師
  • Did you have fun today?

  • What was your most favorite part of the day?

You could use either of the above two questions to ask your child about their day or if they had fun in their day. - Did you have fun today? or - What was your most favorite part of the day?
Robyn K DMM英会話講師
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