In the UK, we do not call private classes for children 'cram school.' Most people would not understand what that is. Schools themselves sometimes run 'booster classes' or 'clubs' after school which may or may not require additional payment.Outside of mainstrem school, if a child needs support in any subject, or is preparing for a specific exam, the options are:
1. Attend formal group classes in the evening run by a college or educational company.
2, Attend group or individual classes run by a private tutor.
3. Employ a tutor to come to your home to teach.
"James attend private classes every eveing."
イギリスでは、子供のプライベートクラスを'cram school.(塾)'と呼びません。
Some kids go to cram school.
'booster classes'(ブースタークラス)もしくは'clubs'(クラブ)を行うことがあります。
1. Attend formal group classes in the evening run by a college or educational company.
2. Attend group or individual classes run by a private tutor.
3. Employ a tutor to come to your home to teach.
"James attends private classes every evening."
cram school = 塾
group class = グループ授業
individual class = 個人クラス
tutor = 家庭教師
*This is a cram school - these are most popular in Asian countries rather than Western countries (though they do still exist) where they help you cram in lots of revision for exams for usually, a high price.
*A private school - this is a school where you pay tuition fees. In most countries around the world they are called this.
*A public school - in the UK schools where you pay tuition fees used to be called public schools- some of the older generation still refer to them as this.
Hope this helps! ^ ^
*This is a cram school
*A private school - [授業料](を払う学校です。世界中の多くの国ではこう呼ばれています。
*A public school - イギリスでは 授業料を払う学校はpublic schoolsと呼ばれていました。昔の人の中には塾をこう呼ぶ人もいます。
▪Private extra classes.
Private= quiet and free from people who may interrupt.
Extra=added to an existing or usual amount or number.
▪After school extra lessons
After school is indicating that it happens after the normal school day.
▪Private extra classes.
Private= 静かで他人に邪魔をされない
▪After school extra lessons
"After school"とは放課後の事です。
塾や学習塾は英語でcram schoolとよく訳されています。
Many Japanese students begin attending cram schools in middle school.
Students usually go to cram school after their regular school, or on weekends.
Cram schools are particularly rough for high school students, because they are studying for the university entrance exams.
In the UK private tutors teach small groups or one-to-one lessons, usually after school or on the weekends. They can be fairly expensive, but they are very popular.
They are not primarily run by schools, instead they are run by separate companies who employ teachers. The other main alternative is a freelance teachers that work independently, and host their own lessons.
In Japan, these institutions are known as cram schools. The main purpose of the cram school is to help prepare students to get into University or should they fail entrance exam first time, often many students go to cram school to make up what they lost or to give students another chance. Classes generally consist of small groups so not as crowded as what a high school class would be
Private schooling outside of the regular school curriculum in the U.S. is usally known as private tutoring. If it is done in a classroom setting it is known as private after-school schooling.
After school- this is a common English term to describe lessons that take place after 'normal' school. These are usually classes that you have to pay for and can be academic (maths, languages, science, history etc.) or art or craft based (art, crafts, music, technology). Often available to young learners
Private tuition- a general term used to describe any kind of class that you have to pay for. Tuition- another word for 'teaching'.
Extra classes- this is another general term used to describe classes or lessons you have 'in addition' (extra) to your normal lessons. These can be paid or free but usually cost money if they are given by a private teacher.
「塾」は日本の英語教材に「cram school」という言い方に翻訳されていますが、(イギリス人の)私はこの表現を使いません。「cram school」はもしかすると通じない可能性があります。
「extra tuition」や「private tuition」、「evening classes for extra tuition」などの表現の方が自然ですしネイティブに通じると思います。
Many Japanese students have extra tuition at private schools in the evenings.
Did you have extra tuition when you were a high school student?
I don’t want my children to go to a “cram school”.
What is “cram school”?
*Private college - is a school/college that offers holiday lessons or extra lessons to students that are preparing for exams. The teachers/tutors specialise on exam answering techniques or critical exam topics. It accepts students from any school and they group them accordingly.
cram school
I have to go to cram school after this.
I go to cram school every day.