Can you help me find some medicine for my stomach?
I might have food poisoning.
I have heart burn.
I feel bloated.
I feel nauseated.
お薬ですが、薬局の市販薬のことをover the counter medicine 医師から処方箋をもらって薬局で処方してもらう薬をprescription / prescription medicineと言います。
My stomach doesn't feel too right. Do you have any stomach medications?
There isn't one word that describes medication for the stomach and so simply say "stomach medication" and at that point your doctor or pharmacist will ask you further questions on what you're feeling as there are different stomach medications for different types of pains you are experiencing like heartburn, bloating, diarrhea and nausea.
Hope this helps!
胃薬(medication for the stomach)を表す単語は英語にはありません。シンプルに「stomach medication」と言いましょう。またその時には医者や薬剤師から詳しく症状について聞かれると思います。胸やけ(heartburn)、おなかの張り(bloating)、下痢(diarrhea)、吐き気(nausea)など、痛みに応じていろいろな胃薬があるからです。
These terms are used to describe medicine used for stomachaches, heartburn, indigestion and things of that nature. In serious cases, one should see a doctor.
1. stomach medicine/medication - medication to treat nausea, indigestion, vomiting, or general dis-ease in the stomach.
2. tummy medicine - same as above, using a less formal word for "stomach"
3. Pepto Bismol - a specific brand of stomach medicine sold in the United States. This is commonly sold in drug stores and sold without a prescription.
You can first ask, "Do you have any medicine for the stomach?" Antiemetic medicine is if you feel sick or nauseous but you do not want to vomit. Antidiarrheal medicine is to help relieve acid in your stomach and prevent diarrhea. Sometimes you need to ask questions about stomach medicine depending on whether you want to prevent pain, diarrhea, vomiting, or another problem. When the pharmacist tells you what medicine they have for the stomach it is best to study the brand name to see if the medicine is right for your stomach problems.
まず、Do you have any medicine for the stomach?(胃薬はありますか?)と聞くことができます。
Antiemetic medicine(制吐薬)は、気持ち悪い(吐き気がする)が、吐きたくない場合です。
Antidiarrheal medicine(下痢止め薬)は、胃酸を抑えるのを助け、下痢を防ぎます。痛みを抑えたいのか、下痢なのか、嘔吐なのか、などによって、胃薬について質問する必要がある場合があります。
旅先がアメリカでしたら、Pepto-Bismol という市販の胃腸薬の名前を言うと伝わると思います。ピンクのドロドロとした見た目にはビックリすると思いますが、長年知られている有名な薬です。日本でいう正露丸的な存在でしょうか。
Do you have any Pepto-Bismol?
Do you have anything similar to Pepto-Bismol?