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この長い髪の毛は誰のよ!! (奥さん、彼女に長い女性の髪の毛を発見されるシチュエーション) 一本だけ白髪があるよ 一本の髪の毛さえあれば犯人を特定できる手掛かりになる。 髪の毛の数え方がよくわかりません 動物の毛の数え方もご教授ください
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2017/10/28 22:57
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  • A single hair

  • Multiple hairs

It is nearly impossible to count every hair, but it looks like you want to know how to identify one hair or many hairs. One of the easiest ways to do this is by referring to "one" hair as "A single" hair. "There was a single hair found in the car." "At the crime scene, the detectives could not find a single hair." When referring to more than one hair you could say "multiple" or "many" hairs. "The crime scene staff found multiple hairs, but none were the victims." "Why are there so many hairs on the sink?" So to count hair, you can use many, multiple, several, etc.
すべての髪を数えるのはほとんど不可能に近いが、1本の髪や多くの髪を何と数えるのか知りたいようですね。 最も簡単な方法の一つは一本の髪を A single hairということでしょう。 "There was a single hair found in the car." ー車で一本の髪の毛を見つけた。 "At the crime scene, the detectives could not find a single hair." ーこの犯罪現場では、その探偵は1本の髪も見つけられなかった。 より多くの髪を指すとき、"multiple" や "many" hairsと言えます。 "The crime scene staff found multiple hairs, but none were the victims." ーこの犯罪現場のスタッフは複数の髪の毛を発見したが、どれも被害者のものではなかった。 "Why are there so many hairs on the sink?" ー何でシンクにそんなにたくさんの髪の毛があるの? ということで髪を数えるには many, multiple, severalなどが使えます。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • A strand of hair

---> A strand of something such as hair, wire, or thread is a single thin piece of it. She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes.
---> 髪や針金、または糸のような何かの”A strand of”とは、それの細い1本のことを指します。 例文 She tried to blow a gray strand of hair from her eyes. ー彼女は目から一筋の灰色の髪を吹き飛ばそうとした。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • Hair = a single piece of hair

  • A strand = A single piece of hair that is thin

  • A lock of hair = a small piece of hair

A forelock = the part of your hair that falls on your forehead. a curl = a section of hair that grows in the shape of a curve A head of hair = all the hair on one's head A mane = a thick growth of long hair on a person's head Ringlet = a piece of long hair that falls down in soft curls A bristle = short, stiff hair (as in a man's beard) Tress = one long piece of a lady's hair A tuft = many pieces of hair Mop = a lot of messy hair on one's head that looks like a mop Bald = having no hair on one's head (a bald patch)
"A forelock =おでこにかかっている部分の髪の毛 a curl = 曲がって伸びている髪 A head of hair = 人の頭にある全ての髪 A mane = 人の頭にあるふさふさと長く伸びた毛。 Ringlet = 柔らかいカールで伸びている長い髪の一部 A bristle = 短くて硬い毛(男性のヒゲのように) Tress = 女性の髪のひとふさ A tuft = 多くのまとめた髪 Mop = モップのような多くてめちゃくちゃな髪 Bald = 人の頭に髪がないこと
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • A strand of hair.

  • A single hair

▪ A strand of hair. A strand of hair is a single hair. ▪ A single hair A single hair is one piece of hair. Example sentences a. A detective found an unknown single white hair at the room b. There is 1 strand of hair. It would be an important clue in order to find the criminal
▪ A strand of hair. A strand of hair とは、1本の髪の毛のこと。 ▪ A single hair A single hairは1つの髪の毛のこと。 例文です。 a. A detective found an unknown single white hair at the room 探偵はその部屋で不明な1本の白い髪の毛を見つけた。 b. There is 1 strand of hair. It would be an important clue in order to find the criminal 1本の髪の毛がある。 それは犯人を見つけるための重要な手がかりの一つになるだろう。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • He found a strand of hair.

  • They also found some fur on the couch.

The plural term for hair remains hair. *He found a strand of hair.- We count hair by using "strand". So we can say two strands of hair. *They also found some fur on the couch.- Animals' hair is called fur. However we cannot say one fur,two fur. You can mention whether it was a lot or too little.
hairの複数形はhairのままです。 *He found a strand of hair. - 私たちは"strand"を使って髪を数えます。 なので、two strands of hairということができます。 *They also found some fur on the couch. - 動物の毛はfurと呼ばれます。 しかしone fur,two furと数えることはできません。 a lot(多い)やtoo little(とても少ない)のようにいうことができます。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • A hair

  • A strand of hair

  • A sample of hair

You could also have a' piece of hair' or a 'clump of hair.' However these two terms are not very precise. A 'piece of hair' could vary from being just one hair, to being a ball of hair - or even hair attached to a section of scalp. Because hair is both singular and plural, the meaning is sometimes unclear. However, a clump of hair would always be at least a few connected hairs. A strand of hair could refer to a number of hairs growing together or indeed, one single hair. It just means something which is 'thin.' "He reached towards her and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes." If there is one hair alone, it is just called 'a hair.' If there are a few, then they are 'hairs.' "The hairs on his chin were still noticeable after shaving."
piece of hair'や'clump of hair'ということもあります。しかし、この2つの表現はあまり正確ではありません。'piece of hair'は、一本の髪の毛から、髪の毛の塊、頭皮にくっついたままの髪の毛も指します。髪の毛は単数形と複数形の両方で使われるので、時に意味が曖昧です。一方で、clump of hairは、数本重なった髪の毛ということです。 strand of hairは、一緒に伸びた髪の毛の房のことを言うこともありますし、もちろん髪の毛一本ということも在り得ます。これは、細いものを意味します。 "He reached towards her and brushed a strand of hair from her eyes." (彼は彼女に近づいて、まつ毛を払いのけた。) 1本の毛であれば、単に'a hair'と呼ばれます。複数であれば、'hairs'です。 "The hairs on his chin were still noticeable after shaving." (彼の顎髭は、剃った後もまだ見える。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • A strand of hair

  • A bunch of hair

  • A head of hair

The proper and correct term for one single hair is a 'strand' of hair. A bunch of hair is several strands. All of your hair is referred to as a 'head of hair'.
髪の毛1本の正しい適切な言い方は、a strand of hairです。 a bunch of hairは、いくつか束になったものです。 a head of hairは、頭にある髪の毛全部です。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • strand of hair

  • a single strand of hair

"strand of hair" is how we count a singular piece of hair.
「strand of hair」は、髪の毛1本の数え方です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • strand

  • hair

  • 1 strand of hair

1本の髪の毛いはa strand of hairと言います。 この長い髪の毛は誰のよ!!Whose strand of hair is this!? 一本だけ白髪があるよ I only have one grey (strand of) hair. 一本の髪の毛さえあれば犯人を特定できる手掛かりになる。They can identify a thief from a single strand of hair. ご参考にしていただければ幸いです。
  • a hair

  • a strand of hair

When you are referring to a single piece of hair, especially from a person's head, there are two ways to talk about them. You can either say for example: "I found a hair." or "I found a strand of hair." Both of these correct. I hope that this helps! :)
髪の毛1本、特に人間の髪の毛について言うなら、これは二通りの言い方があります。 例えば、 "I found a hair."(1本の髪の毛を見つけた) または "I found a strand of hair."(1本の髪の毛を見つけた) のように言えます。どちらも正しいです。 参考になれば幸いです!
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
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