世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/10/30 11:06
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  • I've got something to tell you.

  • I want to tell you something.

  • Can I tell you something?

I've got something to tell you. あなたに[言いたいことがあります。]( I want to tell you something. あなたに言いたいことがあります。 Can I tell you something? 聞いてほしいことがあります。 ---------------------------------------- どれも変わりなく使えます。 tell you somethingは、何か[文句を言いたい](ときにも 使えるので、笑顔で言いましょう笑 I've got は、I have と同じ意味ですが、 「今言いたい」という雰囲気が出ると思います。 参考にしていただけましたら幸いです。
TAKIKO 英会話講師
  • I have exciting news to share with you.

  • I have something exciting to tell you.

  • I am excited to tell you what happened today.

When something is exciting, it means it makes us feel enthused or happy. Usually "news" is important information about the world that is published or broadcasted by journalists. But news can also be information that was not previously known by the other person. When we have very exciting information about an event that has happened, we might call it "exciting news". For example "I have exciting news—I passed my exam!"
「exciting」は「(物事が)[興奮させる](、ワクワクさせる」という意味です。 「news(ニュース、[知らせ](」は普通は、ジャーナリストによって発表、報道される世の中についての重要な情報を言いますが、「相手の知らない情報」も表します。 「ワクワクするような知らせ」は「exciting news」と表せます。 例文 "I have exciting news—I passed my exam!" (すごいニュースがあります。試験に合格しました)
Erin J DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher, I have something great to tell you!

  • Teacher, I have some wonderful news!

  • Teacher, do you want to hear something amazing!?

All of these expressions can be told to your teacher to let them know you have something to tell them in an exciting manner.
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • I am bursting to tell you...

  • Something happened ...and I am bursting to tell you!

I am bursting to tell you is an IDIOM and signifies the overwhelming urge to speak.... or explode with excitement ;-D "Something happened ...and I am bursting to tell you!"
"I am bursting to tell you"(伝えたい事があるのですが)は話したくてしょうがない衝動や興奮を表す、イディオムです。 例文: "Something happened and I am bursting to tell you!" (あることが起きて、伝えたくてしょうがないです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Teacher, you better get ready to hear what I have to say.

  • You would believe what I have got to tell you teacher.

  • I have something to tell you that you have never hear of before in your life.

There are many ways of creating excitement in conversations. Tone of voice, body language to an extent and facial expression add to level of excitement you portray. Idioms can also be used to express excitement : I am pumped about it. I feel over the moon. I am buzzing about the new student. I hope this helps in many ways.
会話の中でワクワク感を作る方法は、沢山あります。声のトーン、ボディーランゲージの度合い、顔の表情を付け足すことで、表現するワクワク度が増します。 イディオムもまた、ワクワク感を表現するために使われます。 I am pumped about it. (興奮している) I feel over the moon. (非常に幸せです) I am buzzing about the new student.(新入生が入ってきて、とても興奮してます) 多くの使い方で、お役に立てれば幸いです。
Joey B DMM英会話講師
  • You'll never guess what happened!

  • Guess what!

  • I've got something extraordinary to tell you!

These kind of comments are known as 'teasers' as they give a bare indication that something interesting is going to follow.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am really pleased to tell you that...

  • Dear teacher, I have some exciting news to share today.

  • Dear teacher ,I have some suprising and exciting news for today.

There are many ways to convey that you have exciting news to share. You may say; I am really pleased to tell you that... Dear teacher, I have some exciting news to share today. Dear teacher, I have some surprising and exciting news to share today. Dear teacher, today I have some wonderful news I'd like to share with you. Could I share some wonderful news with you before we start?
人に伝えたいわくわくするニュースがあることを言う表現はたくさんあります。 I am really pleased to tell you that... ~をあなたに話すのがすごくうれしく思っています。 Dear teacher, I have some exciting news to share today. 先生、今日は話したいわくわくするニュースがあります。 Dear teacher, I have some surprising and exciting news to share today. 先生、今日はシェアしたい驚くような、わくわくするニュースがあります。 Dear teacher, today I have some wonderful news I'd like to share with you. 先生、今日、シェアしたいすごいニュースがあります。 Could I share some wonderful news with you before we start? 始める前にすごいニュースをシェアしてもいいですか?
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • There's something I would like to tell you that happened today

  • Today something very exciting happened and I'd like to tell you about it.

  • I got exciting news today

When you want to tell your teacher about something exciting that happened, then you can say: -There's something I would like to tell you that happened today -Today something very exciting happened and I'd like to tell you about it. -I got exciting today...
先生に楽しい出来事について伝えたい時は、こんな言い方ができます: There's something I would like to tell you that happened today. (今日面白いことがあったんです。) Today something very exciting happened and I'd like to tell you about it. (今日、とても面白いことがあって、是非あなたに伝えたいです。) I got excited today... (今日は面白いことがありました・・・)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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