(A) I recommend using rice bran and rice scrub for skin treatment and whitening effect.
(B) In Japan we have been using rice bran and rice scrub since ancient times as a prevention of sun-related skin damage.
(A) I recommend using rice bran and rice scrub for skin treatment and whitening effect.
To recommend 動詞ing形 /to recommend that = ~するのを勧める
例:I recommend that you watch English movies without Japanese subtitles.
Rice bran= 米ぬか
Rice scrub= 米スクラブ
Whitening effect= 美白効果
(B) In Japan we have been using rice bran and rice scrub since ancient times as a prevention of sun-related skin damage.
Since ancient times = 古来より
Prevention= 予防、阻止
Sun-related = 日光に関連した
Skin damage= 肌のダメージ