世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/03 12:19
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  • She was treated with the utmost attention and care

  • She was made extremely welcome and treated with the greatest care and attention

  • She was treated like a queen

She was treated with the utmost attention and care- Utmost means with the greatest of something. She was made extremely welcome and treated with the greatest care and attention- This could also refer to hospitality- the way someone is welcomed and treated whilst in the care of someone else. Treated like a queen is a phrase used to express the way someone is looked after and treated with exceptional care.
例文 She was treated with the utmost attention and care 彼女は最高のおもてなしで迎えられた。 Utmostは最高の物(こと)でという意味です。 例文 She was made extremely welcome and treated with the greatest care and attention 彼女は大歓迎され、最高のおもてなしを受けた。 この文も、歓迎のされ方、応対の仕方という、おもてなしについて表すことができます。 Treated like a queen(女王のように扱われる)は、格別の好待遇でもてなされたということを表現する際に使われます。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • 1. She was welcomed with open arms.

  • 2. They attended to her every need.

1. We use this phrase to express that the person was greeted nicely and very welcoming. We say ‘with open arms’ because it is implies ‘with a hug’, which is a friendly gesture and makes someone feel welcome. 2. This means that she was treated really well and helped her with whatever she needed or what they thought she needed in order to make her stay comfortable.
1. 丁寧な挨拶など、暖かく歓迎された事を表現するフレーズです。 友好的に誰かを迎え入れるときに、‘with a hug’(抱擁)を同じ意味合いの‘with open arms’ (両手を広げて)という言い方をします。 2. このフレーズでは、彼女が快適に過ごすために必要なサポートがあり、手厚くそして気配りの行き届いたもてなしをした事を意味します。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • She received an enthusiastic reception

  • She received a very warm welcome

  • She was given the VIP treatment wherever she went

Generally, if someone receives an enthusiastic reception, it means that their visit was welcomed and appreciated. Similarly: "She received a very warm welcome," means that people encountering her possibly applauded, or made her feel very welcome. Probably the best way to describe exceptionally good service towards her would be to mention "VIP treatment."
一般的に誰かが`an enthusiastic reception`(熱烈な歓迎)を受けた場合、 その訪問が非常に喜ばしいものであること意味します。 同様に"She received a very warm welcome"のフレーズでは、 彼女を見かけた人々が拍手して喜ぶなどの手厚い歓迎をしたことがを想像できます。 おそらく、どれだけ彼女を行き届いたサービスで迎え入れたかを表現する最良の言葉は "VIP treatment."(VIP待遇)でしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • She received the best welcome and excellent hospitality here!

  • She was entertained really well here.

  • She couldn't have asked for better treatment here.

Explanation: If someone is treated well or treated to a 'very high standard'...they have received a warm welcome and have been given the best services in a country. A warm welcome is extended to the person that gives them a sense of well-being and belonging. Hospitality includes food, drink, entertainment, etc. (that the country offers a person in this case). To entertain someone is to help them enjoy themselves . Can't ask for more - Can be said when everything is perfect, and there is no more that the person desires to have.
説明: 'very high standard'.(非常に高い水準)での扱いを受けるという事は...その人物は人々から温かく迎え入れられ、 その国での最高のもてなしを受けたことを意味します。 温かい歓迎を受けた側は幸福感や帰属意識までも感じる事ができるでしょう。 Hospitality の語彙には、(この場合は国が迎え入れた人に)食事や飲み物、娯楽などを提供する意味を含みます。 To entertain someone -誰かを楽しませるという意味。 Can't ask for more - 全てが完璧でそれ以上望むものが無いという意味。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • She was treated extremely well.

  • She got the best of everything.

▪ She was treated extremely well. Extremely = to a very great degree This means that she got the best treatment. ▪ She got the best of everything. This indicates that she was treated with only the best. Example sentences a. When Ivanka Trump visited Japan, she was treated extremely well. b. Ivanka Trump visited Japan and only received the best of everything.
・She was treated extremely well. Extremely =程度が非常に大きいこと。 これは、彼女が申し分ない待遇を受けたことを表します。 ・She got the best of everything. 彼女が最上級のもてなしを受けたことを意味します。 例文: a. When Ivanka Trump visited Japan, she was treated extremely well. (a. イヴァンカ・トランプが来日した際、彼女は申し分ない待遇を受けました) b. Ivanka Trump visited Japan and only received the best of everything. (b. イヴァンカ・トランプは日本を訪問し、最上級のもてなしを受けました)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • She was treated with great care and attention

  • She was treated like a queen when she visited

If someone came to visit and she was treated to the best level then you can say 'with great care and attention' this means that she was well looked after We have a saying in the UK 'to be treated like a queen' meaning you are very well looked after and want for nothing and with excepetional care
訪問してきた人が最高レベルのもてなしを受けたのなら、'with great care and attention'が使えます。これは、好待遇を受けたことを表します。 イギリスには、'to be treated like a queen'(女王のように扱われる)という表現があります。これは、非常に良い待遇を受けて、あらゆることを世話してもらうことを表します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "This person was welcomed with open arms"

  • "She was treated extremely well"

In order to explain that an individual was treated very well, you could state "This person was welcomed with open arms". This means that no one made this persons time difficult and they had a pleasant experience whilst visiting. You could also simply state something such as, "She was treated extremely well".
誰かがとても良い扱いを受けたことを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "This person was welcomed with open arms" (この人は大歓迎されました) この文は、その人が滞在中みんなから歓迎され楽しい時間を過ごしたことを表します。 また、シンプルに次のように言うこともできます。 "She was treated extremely well". (彼女はとても良い扱いを受けました)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • They were given the VIP treatment.

  • They had all of their needs attended to.

To say that someone was given the VIP (Very Important Person) treatment means that they were treated very well. In America, those who are considered VIP's are given the best treatment. To say that someone's needs were attended to, means that they received everything that they wanted or needed.
"Someone was given the VIP (Very Important Person) treatment" で「~は非常に良い扱いを受けた」という意味になります。アメリカでは "VIP"(重要人物)は最高の扱いを受けます。 "Someone's needs were attended to" は、欲しいもの、必要なものが全て与えられたことを表します。
Mick J DMM英会話講師
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