世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/03 21:30
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  • His head was in the way!

  • His head was blocking my view!

  • I couldn't see very well because of the person in front of me

Yes, sometimes your view may be blocked because someone in front of you is rather tall, or has a long back. There is nothing to be done in this situation other than change seats if possible. You may explain after the show:I couldn't see very well because of the person in front of me."
はい、前にいる人が背が高かったり、 背中が大きいと視界が遮られることがあります。 この状況では、可能であれば 席を変える以外できることは ありません。 ショーの後でこのように説明できます。 例文 I couldn't see very well because of the person in front of me." 私の前の人のせいで、よく見えなかった。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I could not see the stage clearly because the head of the person sitting in front of me was in the way.

  • The person sitting in front of me had his head in the way so I couldn't see the show well!

  • His head was in the way of my view so I couldn't see the show well.

When something is "in the way" it means that it is making a hindrance or obstacle to a movement or action. In our case, the man's head was "in the way", so his head was being an obstacle to a clear view of the show.
in the wayとは、その瞬間、もしくは何か行動している最中に、障害となるものがあるということです。 この場合、男の人の頭が"in the way"だったのですから、男の人の頭がそのショーを遮る障害物となってしまったということです。
Anders DMM英会話講師
  • His head is in the way!

  • His head's blocking my view.

  • He's blocking the entire stage!

Sentence examples: I could not see a thing on the stage with his head in the way! It was so hard to watch the performance with that man's head blocking my view. Tall people like him should be made to sit at the back. He is in my way and blocking off the stage completely.
例文 I could not see a thing on the stage with his head in the way! 彼の頭が邪魔で、ステージの様子が 見えなかった。 It was so hard to watch the performance with that man's head blocking my view. あの男の人の頭が視界を遮っているので ショーがとても見づらかった。 Tall people like him should be made to sit at the back. He is in my way and blocking off the stage completely. 彼みたいに背が高い人は後ろに座らせるべきだ。 彼が邪魔で、ステージが全く見えない。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • His head was blocking my view and I could not properly see the show.

  • His head was right in the way and I couldn't see the show.

  • My view was blocked by his head and I couldn't enjoy the show.

If the seats of a theater are not arranged in such a way that people do not block each other, it happens that if the person sitting in front of you may block your view if he has a big head. In such a case, you may not enjoy the show because of not having a good view. So, after the show, you may say: His head was blocking my view and I could not properly see the show. or His head was right in the way and I couldn't see the show. or My view was blocked by his head and I couldn't enjoy the show.
もし映画館の席が、人が人を遮らないように配置されていないとき、大きい人の頭などで視界が遮られてしまうことがあります。  His head was blocking my view and I could not properly see the show. 彼の頭が視界を遮っていて、ショーがしっかり見えない。   His head was right in the way and I couldn't see the show. 彼の頭が邪魔で、ショーを見ることができなかった。   My view was blocked by his head and I couldn't enjoy the show. 彼の頭に遮られて、ショーを楽しむことができなかった。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I wasn't able to see the show because a person's head was in the way.

  • A person's head was blocking my view of the stage/show.

You can use the phrase "blocking" when talking something being in your way. "A person's head was blocking my view of the stage/show."
"blocking" は、妨害する物について使うことができます。 "A person's head was blocking my view of the stage/show." (人の頭が邪魔でステージ/ショーがよく見えなかった)
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I couldn't see the stage well due to the person's head in front of me

  • HIs/her head was in the way!

  • The person in front of me was blocking my view

When you are sitting trying to watch something the person in front of you might get in the way and you can't see as well this is also called 'blocking your view' To explain someones head was in the way and you couldn't see well then you can simply say 'his/her head was in the way!'
座って何かを見ているとき、前の人が邪魔でよく見えないことがあるかもしれません。これは 'blocking your view' と表せます。 人の頭が邪魔でよく見えなかったなら、シンプルに 'His/her head was in the way!'(彼/彼女の頭が邪魔だった)と言えます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I wasn't able to see them, as the guy in-front of me was blocking my view.

  • The guy in front of me was blocking my view, so I could not see them very well.

I wasn't able to see them, as the guy in-front of me was blocking my view. - this just explains why you were not able to see the performers on stage. The guy in front of me was blocking my view, so I could not see them very well. - this one does the same thing, just provides a different wording of the scenario.
I wasn't able to see them, as the guy in-front of me was blocking my view.(前の男の人が邪魔で見えなかった) - これは、ステージ上の人がよく見えなかった理由を伝えます。 The guy in front of me was blocking my view, so I could not see them very well.(前の男の人が邪魔でよく見えませんでした) - これは上の例と同じ意味ですが、言い方を変えています。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • The person in front of me was blocking my view.

  • I had an obstructed view because of the person in front of me.

  • It was hard to see because someone tall was sitting in front of me.

When someone "blocks you view" they are between you and what you want to see. This is the same as an "obstructed view". This means you view is blocked by an obstruction (the head of the person in front of you). If something is "hard to see", you can't see it easily. This is the same as "difficult to see" but is a bit more casual.
"blocks my view" は、それが自分と自分の見たい物の間にあることを表します。"obstructed view" も同じです。これは、自分の "view"(視界)が "obstruction"(障害物→前の人の頭)によって遮られているということです。 "hard to see" は「見えにくい」という意味です。これは "difficult to see" と同じ意味ですが、"hard to see" の方がカジュアルです。
Peter E DMM英会話講師
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