世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/06 22:33
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  • There is an equal amount of boys and girls, in my class.

  • Half of my class is made up of boys.

  • The other half of my class is made up of girls.

"There is an equal amount of boys and girls, in my class." - 'Equal' means being the same in quantity. Therefore, in the sentence, you are saying that there is the same amount of boys and girls. Example: "There are 10 boys and 10 girls, in my class." "Half of my class is made up of boys. The other half is made up of girls." - Once again this sentence means that there is an equal amount of boys and girls in the class.
例文 "There is an equal amount of boys and girls, in my class." 私のクラスでは、男女の数は同じだ。 'Equal' は数が同じだという意味です ですからこの文では、男女の数が同じだと 言っています。 例文 "There are 10 boys and 10 girls, in my class." 私のクラスでは、男の子が10人、女の子が10人です。 "Half of my class is made up of boys. The other half is made up of girls."" 私のクラスの半分は男の子です。もう半分は女の子です。 この文も、男の子と女の子が同じ数だけクラスにいることを意味しています。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • My class is half boys and half girls.

  • Half of my class is girls.

When wanting to explain that your class is half girls and half boys, you can say "My class is half boys and half girls."
クラスの半分が男子で半分が女子だということは、以下のように説明できます。 【例文】 "My class is half boys and half girls." [訳]私のクラスは半分男子で半分女子です
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We have 50% boys and 50% girls in my class.

  • the ratio of boys to girls is 1 to 1 (or 1:1)

  • The number of boys out of the total number of students is 25/50 (where 25 is the number of boys and 50 is the total number of students in the classroom)

There is an equal number of boys and girls in my class. We have as many girls in my class as there are boys. Exactly half of our class is boys (girls). For every girl in the classroom, there is a boy!
例文 There is an equal number of boys and girls in my class. 私のクラスでは男女の人数は同じです。 We have as many girls in my class as there are boys. 私のクラスでは男女の人数は同じです。 Exactly half of our class is boys (girls). クラスのちょうど半分が男子 (女子)です。 For every girl in the classroom, there is a boy! クラスで、女の子1人に男の子が 1人います。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Our class is 50% boys

  • Our class is 50% girls

  • There are no more boys than girls in my class

Well, there are so many ways to say that the gender split of your class is totally equal! The sexes may be equally represented in your class which means that there was no gender bias whatsoever in the acceptance of boy and girl students. If half the class is female and the other half of the class is represent by male students, then neither boys nor girls hold a majority in the class.
クラスの男女差が完全に 同じであるということを 表現する方法はたくさん あります。 例文 The sexes may be equally represented in your class あなたのクラスでは、男女は完全に同数です。 この文は男女の生徒の受け入れに関して 性差による差は全くないということです。 クラスの半分が女の子で、残りの半分が 男の子であるのなら、男女のどちらも クラスで多数を占めていないということです。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • There is an equal number of boys and girls in my class.

  • My class has an equal number of boys and girls.

おっしゃられている内容は以下のようにも表現できると思いましたm(__)m There is an equal number of boys and girls in my class. 「私のクラスには同じ数の男の子と女の子がいます」 My class has an equal number of boys and girls. 「私のクラスは同じ数の男の子と女の子を持っている」 どちらもクラスに男女が半々いる ということを表します。 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*) ★★大阪カフェレッスン英会話講師KOGACHI
  • Being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value..

  • In my class, the number of boys is equal to the number of girls.

The adjective 50% is actually means half of 100%. So, if 50% are boys, then the remaining 50% comprises girls. So, you may say: My class is made up of, 50% boys and 50% girls. In the second sentence, you have used the word 'equal' which functions as an adjective, a noun, and a verb. In this case, it has been used as an adjective. The adjective 'equal' has several meanings, but, in this context,, it means 'being the same in quantity, size, degree, or value.' So, you may say: In my class, the number of boys is equal to the number of girls.
形容詞50%は実際には100%の半分を意味します。 つまり、50%が男の子なら、残りの50%は女の子で構成されてます。 従って、以下の様に言う事ができます: My class is made up of, 50% boys and 50% girls. (私のクラスは50%の男の子と50%の女の子で構成されています) 2番目の文では、形容詞、名詞、動詞として機能する 'equal'(等しい)という単語を使っています。 この文では形容詞として使われます。 形容詞 'equal'にはいくつかの意味がありますが、この文脈では、 「量, 大きさ, 程度, 価値が同じである」という意味です。 以下のような表現ができます: In my class, the number of boys is equal to the number of girls. (私のクラスでは、男女の生徒数が等しいです)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Half of my class is made up of boys while the other half are girls.

  • There is an equal ratio of boys to girls in my class.

ratio - expressed number:number. This is compares the value of one thing to the value of another. A. I always end up with too many girl students in my English class. How is the ratio for you? B. Equal! Half of my class is made up of boys while the other half are girls.
ratio - 「数字:数字」と表現します。これは一つの値と別の値を比較するものです。 【例文】 A. I always end up with too many girl students in my English class. How is the ratio for you?(僕の英語のクラスはいつも最終的に女子生徒が多くなるよ。君の比率はどう?) B. Equal! Half of my class is made up of boys while the other half are girls.(等しいよ!クラスの半分は男子でもう半分は女子だよ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My class is made up of equal amount of boys and girls.

  • Our class is 50% boys and 50% girls.

1. My class is made up of equal amount of boys and girls. If your class is made up of the equal amount of boys and girls, it means that half of the students are boys and half the students are girls. 2. Our class is 50% boys and 50% girls. This is similar to the first example, because 50% always represents half of the whole amount. For example if their are 20 students in the class, 50% boys and 50% girls means that there are 10 boys and 10 girls in the class.
1. My class is made up of equal amount of boys and girls. クラスに男子と女子が等しい人数いる(your class is made up of the equal amount of boys and girls)ということは、クラスの半数が男子生徒で半数が女子生徒だという意味です。 2. Our class is 50% boys and 50% girls. これは最初の例文と同様で、50%は常に全体の半数を表しています。 例えば、クラスに20人生徒がいるとして、50%が男子で50%が女子であれば、クラスに男子が10人、女子も10人いるということになります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • 50% boys and 50% girls

  • Equal amount of girls and boys

  • Half the class consists of boys and the other half are girls

50% boys and 50% girls example sentence: My class is very special because the ratio is 50% girls and 50% boys. Equal amount of girls and boys example sentence: Our class is the only class in the school with equal amount of girls and boys in one classroom. Half the class consists of boys and the other half are girls example sentence: I am happy to be here because half the class consists of boys and the other half are girls.
Joey B DMM英会話講師
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