世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/07 04:03
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  • I worked in Australia for three months as an Intern

  • I spent three months in Australia as an intern

  • I was a TA in Australia for three months

There are lots of ways to explain this experience: I worked in Australia for three months as an Intern I spent three months in Australia as an intern I was a TA in Australia for three months I worked as a TA in Australia as part of an internship TA- Means Teaching assistant.
このことを表現する方法はたくさんあります。 I worked in Australia for three months as an Intern インターンでオーストラリアで3ヶ月間働きました。 I spent three months in Australia as an intern インターンとしてオーストラリアで3ヶ月間過ごしました。 I was a TA in Australia for three months オーストラリアで3ヶ月間教育助手をしていました。 I worked as a TA in Australia as part of an internship インターンシップの一環で、オーストラリアで教育助手として働きました。 TA- 教育助手という意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I was in Australia as an intern for 3 months. I worked as a teacher assistant.

  • I was an intern in Australia for 3 months.

  • As an intern in Australia, I worked as a teacher Assistance for 3 months.

Also, I worked in Australia as a teacher assistant for 3 months during my internship. I was an intern in Australia for 3 months and worked there as a teacher assistant. During my 3 month internship in Australia, I worked as a teacher assistant. I worked for 3 months in Australia as a teacher assist. This was during my internship. I worked as an assistant teacher for 3 months, in Australia, during my internship.
又は 例文 I worked in Australia as a teacher assistant for 3 months during my internship. インターンシップの期間中3ヶ月間オーストラリアで指導教員として働きました。 I was an intern in Australia for 3 months and worked there as a teacher assistant. オーストラリアにインターンで3ヶ月間いて、指導教員として働きました。 During my 3 month internship in Australia, I worked as a teacher assistant. オーストラリアで3ヶ月間のインターンシップの期間中、指導教員として働きました。 I worked for 3 months in Australia as a teacher assist. This was during my internship. オーストラリアで指導教員として3ヶ月間働きました。それはインターンシップの間のことです。 I worked as an assistant teacher for 3 months, in Australia, during my internship. インターンシップの期間中、オーストラリアで3ヶ月間指導教員として働きました。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • I served my three month internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia.

  • I attended an internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia for three months.

The verb to 'serve' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to 'perform duties or services for (another person or an organization)'. So, you may say: I served my three month internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia. or He has served his company very faithfully. The verb to 'attend' has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'go regularly to (a school, church, or clinic)'. So, you may say: I attended an internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia for three months.
"serve"という動詞は意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”(他の人や組織のために) 義務や業務を行う”という意味です。 ですからこう言えます。 例文 I served my three month internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia. オーストラリアの学校で、先生の アシスタントとして3ヶ月間 インターンシップをしました。 He has served his company very faithfully. 彼はとても誠実に会社で働いてきた。 "attend"という動詞は意味がいくつかありますが、 この文章では、”(学校、教会、医者)に 定期的に通う”という意味です。 ですからこう言えます。 例文 I attended an internship as an assistant teacher at a school in Australia for three months. オーストラリアの学校で、先生の アシスタントとして3ヶ月間 インターンシップをしました。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I did an assistant teacher intern in Australia

  • I had a role as assistant teacher during my Australian internship

What a great way to become immersed in a language - place yourself in an academic situation where speaking is taking place throughout the day as a means of imparting knowledge to the students! This is quite an immersive experience and you may explain it by saying: "I had a role as assistant teacher during my Australian internship"
教育に関わる状況に身を置き、学生たちに知識を伝える手段として一日中英語を話すことは、言語にどっぷり浸かるのに何て素晴らしいやり方なんでしょう! これはとても夢中になれる体験なので、こう言って説明することができます。 例文 "I had a role as assistant teacher during my Australian internship" オーストラリアのインターンシップ中に補助教員をしていました。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I worked in Australia as a teacher on a three month internship

  • I had a three month teaching internship in Australia.

"I worked in Australia as a teacher on a three-month internship" This explains that you spent three months in Australia teaching. "I had a three-month teaching internship in Australia." This is another way of explaining you lived in Australia for three months because you had a teaching internship.
"I worked in Australia as a teacher on a three-month internship"という例文について この文は、あなたがオーストラリアで3か月間、先生をやっていたことを説明する文です。 "I had a three-month teaching internship in Australia." という例文について この文は、あなたが先生のインターンシップをやるために、3か月間オーストラリアに住んでいたことを説明する別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I worked in Autralia for 3 months as an intern

  • I spent 3 months in Australia as an intern

  • I worked as a TA in Australia for three months

TA is an abbreviation (shortened word) for teaching assistant an internship is when you go and do work experience for a company or organisation
TA' とは、'teaching assistant'(教育助手)の略です。 'internship' とは、経験を積むために会社や組織で働くことをいいます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I spent three months in Australia as an intern.

  • I went to Australia for three months to work as an intern.

There is no specific way to explain this but we can use various expressions such as: -I spent three months in Australia as an intern. -I went to Australia for three months to work as an intern. -I worked in Australia for three months as an Intern
これについて伝える特定の言い方はありませんが、いろいろな表現が使えます。 例えば: -I spent three months in Australia as an intern. -I went to Australia for three months to work as an intern. -I worked in Australia for three months as an Intern (インターンシップで3カ月間オーストラリアにいました)
Lisa C DMM英会話講師
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