世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




日本人の名前は英語圏の方にとって聞き取りにくい、言いにくい名前が多いと思うので正直に言いにくいか聞いてみたいと思います。 何と聞くのがベストですか?
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2017/11/07 13:51
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  • Is my name difficult to pronounce?

  • How difficult is it to say my name?

names such as 'Popadopolous' or 'Ravcheshenko' may not be easy to pronounce for some people, and if one of those names is yours, you may well be interested to know if someone is having difficulty in pronouncing it. You could say: "Is my name difficult to pronounce?" Or, a more open question would be: "How difficult is it to say my name?"
Popadopolous' or 'Ravcheshenko' のような名前は、人によっては 発音しづらいかもしれません。 もしあなたの名前がこのような 名前であるのなら、人が名前を 発音するのに苦労しているか どうかを知りたいと思うかも しれません。 こう言うことができます。 例文 "Is my name difficult to pronounce?" 私の名前は発音しづらいですか? 又はもっとオープンな質問であれば "How difficult is it to say my name?" 私の名前を言うのはどれくらい 難しい?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Is it a challenge to say my name?

  • Do to find my name difficult to pronounce?

Once you have introduced yourself to your teacher and perhaps she repeats your name but does so incorrectly. Your response could then be one of the above. You could ask "Is it a challenge to say my name?" - 'say my name' is another phrase meaning 'pronounce.'
あなたが先生に自己紹介をすると、先生はおそらくあなたの名前を繰り返すと思いますが、間違えて言うかもしれません。 あなたは上記の表現のいずれかで答えて下さい。こう言うことができます。 例文 "Is it a challenge to say my name?" 私の名前を言うのは難しいですか? ”my name” は 'pronounce'(発音する)の意味の別の表現です。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Is my name hard to say?

  • Do you find my name a challenge to say?

  • Do you find my name hard to pronounce?

Is my name hard to say? Hard means difficult or challenging. Do you find my name a challenge to say? Challenge which is meaning something that is not easy.
例文 Is my name hard to say? 私の名前は言いにくい? Hardは難しい 、困難なという意味です。 Do you find my name a challenge to say? 私の名前は言いにくいと思う? Challengeは簡単ではないということです。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Is my name hard to pronounce?

  • Are you finding it hard to pronounce my name?

  • My name must be hard to pronounce!

Also, You must find it hard to pronounce my name. I'm sure my name is hard to pronounce for you! Tell me, is my name hard to pronounce? Can you tell me if it is hard for you to pronounce my name? Would you be able to tell me if my name is hard to pronounce? I would like to know if my name is hard to pronounce.
又は 例文 You must find it hard to pronounce my name. 私の名前を発音しにくいときっと思うでしょうね。 I'm sure my name is hard to pronounce for you! きっとあなたには私の名前は発音しにくいでしょうね。 Tell me, is my name hard to pronounce? ねえ、私の名前は発音しにくい? Can you tell me if it is hard for you to pronounce my name? 私の名前が発音しにくい教えてくれる? Would you be able to tell me if my name is hard to pronounce? 私の名前が発音しにくいか教えて頂けますか? I would like to know if my name is hard to pronounce. 私の名前が発音しにくいか知りたいです。
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • "a tonque-twister"

  • He is from Polish /Russian descent , his name is a real tongue-twister!

A Tongue any word or phrase that... "we cannot get our tongue around" Its figurartive language and we see a picture in our mind as a result... There are word games designed to test your speaking skills...These are known as "real tongue twisters"...EG Say RED lorry /Yellow lorry 5 times fast... Its a tricky tongue-twister alright;-))
"Tongue Twister"とは "we cannot get our tongue around" (舌を噛みそうな言いにくい)言葉やフレーズの事です。 これは比喩的な表現で頭の中に結果を想像できます。 あなたのスピーキング力をテストするためにデザインされた言葉遊びがあります。 "real tongue twisters"(本当の早口言葉)として知られています。 【早口言葉】 "EG Say RED lorry" (エッグは赤いローリーと言う) "Yellow lorry 5 times fast" (黄色いローリーと5回早く言ってください) これは言いにくい早口言葉です、確かに ;-))
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Is my name hard to say?

  • Is my name difficult to pronounce?

  • Do you think my name is hard to pronounce?

"Is my name difficult to pronounce?" is a way to ask someone if they think that your name is hard say/pronounce.
"Is my name difficult to pronounce?"(私の名前は発音しづらいですか?)は、自分の名前が言いづらい(発音しづらい)かを尋ねる質問です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Is my name hard to pronounce?

  • Is my name difficult to pronounce?

  • Is my name a tongue-twister?

The three sentences provided above are great ways to ask a person if they think your name is difficult to pronounce. In the third sentence you will see the word tongue-twister. A tongue-twister is a name or word that is hard to pronounce. The first two sentences are appropriate for a formal setting while the third sentence is appropriate for an informal setting.
上記の3つの文は、自分の名前が発音しづらいかどうか尋ねる素晴らしい表現です。 3番目の文にtongue-twisterという語があります。tongue-twisterは、発音しづらい名前や言葉を表します。 最初の2つの文はフォーマルな場面に適していて、3番目の文はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Is my name difficult to pronounce?

  • Is my name hard to say?

  • Do you think it's hard to pronounce my name?

When you want to ask someone if they struggle in saying your name correctly, then you can ask them in the following ways: -Is my name difficult to pronounce? -Is my name hard to say? -Do you think it's hard to pronounce my name?
自分の名前が発音しにくいかどうか尋ねたいなら、以下の質問が使えます: Is my name difficult to pronounce? Is my name hard to say? Do you think it's hard to pronounce my name? (私の名前は発音しにくいですか?)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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