世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/21 19:11
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  • Could you put on the subtitles, please?

  • Is it ok to put on the subtitles?

  • Can we watch with subtitles?

「字幕を出す」というのは「put on subtitles」(字幕をつける)と言います。 1番目のCould you put on the subtitles, please?は声調によって少ししつこく聞こえるかもしれません。 より丁寧な頼み方は Is it ok to put on the subtitles? または Can we watch with subtitles?
  • Could you put subtitles on for me?

Subtitleで字幕という意味! ここは単語勝負ですね!あとは上手く文章に盛り込んで下さい!
  • "Can you turn on the subtitles for me?"

  • "Is it alright if we use subtitles while watching this movie?"

  • "I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what the actors are saying. Could you please turn on the subtitles?"

"Can you turn on the subtitles for me?" This is an informal way of asking your host family if they will turn the subtitles on for you. You: "Can you turn on the subtitles for me?" Host Family Member: "Of course! I'd be glad to!" "Is it alright if we use subtitles while watching this movie?" This is a slightly more formal way of asking your host family member if they will turn on the subtitles during the film you are watching. You: "Is it alright if we use subtitles while watching this movie?" Host Family Member: "Definitely! I'll set that up right now!" "I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what the actors are saying. Could you please turn on the subtitles?" This is a more formal way to ask your host family member to turn on the subtitles, while also explaining why you need the subtitles. You: "I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what the actors are saying. Could you please turn on the subtitles?" Host Family Member: "Oh, of course! Just give me one moment, and I'll turn the subtitles on."
Can you turn on the subtitles for me? ホストファミリーに字幕をオンにすることを尋ねる時の丁寧な表現です。 You: ""Can you turn on the subtitles for me?"" 字幕をオンにしてもいいですか? Host Family Member: ""Of course! I'd be glad to!"" もちろん。よろこんで。 Is it alright if we use subtitles while watching this movie? 映画を観ているときに字幕をつけることをホストファミリーに丁寧に尋ねる方法です。 You: ""Is it alright if we use subtitles while watching this movie?"" 映画を観ているときに字幕をつけてもいいですか? Host Family Member: ""Definitely! I'll set that up right now!"" もちろん。今すぐつけましょう。 I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what the actors are saying. Could you please turn on the subtitles?"" 字幕をつける必要がある理由を説明し、ホストファミリーに字幕をつけることを尋ねる丁寧な表現です。 You: ""I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand what the actors are saying. Could you please turn on the subtitles?"" すいません。俳優が言っていることが理解できません。字幕をつけてもいいですか? Host Family Member: ""Oh, of course! Just give me one moment, and I'll turn the subtitles on."" " もちろん。少し待ってください。字幕をつけます。
Miranda Faye DMM英会話講師
  • Could you put some subtitles on for me please?

  • Can you turn the subtitles on?

字幕=subtitles. In this case, 出す should be translated as "put on" or "turn on" instead of "put out," therefore the translation comes out to something like "turn on the subtitles."
字幕=subtitles. この場合 「出す」"put out"ではなく "put on" か "turn on"を使います。"turn on the subtitles"というフレーズを使うといいでしょう。
Glenny B English teacher/Translator/Editor/Content Creator
  • Could we see the subtitles please?

  • Is it possible to see the subtitles please?

  • Would you mind if I saw the subtitles please?

Not every programme has subtitles so you may also ask a conditional question: "If this programme has subtitles, could we see them please?"
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can we watch this movie with subtitles please?

  • Can you turn the subtitles on for this movie?

You can ask in an informal way or formal way depending on your relationship with your host family.
Sophia N DMM英会話講師
  • Can you please put on the subtitles?

You can say : "can you please put on the subtitles?" "I don't understand, please put on the subtitles." "Can we watch with subtitles?"
"can you please put on the subtitles?" 字幕をオンにしてくれませんか? "I don't understand, please put on the subtitles." 理解できないです。字幕を出してください。 "Can we watch with subtitles?" 字幕付きで観てもいいですか?
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • A) Please turn on the subtitles

  • B) Could you turn on the subtitles for me please ?

I do not understand (language ) that will please turn on the subtitles . Could you please turn on the subtitles for me please ? That way i would have a better understanding about what's happening. I hope this helps :-)
I do not understand (language ) that will please turn on the subtitles . 言葉がわからないので、字幕を表示させてくれませんか? Could you please turn on the subtitles for me please ? 字幕を出してくれませんか? 参考になると幸いです。
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to see the subtitles please

  • Is it o.k if we see the subtitles?

  • I was hoping we could see the subtitles

If you are trying to learn a new language, subtitles can help a lot. You can say:- "I'm learning English, and I was hoping we could see the subtitles, please." You can also ask:- 1. Is it o.k we see the subtitles? This is a simple and direct question, asking to see the subtitles. 2. I'd like to see the subtitles please. Hope this helps :)
字幕は新しい言語を学ぶ時に大変重宝します。 これらのフレーズを使えます:- "I'm learning English, and I was hoping we could see the subtitles, please." このような質問を聞けます:- 1. Is it o.k we see the subtitles? This is a simple and direct question, asking to see the subtitles. 2. I'd like to see the subtitles please. 参考になれたら幸いです:)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • Can you turn on the subtitles (for me)?

  • Sorry. I can't understand it without subtitles.

turn onは、「電気製品のスイッチを入れる」という意味全般で広く使われる表現ですので、この場合も使えます。 例)turn on the light/TV/air conditioner「灯り/テレビ/エアコンをつける」 「私のために」を意味するfor meは、短くしたければ、省いても意味は伝わります(^^♪ あとは、Sorry. I can't understand it without subtitles.「ごめん。字幕がないと理解できないんだ」のように言っても、やって欲しいことはくみ取ってもらえるでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです(^^♪
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