世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/07 20:38
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  • Is he getting along well with the other children?

  • Is he getting on with the other children in class?

"Is he getting along well with the other children?" If two or more people get along, they like each other and are friendly to each other: I don't really get along with my sister's husband. Is he getting on with the other children in class? To "get on " is to have a harmonious or friendly relationship. e.g "they seem to get on pretty well"
例文 "Is he getting along well with the other children?" 彼は他の子供達となかよくやっていますか? 2人以上の人が仲良くやっているのであれば, お互いのことが好きで、信頼しています。 例文 I don't really get along with my sister's husband. 私は妹の夫とあまり仲が良くない。 例文 Is he getting on with the other children in class? 彼は他の子供達となかよくやっていますか? To "get on "は、関係が良く、仲が良い ということです。 例文 "they seem to get on pretty well" 彼らはとても仲が良さそうだ。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • How is he around his classmates?

  • Is he getting along with his classmates?

*How is he around his classmates? This is an indirect way of asking. This means that you would like to know how he relates with other classmates and if he needs any help. *Is he getting along with his classmates? To get along means to cope with others. Therefore it means you would like to know if he is coping with his classmates.
例文 How is he around his classmates? 彼は友達とどのようにしていますか? この文は、間接的な質問方法です。 子供と友達との関係がどのような感じなのかそして 何らかの手助けが必要かどうかを知りたいと言うことです。 例文 Is he getting along with his classmates? 彼は友達とうまくやっていますか? To get alongは他人と付き合うということです。 ですから子供が友人と上手くやっているかどうかを知りたいと いうことです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Is my son mixing well with his classmates?

  • Does my son get on well with his peers?

  • Does my son gel well with the other children

To gel = when a group gells, the people in it start to form a good relationship with each other or start working together effectively "We gelled as a group, right away." To get on/along with someone/something = get along. When you get along with someone, you're friendly or compatible with them. A babysitter might promise to take his charges out for ice cream if they can get along with each other for an hour. "Some brothers and sisters get along well, while others fight like cats and dogs."
To gel =グループの人がお互いに良い関係を築き始める又は効率的に一体となって働き始めること。 例文 "We gelled as a group, right away." 私たちはすぐにグループとして仲良くなった。 To get on/along with someone/something =仲良くやっていく。お互いに仲が良く、気が合うこと。 ベビーシッターは、一時間互いにget along出来たら、お駄賃としてアイスクリームをもらうことを約束するかもしれません。 例文 "Some brothers and sisters get along well, while others fight like cats and dogs." とても仲が良い兄弟姉妹もいれば、犬猿の仲の兄弟姉妹もいる。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How does ..... socialise in the class?

  • How is my son getting on with his classmates?

You could ask in various ways how your son may be getting on in the class. For example, 1- What can you tell me about my son's friendships in the class 2- Does....have some good friends in the class? 3-Has......made friends? 4- How does..........get along with his classmates?
息子がクラスで仲良くやっているかどうかを尋ねる方法は様々です。 1- What can you tell me about my son's friendships in the class クラスでの息子の友人について教えて頂けますか? 2- Does....have some good friends in the class? …はクラスで仲の良い友達がいますか? 3-Has......made friends? …は友達が出来ましたか? 4- How does..........get along with his classmates? …はクラスの友達とどのようにしていますか?
Beke DMM英語講師
  • Is my son blending in well with his classmates?

  • How is my son doing in class?

1) Is my son blending in well with his classmates? *blending in well : 「打ち解けている。」という意味です。 *classmates : 英語でそのままクラスメイトという意味です。 2) How is my son doing in class? 直訳すると「息子は普段授業中どうですか?」という風になります。けど英語の言いようではクラスメイトと仲良くやっているか、授業中どういう態度なのかというのが聞けます。
  • Is my son behaving himself around the other classmates?

  • Does my son behave well and get along with the other classmates?

The two sentences you see provided above are terrific ways to ask your son's teacher if he is getting along well with the other classmates. In the each sentence you will notice the word behaving or behave. This verb refers to if we act or conduct ourselves in a correct way This is a word that is common in our everyday conversation and it would make a great addition to your vocabulary.
2例とも、先生に息子さんがクラスメートと仲良くやっているかどうか尋ねる場合に使えます。 例文には"behaving"または"behave"という単語が使われています。これは「振る舞う、行動する」という意味の動詞です。日常会話でよく使われる言葉ですから、語彙に加えておくといいと思います。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • How is my son getting on with his classmates?

  • Is my son getting on well with his classmates?

  • Is my son getting on with the other children?

If you wanted to ask how your son is getting on with his classmates/other children you could use the terms 'How is my son getting on with his classmates/other children?' or 'Is my son getting on with his classmates/other children?' To get on with someone is to be friendly and be nice to each other
息子がクラスメート/他の子供と仲良くやっているか尋ねたいなら、以下の表現が使えます: 'How is my son getting on with his classmates/other children?' (私の息子はクラスメート/他の子供と仲良くやっていますか?) 'Is my son getting on with his classmates/other children?' (私の息子はクラスメート/他の子供と仲良くやっていますか?) 'to get on with someone'は「~と仲良くやっていく」という意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Is he getting along well with his classmates?

  • I'd like to know whether my son is getting along well with his classmates

  • Do you know if my son gels with his classmates?

When you want to ask your son's teacher whether your son gets along with his classmates; then you can say it in the following ways: -Is he getting along well with his classmates? -I'd like to know whether my son is getting along well with his classmates -Do you know if my son gels with his classmates?
息子の先生に、息子がクラスメイトと仲良くやっているか聞きたいときのフレーズです。 -Is he getting along well with his classmates? 彼はクラスメイトと仲良くやっていますか? -I'd like to know whether my son is getting along well with his classmates 息子がクラスメイトと仲良くやっているか知りたいんです。 -Do you know if my son gels with his classmates? 息子はクラスメイトと仲良くやっていますかね?
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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