世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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hitoshi nakamuraさん
2017/11/08 13:08
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  • Would you like to come over to my place?

  • I'd like to have you over for dinner, is that okay with you?

"Would you like to come over to my place?" - In this sentence, you are inviting your friend over to our house. She can either accept or decline the invitation. The question however, does not disclose any details as to what you are inviting her for. "I'd like to have you over for dinner, is that okay with you?" - In this sentence, you are telling her that you would like for her to come over to your house for meal. Asking whether that is okay or not will determine if she would accept or decline your invitation.
例文 "Would you like to come over to my place?" 私のところへ来ませんか? この文では、友人を家に招待しています。 彼女は、招待を受けることも断ることもできます。 しかしこの質問では、何のために 彼女を家に招待しているのかについての 詳細は明らかになっていません。 例文 "I'd like to have you over for dinner, is that okay with you?" あなたを夕食に招待したいのです。 来て頂けますか? この文では、食事をするために家に来て欲しい ということを彼女に話しています。 この申し出が良いかどうかを尋ねれば、 彼女がこの招待を受けるか、断るかが分かります。
Lenae DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to visit my place?

  • Why don't you come to my house?

Would you like to~ ここでは、友人などを誘うときに用います。Would you like を使用すると、より丁寧な表現になります。 Why don't you~?は、家に来てみたらどうですか?という意味になりますが、提案を意味するため、相手の場面に合わせて使用しましょう。 知人や同僚に対して提案するのに適切ですが、上司や目上の人に対しての使用は避けた方が無難かと思います。
  • I'd love to have you over at my place!

  • Do you want to come over to my place?

  • Why don't you come over to my place?

Why don't you come over to my place? Do you want to come over to my place? These two can be more suggestive. I wouldn't use these unless you were close enough to the woman. I think it would be better to go with something more friendly, so that the woman does not feel pressured or scared, like "I'd love to have you over at my place!" or you can say "Hey! Why don't you come over to my place?" A. Hey! Why don't you come over to my place? I'd love to cook you dinner. B. I don't know. It seems kind of forward. A. No pressure. I'd love to have you over, but only if you don't mind. B. You know what, sure. This weekend is fine for me. A. For me as well. Bring a healthy appetite! B. Haha, ok see you then. A. Can't wait!
"Why don't you come over to my place?"  (僕の家に遊びに来ない?) "Do you want to come over to my place?"  (僕の家に遊びに来ない?) この二つは提案のような感じになります。 私だったら、その女性と十分に親密になるまではこの表現は使いません。 もう少しフレンドリーに誘った方がいいと思います。 そうすると女性も怖がったりプレッシャーを感じたりしないですよね。 "I'd love to have you over at my place!" (僕の家に来てほしいな) や "Hey! Why don't you come over to my place?" (やあ、僕にところに遊びに来ない?) A. Hey! Why don't you come over to my place? I'd love to cook you dinner. (やあ、僕の家に遊びに来ない?晩御飯を料理したいんだ) B. I don't know. It seems kind of forward. (どうかしら。ちょっと積極的すぎないかしら)  A. No pressure. I'd love to have you over, but only if you don't mind. (別に無理にじゃないんだよ。君が大丈夫だったら僕の所の来てほしいなと思って) B. You know what, sure. This weekend is fine for me. (そうね、確かに。今週末ならいいわよ) A. For me as well. Bring a healthy appetite! (僕もいいよ。お腹すかせてきてね) B. Haha, ok see you then. (はは、わかったわ、じゃあまた) A. Can't wait! (楽しみ!)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Hey, would you like to come over for dinner? I'm a great cook ;)

  • I'd like to invite you over for a cup of tea. Are you game?

I'd like to ask you out to dinner or we can chill out at my place over dinner. Would you be keen?
例文 I'd like to ask you out to dinner or we can chill out at my place over dinner. あなたと夕食を一緒にするか 私の家で夕食でもしながら くつろぎたいと思っている。 Would you be keen? 来てみたいですか?
Mariashanti DMM英語講師
  • Fancy a meal at mine?

  • Do you wanna bring some wine round and watch a movie at my place?

  • Hey, lets get some pizza delivered to my place!

Well, the most normal thing would be to perhaps invite her in for a coffee one day when you are near your place - not late at night but during the day - to listen to some music maybe? Or you could make it more of an occasion by saying: "Fancy a meal at mine?" or, "Do you wanna bring some wine round and watch a movie at my place?"
まあ、最も無難なのは、 家にいる時に、夜遅くでは なく、日中に音楽でも聞きながら コーヒーでも飲みに来ないか と誘うことでしょう。 又はこう言うこともできます。 例文 "Fancy a meal at mine?" 私の家で食事でもどう? 又は 例文 "Do you wanna bring some wine round and watch a movie at my place?" ワインでも持って来て、私の家で映画でも見ない?
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to come hang out at my place?

  • Do you want to come over for some coffee?

1) Would you like to come hang out at my place? *hang out : 遊びに来るという意味です。友達とかに気軽に使うような言い方です。 もし良かったら遊びに来ませんかと丁寧な感じも出せるので気になってる人を誘うのに良い言い方です。 2) Do you want to come over for some coffee? ディナーがまだ早ければコーヒーでもお茶でもという感じで誘えます。
  • Do you want to come chill at my place tomorrow afternoon.

  • I would like to invite you to my place tomorrow.

*Do you want to come chill at my place tomorrow afternoon. To chill is a casual you way of saying you want to hang out with the and get to know them. *I would like to invite you to my place tomorrow. This is a more direct way of inviting them. For example; You:I would like to invite you to my place tomorrow. Her: What is there? You: We can just hang out over some drinks.
*Do you want to come chill at my place tomorrow afternoon. (明日の午後、僕の家に来てリラックスしない?) "To chill"とはカジュアルな言い方でゆっくりする、知り合いになる、などと言う意味になります。 *I would like to invite you to my place tomorrow. (明日、君を僕の家に招待します) これはもっと率直に招待します、という表現です。 例: You:I would like to invite you to my place tomorrow. (あなた:明日、君を僕の家に招待します) Her: What is there? (彼女:何があるの?) You: We can just hang out over some drinks. (あなた:ただゆっくり何かを飲むことが出来るよ)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • "Would you like to come over to my house?"

  • "Would you like to visit my home some time soon?"

If you want to invite someone over to your house, as you enjoy their company from a romantic perspective and would like to get into a relationship with the person in the future, you could ask either of the following: "Would you like to come over to my house?" or "Would you like to visit my home some time soon?".
交際したいと思っている異性を家に誘いたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Would you like to come over to my house?"(うちに遊びに来ませんか) "Would you like to visit my home some time soon?"(今度うちに遊びに来ませんか)
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Would you like to have dinner at my house tonight?

  • How would you feel about having dinner and wine at my house tomorrow evening?

Having dinner at someone else's house is always nice. You don't have to cook and you get a free meal. It is polite to bring a drink unless the other person specifically asks you not to bring anything. In the first sentence, we have a polite way of asking another person to have dinner at one's house. We already mentioned what the purpose of the invitation is. We can answer politely "yes" or "no". In the second sentence, we are not jumping directly into the question like in other situations where we ask straight away. We are asking the lady if she would like it or not. This question doesn't sound so direct and doesn't put so much pressure on the lady to answer in an awkward way like the first example, perhaps.
人の家で食事をするというのはいいものですよ。料理をしなくていいですし、タダ飯が食えます。「何も持ってこないでいい」と言われていない限り、飲み物くらいは持参した方がいいですね、礼儀として。 一つ目の文では、丁寧に相手を自宅での夕食に誘っています。「夕食」という目的を伝えています。この質問に対しては、丁寧に「イエス」または「ノー」で答えることができます。 二つ目の文では、遠回しに尋ねています。「~なんていかがですか」という感じです。この質問は(あるいは一つ目の例のように)相手にプレッシャーをかけるような言い方ではありません。
Patrick I DMM英会話講師
  • How about a drink at my place this evening?

  • Would you fancy a meal at my place tonight?

  • Please come to my place tonight so we can have dinner and watch a movie together.

The phrase 'how about' used in the first invitation is an informal way to make a suggestion or an offer to someone.In this case, you are makingan offer to the woman to come and have a drink with you at your place (your house or apartment) this evening.The verb to 'fancy' used in the second invitation has several meanings, but, in this context, it means to like something, a meal at your place in this case.It's like saying 'would you like to come and have a meal at my place tonight?'The third invitation is a more straight forward one which can be used to invite someone who is not quite conversant with the English language. So, you may say to her: How's about a drink at my place this evening? or Would you fancy a meal at my place tonight? or Please come to my place tonight so we can have dinner and watch a movie together.
一つ目の例で使われている 'how about' 、これは提案をするときのカジュアルな言い方です。ここでは、「今晩私の家(またはアパート)で一緒に飲みませんか」と誘っています。 二つ目の例で使われている 'fancy' 。'fancy' にはいくつか意味がありますが、この場合は「好き」という意味です。ここでは、「家で食事をすること」について聞いています。この文は 'Would you like to come and have a meal at my place tonight?'(今夜うちにで一緒に食事をしませんか)という意味です。 三つ目の例はより直接的な誘いです。これはあまり英語が得意でない人を誘うときに使えます。 次のように言えます。 How about a drink at my place this evening?(今晩うちで一緒に飲みませんか) Would you fancy a meal at my place tonight?(今夜うちで夕食をご一緒しませんか) Please come to my place tonight so we can have dinner and watch a movie together.(今晩うちで一緒に夕食を食べて映画を見ましょう)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Would you like to come over to my place one of these days?

  • I would love to have you over at my place sometime if you'd like that.

If you would like to have someone over to your house for a date, you can ask them out by saying something like "Would you like to come over to my place one of these days?" or "I would love to have you over at my place sometime if you'd like that.". These are both nice and polite ways to say this.
「うちに遊びに来ませんか」と異性を誘いたいなら、次のように言えます。 "Would you like to come over to my place one of these days?"(近いうちにうちに遊びに来ませんか) "I would love to have you over at my place sometime if you'd like that."(今度うちにうちに遊びに来ませんか) どちらも丁寧な言い方です。
Kharina DMM英会話講師
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