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自分で考えたのはI am a girl who prefer to spend money on shoes です これであってますか??
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2017/11/12 12:35
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  • I love going shoe shopping.

  • I'd rather spend my money on shoes.

  • Shoe shopping is my favourite hobby.

"I'd rather spend my money on shoes" - This is a very easy way of expressing/saying what you like to buy with your money. "I'd"is a contraction ( this means the word is made shorter by using an apostrophe between I and D. I'd means I would. ) Lets look at a dialogue to help understand: Colleague:"I love going out on weekends. What about you?" Me:"I'd rather spend my money on shoes." Colleague:"I understand. At least you have something to show for your money." A very simple way of saying you like shoe shopping.
"I'd rather spend my money on shoes" これは、何にお金を費やすのが好きかと言いたいときに使えるとても簡単な表現です。 "I'd"は、I wouldの略です。 会話例を紹介します。 -------------------- Colleague:"I love going out on weekends. What about you?" 同僚:私は週末に出かけるのが大好き。あなたはどう? Me:"I'd rather spend my money on shoes." 私:私はお金を靴に使う派だよ。 Colleague:"I understand. At least you have something to show for your money." 同僚:それもわかる。それならお金の使い道を物として見せることができるしね。 -------------------- like shoe shopping(靴を買うのが好き)というとてもシンプルな表現もあります。
Travis S DMM英会話講師
  • I`d prefer spending money on shoes.

  • I`m a shoe kinda girl.

  • I love spending money on shoes.

I have added 2 informal expressions as follows: I`d prefer spending money on shoes. I`m a shoe kinda girl. This can be used in informal English setting depending on when you want or who you saying this to. Native English speakers often use this expression as it is fun and cute. "I`m a shoe kinda girl." It is entirely up to you and like I mentioned depending on your surrounding will determine the expression you choose.
カジュアルな表現を二つ紹介します。 I`d prefer spending money on shoes. (わたしは靴にお金をかけるほうが好き。) I`m a shoe kinda girl. (わたしは靴が好きな子なの。) これは、場や話し相手に応じて、カジュアルな状況で使える表現です。 "I`m a shoe kinda girl."という表現は、遊び心があって、かわいい表現なので、英語のネイティブスピーカーがよく使います。 フォーマルな表現かカジュアルな表現を使うかは、その場の状況によるので、その場に合わせて、表現を使ってくださいね。
Fay A DMM英会話講師
  • I love shoes and that's where my money goes!

  • I prefer spending my money on new shoes

  • My favourite thing to spend money on is shoes.

I love shoes and that's where my money goes!- When saying money goes onto something, it is referring to money spent on something. " All my money goes into shoes" " All my money goes on shoes" The ON is referring to buying/spending money.
I love shoes and that's where my money goes! (私は靴が大好きで、靴にお金を費やしてるの) money goes onto ~は、~にお金を費やすという意味です。 " All my money goes into shoes" または" All my money goes on shoes" (靴にわたしのすべてのお金を費やしてる) onは、「~に(お金を費やす対象)」という意味です。
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I'm someone who has a penchant for buying shoes

  • I'd rather spend money on shoes than anything else

To have a penchant for something - 'Penchant' (pronouced 'ponshon,') is a strong or habitual liking for something or tendency to do something. "He has a penchant for adopting stray dogs" '.... would rather.....'. - We use this construction when we want to talk about preference. "I'd rather live in Spain than Lithuania." "John would rather slit his wrists than work in customer services for another year."
Penchant' (イギリス英語では'ponshon'ポンションいう発音) は、強い好み、傾向という意味です。have a penchant for ~ のように使います。 例文 "He has a penchant for adopting stray dogs" (彼は野良犬を買うのがすごく好きだ) '.... would rather.....'(むしろ~したい) この表現は、好みを語るときに使います。 例文 "I'd rather live in Spain than Lithuania." (リトアニアよりもスペインに住みたい。) "John would rather slit his wrists than work in customer services for another year." (ジョンはもう1年カスタマーサービスで働くよりも、手首を切るほうがましだと思っている。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I spend a lot of my money on shoes.

  • I would rather buy shoes than anything else.

You can use both of these phrases as they both express a fondness for spending money on shoes. The first phrases just says that you enjoy spending money on shoes. The second says you would rather spend money on shoes than anything else, showing that it is your favourite thing to spend your money on.
これらの表現を使ってお金を靴にかけることが好きという事を言い表すことが出来ます。 最初の表現は単に靴にお金をかけることを楽しんでいるという事を言っています。 二番目の表現は他の何よりも靴にお金をかけることが好きと言う事を言い表しています。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to use my money on shoe shopping.

  • I'm a girl who enjoys spending her money on shoes.

  • My favorite thing to splurge on is shoe shopping.

All three sentences denote the speaker as preferring to spend her money on buying shoes. The second sentence, "I'm" is a contraction of "I am" (an abridged or shortened form of a word by adding an apostrophe between the I and M.) The third sentence uses the vocabulary word "splurge" as a descriptive way of saying the speaker likes to indulge in either a luxury or pleasure.
3つとも、話し手が、お金を靴に費やすのが好きであることを伝える文です。 2番目の、 "I'm"は "I am" の省略です。(IとMの間にアポストロフィを加えて省略形にします 3つ目の "splurge" は、豪勢に、もしくは楽しみのために好きなだけ費やすことが好きという意味です。
Lindsay Marie DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer buying shoes to buying anything else.

  • I enjoy shoe shopping.

*I prefer buying shoes to buying anything else. If you prefer something it means that it is your best choice. It means that is what you like. Remember we say For example: I prefer ice cream to yogurt. *I enjoy shoe shopping. This means that you like spending your money on shoes.
*I prefer buying shoes to buying anything else. (他のものを買うよりも、靴を買うのが好き。) prefer~(~が好き)は、あなたの一番の選択、あなたが好きなことという意味です。preferは、prefer.... to ....という使い方をしますので、覚えておいてくださいね。 例文 I prefer ice cream to yogurt. (ヨーグルトよりも、アイスクリームが好き。) *I enjoy shoe shopping. (靴を買うのを楽しみます。[靴を買うのが楽しいです。]) 靴にお金を費やすのが好きという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
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