世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2016/01/22 17:10
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  • My maiden name is XXX.

  • My virgin name is XXX.

  • XXX is my last/family name before I got married.

XXXの所に旧姓を入れて頂くわけですが、旧姓は英語で maiden nameまたはvirgin nameといいます。 3番目は「結婚する前の苗字はXXXです」という意味合いになります。 苗字はlast nameまたはfamily nameといいます。 パスポートにはsurnameとも表記されています。
  • My original family name is ○○.

「旧姓は○○です」はMy original family name is ○○という言い方もあります。 直訳で「元の苗字は○○です」という意味です。 結婚前からの知り合いに、もしメールや電話で連絡する場合ならこのようにも伝えられます: 例) This is [first name(名)] [last name(性)], but my original family name is ○○.
Jaime 英会話講師・翻訳家
  • My maiden name is......

  • My family name is......

  • Before i was married i was a... 'surname'

Referring to it as a maiden name is the most common way to express this.
Maiden nameというのが最も一般的な言い方になります。
Dan M DMM英会話講師
  • My maiden name was . . .

  • My birth surname is . . .

  • My family name is . . .

Most commonly used is 'maiden'. You can use this to explain what your last name was before you got married and also use it to describe others' previous name e.g. My mother's maiden name was Adams.
最も一般的なのは 'maiden' です。これは結婚する前の自分、またはそれ以外の人の名字を説明する際に使えます。 例: My mother's maiden name was Adams. (母の旧姓は Adams でした)
Georgia S DMM英会話講師
  • Maiden Name.

  • I want to keep my maiden name when I marry...

Tradiitonally women take their husbands name when they get married...they give up their "MAIDEN NAME" This is of course a changing reality and many women now prefer to keep their original/ Maiden name and simply add it to their husband's: EG Mavolwane-Wright "I want to keep my maiden name when I marry..."
結婚すると女性は伝統的に夫の姓を名乗るようになります。"MAIDEN NAME" (旧姓)を捨てます。これにはもちろん実生活の変化が伴います。そして今、多くの女性は本来の旧姓を保有することを好み、夫の姓のあとそれをにつけます。例えば、 Mavolwane-Wright という感じです。 例 "I want to keep my maiden name when I marry..." (結婚しても私の旧姓を名乗りたいです。)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My maiden name was

In the UK your former name is described as your maiden name. This word will appear on all official documents.
イギリスでは、以前の名前は旧姓と表現されます。 この言葉は、すべての公的書類にもみられます。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • My birth name is ..

  • My parents are Mr and Mrs ...

Ways of expressing the name that you were born with.
JimmyK DMM英会話講師
  • Maiden name

ひとことでいうならMaiden Nameです。 よくビザの審査などで、フォーム内に、母親の旧姓を書く欄があり、 Mother's Maiden Nameと書かれているのを目にします。
  • 1. My maiden name was XXXX

  • My family name was XXX before I got married

  • I was born with the surname of XXXXX

1. For a woman, 'maiden name' is the surname used before marriage. 2. Family name is the surname used by you and your family. 3. Surname is a person's second name. A woman keeps this name until she is married when she acquired her husband's surname.
1.女性の場合、「'maiden name'」は結婚前に使用されていた姓です。 2.Family nameはあなたとあなたの家族が使用している姓です。 3. Surname は人の第二の名前です。女性は、結婚して夫の姓を取得するまでこの名前を保持します。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • My maiden name is (name).

  • My surname was (name) before I got married.

Maiden name' refers to a woman's surname prior to getting married. After marriage she uses her husband's surname. __________________________________________________________________________________ Examples A: My maiden name is Smith. B: What is your surname now? A: James A: What is your maiden name? B: My surname was Smith before I got married.
Maiden name'は結婚前の苗字を指します。結婚後は夫の姓を使います。 __________________________________________________________________________________ Examples A: My maiden name is Smith.私の旧姓はSmithです。 B: What is your surname now?今の名字は? A: James Jamesです A: What is your maiden name?あなたの旧姓は? B: My surname was Smith before I got married.結婚前の名字はSmithです
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • A) My maiden name is ....

  • B)Before i got married my surname was ...

A) My maiden name is .... *Maiden -an unmarried girl or young woman. *Maiden name - Surname before you got married Example - My maiden surname before i got married was September B)Before i got married my surname was ... - The surname i was born with / the surname that is on my birth certificate /The surname i had before i took my husbands last name. I hope this helps :-)
A) My maiden name is .... *Maiden 結婚していないか若い女性 *Maiden name - 結婚前の苗字 Example - My maiden surname before i got married was September 私の旧姓はSeptemberです B)Before i got married my surname was ... - 生まれた時の苗字、出生証明書の苗字、夫の名前になる前の苗字 役立ちますように!
Ilke DMM英会話講師
  • Maiden name

  • My last name before marriage

The official definition of, "the last name before marriage," would be called a, "maiden name," as its the name that was given to you at birth. However we can also use the 2nd example to explain the same concept correctly.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
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