世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/16 12:18
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  • Sorry, sorry, cancel that. I changed my mind. Can I have the "fish"?

  • Sorry, can you cancel that order. I would like to have ...

▪ Sorry, sorry, cancel that. I changed my mind. This sentence indicates that you want to order something else. ▪ Sorry, can you cancel that order. I would like to have ... This sentence is saying that you do not want to have what you just ordered but you want to rather order ... Example You: Can I order ribs and chips. Waiter: Will that be all? You: Sorry, sorry, cancel that. I changed my mind. Can I have the "Fish" ?
▪ Sorry, sorry, cancel that. I changed my mind. (すみません。すみません。それはキャンセルしてください。気が変わりました。) こちらの文は、他の物を注文したいという意味です。 ▪ Sorry, can you cancel that order. I would like to have ... (すみません。その注文をキャンセルしてもらえますか。....が欲しいです。) 先ほど注文したものが欲しいのではなく、....が欲しいという意味です。 会話例 あなた: Can I order ribs and chips. (リブとフライドポテトを注文できますか。) ウェイター: Will that be all? (以上ですか?) あなた: Sorry, sorry, cancel that. I changed my mind. Can I have the "Fish" ? (すみません。すみません。先ほどのものをキャンセルしてください。気が変わりました。魚を注文できますか。)
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I am sorry but I would like to change my order. Can I have sushi instead.

  • I am sorry but I would like to have something else.

*I am sorry but I would like to change my order. Can I have sushi instead. This is a polite way of changing your order. It means that you would like to order something else. *I am sorry but I would like to have something else. This is a direct way of saying it.
*I am sorry but I would like to change my order. Can I have sushi instead. (すみませんが、注文を変更したいです。代わりに寿司を頂けますか?) こちらの文は、丁寧に注文を変更する言い方です。他のものを注文したいという意味です。 *I am sorry but I would like to have something else. (すみませんが、他のものを頂きたいです。) こちらの文は、直接的な言い方です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I've changed my mind, I would like (food item) instead.

  • Can you cancel that order? I would like this one instead.

  • Can I exchange it for something else-- I no longer want it.

You can ask to "cancel" the first order or to "exchange it" for something else (if the order is already completed). You can also ask for the first food item to be voided and order something else "instead."
最初の注文を "cancel(キャンセル)"して他の物に"exchange it(替えてもらう)"ようお願いすることが出来ます。 (注文が通っていたら). また最初の注文を無効にしてもっらって他の物を"instead(代わりに)"注文するようお願いすることも出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Oh, one sec, cancel that, I'll have steak and chips instead!

  • Wait! No! make it steak and chips please!

  • Could we start again? I'll have steak and chips.

There is always one member of a table of diners who seems intent on making a waiter's life more difficult than it should be! The waiter has noted down everyone's order as is about to go the kitchen, when you call him back. "Excuse me, waiter! "Yes madam?" "Could we start again? I'll have steak and chips."
各テーブルに1人はウエイターを困らせる人がディナーの席には必ずいますね! ウエイターがみんなの注文を書き留めてキッチンへ向かおうとした瞬間、あなたは彼を呼び止めます。 【例】 "Excuse me, waiter! (ウエイターさん、ちょっと) "Yes madam?" (なんですか?) "Could we start again? I'll have steak and chips." (やり直していいかしら?ステーキとチップを頂くわ)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Sorry, can I change my order and have.......... instead please

  • Hang on! could I have this dish/one instead please

Sometimes it's hard to decide what dish you want in a restaurant and as long as you are polite then changing your mind is not a problem usually so always add please to be nice and polite
レストランに行くと、何を食べるか迷うときがありますね。考えを変えても、それを丁寧に伝えれば問題にはなりません。ですから、'please' を加えて丁寧に伝えるようにしましょう。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Please cancel that order because I would like to have something else. Apologies for the inconvenience.

  • Oh, wait a minute. Will you please cancel that order and give me pasta instead?

  • Sorry waiter/waitress, please cancel that order and give me pasta intead.

If you ordered something at a restaurant and the waiter/waitress had already written the order, you definitely can politely ask him/her to cancel it if you suddenly change your mind and would like to eat something else. It often does happen that after perusing through the menu, you choose a dish that you really didn't mean to order and immediately decide to order a different one. You are perfectly in order to ask the waiter/waitress to cancel it and replace it with what you really would like to eat. You may politely ask the waiter/waitress as follows: Please cancel that order because I would like to have something else. Apologies for the inconvenience. or Oh, wait a minute. Will you please cancel that order and give me pasta instead? or Sorry waiter/waitress, please cancel that order and give me pasta intead.
レストランで何かを注文してウェイター/ウェイトレスが既にそれをメモしてしまっていたとしても、気が変わって他のものを食べたくなったときには、それをキャンセルするようにお願いできます。 レストランで注文をしてから別のものを頼みたくなるのは、これはよくあることですね。ウェイター/ウェイトレスに注文をキャンセルしてもらって別のものを頼んでも全く問題ありません。 次のようにウェイター/ウェイトレスに丁寧にお願いできます。 Please cancel that order because I would like to have something else. Apologies for the inconvenience.(別のものにしたいので、その注文をキャンセルしてください。ご迷惑をおかけして申し訳ありません) Oh, wait a minute. Will you please cancel that order and give me pasta instead? (ちょっと待ってください。その注文をキャンセルして代わりにパスタをいただけますか) Sorry waiter/waitress, please cancel that order and give me pasta intead.(ごめんなさい、その注文をキャンセルして代わりにパスタをください)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Actually, I think I want something different.

  • I made a mistake, could I have this instead.

Both of these options show that you have change your mind. You can add pleasantries such as 'I am sorry' and 'please' wherever you need them. E.g .'Actually, I think i want something different, sorry!' or 'I made a mistake, could I have this instead please?'
どちらの例も、気が変わったことを表します。 必要に応じて、'I am sorry' や 'please' といった丁寧表現を加えることができます。 例: 'Actually, I think I want something different, sorry!'(すみません、やっぱり他のにしたいです。ごめんなさい) 'I made a mistake, could I have this instead please?'(間違えました、代わりにこれをいただけますか)
Jessica B DMM英会話講師
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