世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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hito dokokanoさん
2017/11/16 21:41
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  • This is the month of my exams.

  • I am currently in the exam period of the year.

  • The exam period of the term has arrived.

▪ This is the month of my exams. This is saying that the month you are in is your exam month and that you will be writing exams in this month. ▪ I am currently in the exam period of the year. currently = at the present time period= a length or portion of time This is saying that you are busy with exam now because it is exam time now. ▪ The exam period of the term has arrived. This is saying that the time for exams is here and you will be busy with exams now.
▪ This is the month of my exams. (今月は試験の月です。) こちらの文は、今月は試験の月で、今月は試験をすると言っています。 ▪ I am currently in the exam period of the year. (現在、今年の試験期間中です。) currently = 現在 period= 期間 こちらの文は、今、試験のときなので、試験で忙しいということを言っています。 ▪ The exam period of the term has arrived. (試験期間がやってきた。) こちらの文は、今、試験期間中で、試験で忙しいということを言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Hey guys, it's exam week!

  • Boo-hoo, exams again!

Boo-hoo is an exclamation - used to represent the sound of someone crying noisily. "‘Boohoo, nobody loves me!’" verb to boo-hoo, cry noisily. "I managed not to boohoo, even when they crowded around my chair." Vloggers frequently great or commence a monologue to viewers or followers with the words, "Hey guys...."
"Boo-hoo"とは感嘆詞です。 えーんえーん、しくしくなどの泣き声を意味します。 "‘Boohoo, nobody loves me!’" (えーん、えーん、誰も私の事を愛してない!) この"boo-hoo"とは擬声語でひどく泣いてる泣き声を意味します。 "I managed not to boohoo, even when they crowded around my chair." (私の椅子に彼らが押し寄せても、えーんえーんとは言わないようにしました) ブロガーはよく一人芝居の様にフォロワーや閲覧者に対して "Hey guys...."と始めますよね。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am busy with exams.

  • I am busy doing tests.

You can say : **I am busy with exams. **I am busy doing tests. ---> It means you won't be using YouTube for a while because you are busy with tests.
**I am busy with exams.(試験で忙しいです。) **I am busy doing tests.(テストで忙しいです。) ---> テストで忙しいので、しばらく YouTubeを使わないという意味です。
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • It's finals week/ midterm week, so I'll be studying.

  • I'll be busy studying for finals.

finals week - an period of time, can be more or less than a week, in which you take your final exams and when final papers are due midterm week - an period of time, can be more or less than a week, in which you take your midterm (mid-semester) exams and when midterm papers are due
finals week -期末テストなどの期間で、それは一週間であったりそれよりも短かったりします。 midterm week - 中間テストなどの期間で、一週間だったりそれより短かったりします。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • This is the month of my exams.

  • I am busy with exams this week.

1. This is the month of my exams. これは私の試験の月です。 This means that during this month, you will be doing exams. It can also mean that you will not have time to be on YouTube this month, since you have to focus on your exams. 2. I am busy with exams this week. 私は今週の試験で忙しいです。 This means that during this week, you will occupied with exams. It can also mean that you will not have time to be on YouTube this week, since you have to focus on your exams.
1. This is the month of my exams. (今月は試験期間です) これは、今月は試験がある月です、と言う意味です。 ですので、試験がありそれに集中したいので YouTubeを投稿している時間はないという意味になります。 2. I am busy with exams this week. (今週は試験で忙しいです) これは今週は試験でがあって忙しい、という意味です。 ですので、 今週は試験に集中したいのでYouTubeにかける時間がないという意味になります。
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • I am busy with revision for my exams.

  • It's exam week and I am busy revising.

The verb to 'revise' in this context means to reread what was done previously in order to improve one's knowledge of a particular subject, mainly in preparation for an exam. Most students become very busy revising their subjects during exam week. The noun 'revision' refers to the action of 'revising' or rereading the subjects that were done before. So, if someone asks you why you did not come to the party on Saturday, you may say: I am busy with revision for my exams. or It's exam week and I am busy revising.
この文脈での動詞"revise"は、主に試験準備のために、ある科目に関する知識を高めるために以前やったところを読み直すという意味です。試験期間中は、多くの生徒は復習するのに忙しくなります。名詞の"revision"は"revise"する行為のこと、また、以前やったところを読み直すという意味です。 もし、あなたが土曜日のパーティーに何故来なかったのかと聞かれたらー "I'm busy with revision for my exams."(試験勉強していて忙しいんだ。) または、 "It's exam week, and I'm busy revising."(試験期間で、勉強してて忙しいんだ。) と言ってみて下さい。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I'm currently sitting for my examinations.

  • This month is my examination period.

  • I'm busy with my examinations right now.

All three phrases indicate that you are in an examination period. You can substitute "month" with "week" and the meaning would be the same. People usually say "I'm currently sitting for my examinations." and then follow it with "this week" or "this month". Or if your exams aren't happening now but in the future, you can say: "I'll be sitting for my examinations next month." Hope this helps!
上記例文は3つとも、貴方が試験期間中であることを意味します。文章の中の"month"(月)を"week"(週)に置き換えても意味は同じです。大抵、"I'm currently sitting for my examinations"(今試験期間中です)と言った後に "this month"(今月)または"this week"(今週)と付け加えます。もし、今ではなく、将来的に試験期間に入る際は、"I'll be sitting for my examinations next month"(来月、試験期間に入ります)と言います。お役に立てれば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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