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2017/11/17 07:09
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  • For temperature, the US uses Fahrenheit, whereas in Japan, they use Celsius

Units of temperature - Degrees Fahrenheit are used in the U.S. to measure temperatures in most non-scientific contexts. Degrees Celsius is used in Japan. "How do you convert degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?" "You double the temperature and add thirty. So 10C = 10X2+30 = 50F"
"Units of temperature" (温度の単位) "Fahrenheit(カ氏)"はアメリカで多くの科学的ではない内容などの温度を測るのに使われます。 "Celsius (摂氏)"は日本で使われます。 "How do you convert degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?" (摂氏からカ氏へどのように変換しますか?) "You double the temperature and add thirty. So 10C = 10X2+30 = 50F" (温度を二倍にして30を足します。だから、 10C = 10X2+30 = 50F になります。)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The units of measurement are different in Japan than in the US.

  • We use different units of measurements in Japan than in the US.

  • In Japan, we use the metric system, whereas in the US they use the imperial system.

imperial system- cups, gallons, etc. metric system - grams, ounces, etc. metric system - can also mean generally a system of measurement A. Why are you doing so much math in preparation for your trip? B. Well, in the US they use different units of measurements than we do. I want to make sure i understand their metric system.
imperial system (英式単位) - cups(カップ), gallons(ガロン), etc. metric system (メートル式単位) - grams(グラム), ounces(オンス), etc. metric system(メートル式単位) - これはまた一般的な測定の単位です。 A. Why are you doing so much math in preparation for your trip?  (旅の準備になんでそんなに計算してるの?) B. Well, in the US they use different units of measurements than we do. I want to make sure i understand their metric system.  (ええ、アメリカでは違う測定単位を使っているんだ。だからメートル法単位を理解できるようにしておきたいんだよ)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Japan and the USA measure temperature differently; Japan measures in Celsius, while the USA measures in Fahrenheit.

  • Japan measure temperature in Celsius, while the USA measures it is in Fahrenheit, but both tell us if it is hot or cold.

"Japan and the USA measure temperature differently; Japan measures in Celsius, while the USA measures in Fahrenheit." "Japan measure temperature in Celsius, while the USA measures it is in Fahrenheit, but both tell us if it is hot or cold." Either of these sentences can be used to explain which measurements each country uses. It is important to note that while the numbers are used to express different levels of hot or cold, they do tell us the temperature.
"Japan and the USA measure temperature differently; Japan measures in Celsius, while the USA measures in Fahrenheit." (日本とアメリカでは温度を異なる方法で測ります。日本では摂氏、アメリカでは華氏で測ります。) "Japan measure temperature in Celsius, while the USA measures it is in Fahrenheit, but both tell us if it is hot or cold." (日本では温度を摂氏で測り、アメリカでは華氏で測ります。しかしどちらも暑いか寒いかを教えてくれます) どちらの文もそれぞれの国がどちらの単位を使用しているかを説明するために使用することができます。暑さや寒さの度合いを表すために数字が用いられますがそれらは温度を知らせるということを注意しておくことが大切です。
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • In Japan we measure temperature in Celsius other than USA than uses Fahrenheit.

▪ In Japan we measure temperature in Celsius other than USA that uses Fahrenheit. ............ The Fahrenheit and Celsius scales are the two common temperature scales. They both measure the same thing (temperature!), but use different numbers.
▪ In Japan we measure temperature in Celsius other than USA that uses Fahrenheit. (日本では摂氏、アメリカでは華氏で温度を測ります。) ............ 華氏と摂氏は、温度を測るときの最も一般的な単位です。両方とも同じもの(温度)を測りますが、数字は違ったものになります。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Units of measurements differ from Japan in the US.

  • In the US, different units of measurements are used in Japan.

  • Japan and the US use different measurements for temperature, length, and weight.

"Units of measurement" is the term used to describe the measurements for weight, length/width, and temperatures such as inches/centimeters, pounds/kilograms, & Celsius/Fahrenheit.
"Units of measurement"(測量単位)とは、インチ/センチメートル、ポンド/キログラム、摂氏/華氏のように、重さ、長さ/幅、温度を表すのに使われる言葉です。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Japan and the US measure tempertaure different.

  • We use a different unit of measurement for temperature.

A unit of measurement is how the quantity of anything is defined. And it is used as a standard measuring system. There are three main units of measurements used to measure temperature. In the US, we use Fahrenheit to measure temperature and in Japan, Celsius is used to measure temperature. To explain this in a simple way, you can say, "In Japan we use Celsius to measure temperature and in the US, Fahrenheit is used.
"unit of measurement" は測定単位のことです。数量を測定する基準として使われます。気温を測る単位は、主に三つあります。気温を測るのに、アメリカではFahrenheit、日本ではCelsiusが使われます。 これについてシンプルに説明するなら、次のように言えます: "In Japan we use Celsius to measure temperature and in the US, Fahrenheit is used." (気温を測るのに日本ではCelsiusを使い、アメリカではFahrenheitが使われます)
Kim Ann DMM英会話講師
  • The scale for temperature used in Japan is Celsius, while the USA uses Fahrenheit

  • The scale used in Japan for temperature is different from the USA. Japan uses Celsius and USA uses Fahrenheit.

When you want to explain that the units/scales used for temperature are different in Japan and the USA, then you can say it in the following ways: -The scale for temperature used in Japan is Celsius, while the USA uses Fahrenheit -The scale used in Japan for temperature is different from the USA. Japan uses Celsius and USA uses Fahrenheit.
日本と米国では温度を測る単位が違うことを説明したいときは、以下のフレーズが使えます: The scale for temperature used in Japan is Celsius, while the USA uses Fahrenheit. (温度の単位として、日本では摂氏、アメリカでは華氏を使います。) The scale used in Japan for temperature is different from the USA. (日米では温度を測る単位が違います。) Japan uses Celsius and USA uses Fahrenheit. (日本では摂氏、アメリカでは華氏を使います。)
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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