世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/18 12:37
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  • This is my favorite color, just it doesn't look good on me.

  • Im not a fan of this color, but it looks good on me.

By using this phrasing, you are letting the person know initially if the color you are talking about is your favorite or not. By adding “It does look good on me” or “it doesn’t look good one me” is expressing your opinion about how you feel while wearing that color of clothing.
このフレーズを使って好きな色と似合う色は違うという事を相手に伝えることが出来ます。 “It does look good on me(私に似合います)” や “it doesn’t look good one me(私には似合いません)”を付け加えることによってその色の服を着る事についてのあなたの意見を言い表すことが出来ます。
Lauren F DMM英会話講師
  • The colors I like don't look suit me.

  • These aren't my favorite colors, but they certainly look good on me!

The colors I like don't suit me. - to suit someone, this means to go well or fit someone well A. Those colors suit you well. B. Yeah, they do! I'm surprised. A. Why is that? B. I wouldn't have chosen them. Well, you know, these aren't my favorite colors, but they certainly look good on me!
The colors I like don't suit me. (私の好きな色は私には似合わない) - "to suit someone"とは似合う、という意味です。 A. Those colors suit you well.  (それらの色はとてもあなたに似合ってるね) B. Yeah, they do! I'm surprised.  (ホント、似合ってる。びっくりだね) A. Why is that?  (なんで?) B. I wouldn't have chosen them. Well, you know, these aren't my favorite colors, but they certainly look good on me!  (この色は選ばなかったから。まあ、知ってると思うけど、これらの色は私の好きな色じゃないから。でもほんとに私に合ってるね)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My favourite colours don't suit me

  • My favourite colours don't look good on me

When talking about what we look like in clothes/colours then we call this 'suit' so you could say 'my favourite colours don't suit me' 'don't look good on me' also means the same as 'don't suit me'
服や色が似合う似合わないについて言う場合、'suit'(似合う)という単語を使います。 ですから、次のように言えます。 'My favourite colours don't suit me'(好きな色が似合わない) 'don't look good on me'も'don't suit me'(似合わない)と同じ意味です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I look good in blue but it's not my favourite colour.

  • My favourite colours do not agree with my complexion

  • My favourite colours don't look good on me

It may be interesting to try to understand why some colours look good on you and some do not. Usually a colour looks good on someone because it matches or contrasts with that person's hair, eyes, or complexion. You could say that: "My favourite colours do not agree with my complexion" or less specifically you could say: "My favourite colours don't look good on me."
なぜ自分に似合う色と似合わない色があるのかを理解しようとすることは興味深いことかもしれません。通常ある色が似合うのは、その人の髪の毛、目、肌の色と合っているか対照的だからです。こう言うことが出来ます。 例文 "My favourite colours do not agree with my complexion" 私の好きな色は私の肌の色と合わない。 あまり具体的に言わないのであれば、 "My favourite colours don't look good on me." 私の好きな色は私に似合わない
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • The color that suits what I wear is not my favorite color.

  • The color that looks good on me is not the same as my favorite color.

"The color that suits what I wear is not my favorite color." This explains to the person that the two colors are different. "The color that looks good on me is not the same as my favorite color." This is another way of explaining that the color of clothes that look good on you is not your favorite color.
"The color that suits what I wear is not my favorite color."という例文について この文は、好きな色と似合う色が異なるということを説明しています。 "The color that looks good on me is not the same as my favorite color."という例文について これは、似合う洋服の色が好きな色ではないということを説明する別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I don't like the colours that suit me.

  • I wish my favourite colours suited me.

  • Argh, I hate this colour but it does look good on me.

Firstly, you can simply say that you do not like the colours that suit you. It is simple and direct. For a more casual conversation, perhaps when you are clothes shopping with a friend, you might say 'i wish my favourite colours suited me'. You'd say this when you are most likely looking at a desired piece of clothing in your favourite colour. You can also show your distaste for certain colours when trying them on by saying 'argh', it's an expression we use when we don't like something.
まず初めに、最初に自分に合う色が好きではないということを言うことができます。 単純で直接的です。 友人と買い物をしているとき、よりカジュアルな会話で 'i wish my favourite colours suited me': 好きな色が自分に似合うといいのにと言えます。 好きな色の服で望み通りの服を見ているときにこのように言えます。 「argh」と言う表現は、試着しているときにある色へ嫌悪を示すことができます。何か好きではないときこの表現を使うことができます。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • "The colors I like don't look suit me"

  • "The colours that look good on me are not the same as my favourite colours"

In order to explain that the colours which are personally your favourite but do not suit you, you could state "The colours that look good on me are not the same as my favourite colours". This would in turn explain why you may wear colours that are not your favourite colours.
自分の好きな色と似合う色が異なることを説明したいなら、次のように言えます。 "The colours that look good on me are not the same as my favourite colours"(自分に似合う色と好きな色が違います) このように言うと、結果として、自分の好きでない色の服を着る理由が伝わります。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
  • Your favorite colors don't necessarily suit you.

おっしゃられている内容は、以下のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) Your favorite colors don't necessarily suit you. 「あなたの好きな色が必ずしもあなたに似合うわけではない」 not necessarily「必ずしも~ではない」 suit「似合う」 以上です。 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(*^_^*)
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