世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/18 12:41
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  • English is a part of me.

  • This is a huge part of my life.

  • I want to speak English as if it is second nature.

Second nature is when someone is done naturally. It is organic. Meaning, you can do it with no effort. I would like to speak Japanese as if it is second nature. That would mean like a native.
"Second nature"とは自然にやることです。 "It is organic."とは容易くできるという意味です。 "I would like to speak Japanese as if it is second nature." (もし自然に話せるのであれば、日本語を話してみたいです) 日本語ネイティブの様にと言う事です。
Stephanie H DMM英会話講師
  • I want to make English part of my daily/everyday routine.

  • I want to immerse myself in the English language.

Language "immersion" means speaking and interacting with a language as much as possible so that you hear and speak it frequently everyday. Sometimes, the easiest way to immerse yourself in a language is to live in a foreign country where you are forced to speak the language. Also, having a partner or spouse who speaks the language natively can help you to immerse yourself in the language at home.
言語 "immersion"とはその言語に"immersion"(浸水)するという意味で、毎日出来る限りその言葉を話したり聞いたりすることです。 時々、外国に住んでその言語を話さなくてはいけない状態にする事によって、その言葉に浸る、一番手っ取り早い方法となることがあります。 また、パートナーや結婚相手がその言語のネイティブスピーカーだと家でもその言葉に "immerse"(浸る)することが出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Learning English is an important part of my life

  • Learning English means a lot to me.

  • Learning English is a big deal to me

Learning English is an important part of my life- When something is an important part of ones life it means it is irreplaceable. Learning English is a big deal to me- When something is a big deal it can mean that it is very important to someone. It means a lot, it isn't a small deal. It is important.
"Learning English is an important part of my life" (英語を学ぶことは私の生活にとってとても大事な事です) - 何かが"an important part of ones life"とは生活に欠かせないという意味になります。 "Learning English is a big deal to me" (英語を学ぶことは私にとってとても大事な事です) - 何かが"a big deal"とは誰かにとってとても大事という意味になります。 【例】 "It means a lot, it isn't a small deal. It is important." (小さい事ではなく、とても大きな意味のある、とても大事な事)
Beke DMM英語講師
  • I want to learn English so well that it becomes part of my life.

  • I speak English so much that it has become part of my life.

The adverb 'so' used in the first statement means 'to a great extent' in this context and the adverb 'well' means 'in a good way' in this context. Therefore you are actually saying, you want to learn English to a great extent in the best way possible such that it becomes part of your life. So, you may say: I want to learn English so well that it becomes part of my life. or I speak English so much that it has become part of my life.
最初の回答例で使われている副詞"so"は文中では「かなり」という意味で、副詞"well"は「良い方法で」という意味です。よって、「かなり英語を勉強したい、それも英語が生活の一部になるほどの最適の方法で」という意味になります。 よって、 "I want to learn English so well that it becomes part of my life." (英語が生活の一部になるほど英語を上手に勉強したい。) "I speak English so much that it has become part of my life." (英語が生活の一部になるほど英語をたくさん話したい。) と言うことが出来ます。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • I want to use English in my everyday life.

  • English will be part of my life after I learn it.

  • I hope to include English in my life from now on.

"I hope to include English in my life from now on." says that you want the English language to be included in your life.
"I hope to include English in my life from now on." これから、生活に英語を取り入れたいと思います。 これは、あなたの生活に英語を取り入れたいことを伝える表現です。  
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I want to immerse myself totally in English and study hard as it has become part of my life

There are three key points to this statement which are all contained in the example sentence above.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • English is a part of who I am.

  • English is a huge part of my life.

  • I want English to be my second nature.

English is a part of who I am: means that it encompasses a part of your personality and life. English is a huge part of my life: means that the person would understand that English is important in your life. I want English to be my second nature: means that you want it to be a native language just as your first language is.
English is a part of who I am (英語は私という人間の一部です): それがあなたの性格と人生の一部を包含するという意味です。 English is a huge part of my life (英語は私の人生の大部分です): その人は英語があなたの人生で大切であると言うことを理解するという意味です。 I want English to be my second nature (私は英語が私の第二の天性になってほしいです): 第一言語と同じように英語も自分の母国語になってほしいという意味です。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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