"I read and write well, but I do it slowly!"
You can use this sentence to explain you read and write well, but maybe not as fast as others can.
"I am a bit slow at reading and writing in English."
If you are referring to English, then you add "in English" at the end of the sentence. You can substitute English for any other language if you need to.
"I read and write well, but I do it slowly!"(私は読み書きが上手ですが遅いです)
"I am a bit slow at reading and writing in English."
もしもあなたが英語に関して言っている場合は文の最後に"in English"を付け加えます。"English"を必要であれば他のどの言語にも置き換えることができます。
I am not the fastest reader or writer. - This is a casual/light way of saying you are not a fast
I read and write a snails pace- A snail is famous for moving slowly and so this statement is
a way of saying you write slowly, but very slowly!
I read and write slowly. You could also say " I take my time when reading or writing"
This means you don't rush but go at your own pace.
I am not the fastest reader or writer.
I read and write a snails pace.
I read and write slowly.
"I take my time when reading or writing"(読み書きするときは、時間をかけます)と言ってもいいですね。こちらの文は、急がずに、自分のペースでやるという意味です。
I take my time when it comes to reading and writing.
I am never in a hurry to read and write finish.
▪ I take my time when it comes to reading and writing.
This means that you reading and writing slowly.
▪ I am never in a hurry to read and write finish.
This indicates that when you read and write you take your time and you doing it slowly.
Both phrases indicate that you are a slow reader and writer.
▪ I take my time when it comes to reading and writing.
▪ I am never in a hurry to read and write finish.
If you want you can use also use similes to describe how slow you are.
For example: "I am like a snail when it comes to reading and writing."
It means you are extremely slow when it comes to reading and writing.
A simile is a figure of speech involving the comparison of one thing with another thing of a different kind.
For example: "He is as brave as lion."
例: "I am like a snail when it comes to reading and writing." (私は読み書きとなるとまるでカタツムリのようです)
例: "He is brave as lion." (彼はライオンのように勇敢です)
1. My reading and writing speed is slow.
The speed at which you do something describes how fast or how slow that you do it. If your speed of reading and writing is slow, that means that you do these things at a slow pace.
2. I read and write slowly.
The opposite of fast is slow. If you read and write slowly, it means that you do these things at a slow speed or not quickly.
3. My reading and writing skills need improvement.
You can simply say that your reading and writing skills needs improvement.
1. My reading and writing speed is slow.
2. I read and write slowly.
3. My reading and writing skills need improvement.
My speed of writing and reading is no cause for envy
If you say that something is 'not the + superlative,' it is a deprecating comment and is accepted as meaning that it is a negative point.
"The buses in London are not the most comfortable means of getting around the city."
"The food in that restaurant is not the best."
No cause for envy = if something is no cause for envy it means that this thing has little value (as no-one wants it), so it is a deprecating remark accentuating the weakness of something.
"John's football skills are no cause for envy" - meaning that John is terrible at football.
"The buses in London are not the most comfortable means of getting around the city."
"The food in that restaurant is not the best."
No cause for envy =この物に価値がほとんどない(誰も欲しがらないので)ので、非難しているコメントになり、物事の欠点を強調します。
"John's football skills are no cause for envy"
"I am not good at reading and writing." and "My reading and writing are slow." These both explain that you are not very good at reading and writing and that you have room to improve.
"I am not good at reading and writing."
"My reading and writing are slow."
My reading and writing skills are quite slow, I am still learning English.
I am slow when it comes to reading and writing in English.
My spoken English is good, however when it comes to reading and writing, I am quite slow!
I haven't been learning English for very long, my reading and writing skills are developing, so I am still quite slow in these areas at the moment!
If you say that you 'read and write slowly', it means that you are not fast when reading and writing. The adverb 'slowly' as used in the first statement, means 'at a slow pace', not quickly. If you read and write at a 'snail's pace', it means that you read and write 'very slowly'. If you are 'quite slow' when reading and writing, it means that you are slow to a certain or significant extent. The adverb 'quite' means 'to a certain or significant extent'.
So, you may say:
I read and write slowly.
I read and write at a snail's pace.
I am quite slow when reading and writing.
I need to work on my reading and writing skills as I am quite slow when I read and write.
I am quite slow when it comes to my reading and writing skills.
If you would like to explain to someone that you are slow when it comes to your reading and writing skills, you can say something like "I need to work on my reading and writing skills as I am quite slow when I read and write." or "I am quite slow when it comes to my reading and writing skills.".
1. I prefer taking my time when reading and writing.
"To prefer" means to choose to do something because
that is what you are comfortable with. The phrase, 'taking
my time" means not hurrying when you are busy
with a task.
Example: Please take your time with painting that
room so that you can do a proper job!
2. I ready and write English at a leisurely pace.
The phrase, "at a leisurely pace" means unhurriedly
or slowly.
Example: She walked to the park at a leisurely pace.
When talking about this concept, we can either say that we are, "not very good," or that we are, "slow," at doing something. The last example talks about something not being, "my strong suit," which refers that it is not really your specialty.