世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2019/02/01 08:08
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  • The food was slow to arrive.

  • My order took a long time to come.

店で注文する時”料理”は色んな言葉がある。 My order, my food, my dish これは私の注文ですか? - is this my order? is this my dish? 出てくる - come, arrive 店で席まで来るは”arrive at the table”か”has come” My order has arrived at the table, my food has come, my order is here 遅い - slow, takes time The food is slow to arrive, it takes time to come 時間かかるの意味ですね。
  • I waited long for my food to arrive

  • The food service is very slow!

When a restaurant is very busy, it normally takes longer for food to come from the kitchen. You can use the following sentences to express yourself! "I waited long for my food to arrive!" "The food service is very slow!
レストランが混んでいると、料理が出てくるまでに普段よりも時間がかかることが多いです。次の文を使って気持ちを伝えることができます。 "I waited long for my food to arrive!"(料理が出てくるまでにかなり待たされました) "The food service is very slow!(料理が出てくるのがすごく遅いです)
Ronel DMM英会話講師
  • The food took a while to come out.

  • It took a while for my order to arrive.

  • The service was pretty slow.

"food", "beverage", "order", and "dish" are all ways to refer to the thing that is supposed to come out from the kitchen and to your table. Food being the thing you eat and beverage being the thing you drink. Order is everything in general and dish is usually used for things you eat. "A while" means a long period of time. "Service" is doing work for someone, the people making your food and the people being your food to you are all part of the service of a restaurant. So if it takes a long time for your order to come out, that means the service is slow.
"food" "beverage" "order" そして "dish"、これらはどれもキッチンからテーブルに運ばれてくるものを表します。 "food" は「食べ物」、"beverage" は「飲み物」のことです。 "order" はあらゆるものを指します。そして "dish" は普通食べ物を指します。 "a while" は「長い時間」という意味です。 "service" は人のために仕事をすることをいいます。客に料理を作ることや作った料理をテーブルまで運ぶこと、これらは全てレストランの "service" の一部です。 ですから、注文した物がなかなか出てこないなら、それは「"service" が遅い」ということになります。
Chelsi B DMM英会話講師
  • We had to wait quite awhile for our food.

Often, when we talk about slow service at a restaurant, we talk about how much we had to wait. Normally, the person will talk about how many minutes they had to wait for their food. I hope that this helps! :)
レストランのサービスが遅かったことについて言うときには、どのくらい待たなければならなかったのか伝えることが多いです。普通は食事が出されるまでに待たされた時間を伝えます。 参考になれば幸いです。
Natalie A DMM英会話講師
  • The wait for the food to arrive was long.

  • The wait for the food to come out was long.

  • It took some time for the food to get served.

"It took some time" indicates that something took long. Food is "served" by the server/waiter, meaning that it is taken from the kitchen to the guest table, and indicates that the food was delivered to the table by the server/waiter. "Arrive" is another term which is synonymous with "come out" in this case.
"It took some time" は「長い時間がかかった」というニュアンスです。 "to serve" は、ウェイター・ウェイトレスが食べ物をキッチンから客のテーブルに運ぶことを言います。 "arrive" はこの場合 "come out"(出てくる)と同義です。
Maki Z DMM英会話講師
  • It took a while for the food to come out

  • It took some time for our food to be served

  • Our order was slow to be delivered

If you are talking about waiting for some time for something to arrive then as well as saying 'some time' you could also say it 'took a while' or 'was slow' When talking about being in a restaurant then you can say your 'food' or your 'order'
何かが届くのが遅かったなら、これは 'some time' 'took a while' または 'was slow' で表せます。 レストランの「料理」は 'food'(食べ物)または 'order'(注文)で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • "It took a while for the food to come out"

  • "The food waiting time was much longer than I would expect"

  • "My order took a long time to come to the table"

If you were talking about a restaurant and wanted to explain that it took a long time for the food to come out, you could say any of the following: "It took a while for the food to come out", "The food waiting time was much longer than I would expect"or "My order took a long time to come to the table". All three of these sentences explain this situation.
レストランで料理が出てくるのが遅かったなら、それは次のように説明できます。 "It took a while for the food to come out"(料理が出てくるのが遅かった) "The food waiting time was much longer than I would expect"(料理が出てくるのがすごく遅かった) "My order took a long time to come to the table"(料理が出てくるのがすごく遅かった) これら三つどの文でもこの状況を説明できます。
Emmi B DMM英会話講師
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