世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/20 08:35
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  • He lead me to my destination although he was heading in the other direction

He lead me to my destination although he was heading in the other direction =彼は反対方向に向かってるにも関わらず私を目的地まで連れてってくれた lead =導く destination =目的地 although =にも関わらず、なのに heading =向かってる direction =方向 other direction =違う方向、反対方向 感謝を表現したい場合はHe/She was kind enoughやI was so grateful thatなどを頭にに付けましょう。
  • I met a really helpful local. He escorted me to where I was going and it was the opposite direction to where he was going.

*I met a really helpful local. He escorted me to where I was going and it was the opposite direction to where he was going. To escort means accompany or take someone somewhere. In this case the local did you a favor by making sure you get to the place you wanted to go.
*I met a really helpful local. He escorted me to where I was going and it was the opposite direction to where he was going. To escortとは、誰かに付き添う、あるいはどこかに誰かを連れて行くという意味です。この例では、地元の人があなたの行きたい場所にちゃんといけるようにしてくれたという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • He led me the entire way, which was in the opposite direction I was headed in.

  • He escorted me to my destination, which was opposite the way I was walking.

"led me" or "escorted me" - both of these things mean that he took you to the place you were going because he knew the way there... an "escort" at a movie theater, event, etc. is someone who seats you (by either taking you to or leading you in the direction of your proper seat) the direction I was headed in - you head leads your body, so to be headed somewhere is to be directed somewhere, or to be on your way somewhere and in some direction
"led me" あるいは "escorted me" - どちらも、彼があなたの行く場所への行き方を知っていて、あなたを連れて行ったことを意味します...映画館やイベントなどでの "escort"は、(あなたを連れて行くあるいは正しい席に誘導して)あなたを座らせる人です。 the direction I was headed in - あなたの頭はあなたの体を導くので、to be headed somewhereとは、どこかに向かうことやどこかに向かっている途中であることです。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • A local made a U-turn and literally, went out of his way to take me to my destination

If someone makes a U-turn it means that they change direction by a hundred and eighty degrees. For example, turning around in a road and going back in the opposite direction - in one manoeuvre, is U-turn. To go out of one's way = to try very hard to do something, especially for someone else: "They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome."
Uターンとは、180度方向を変えることです。例えば、道路で向きを変え、反対の方向へ戻っていくことです。1つの手順で言うと、Uターンです。 To go out of one's way = 特に他人のために、とても熱心に何かを行う 例文 "They really went out of their way to make us feel welcome." 彼らは、私達が歓迎されているような気分になるように、本当に力を尽くしてくれた。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • "A very nice person helped me find my way even though my destination was in the opposite direction of his.

  • A local person helped me find my way even though it was in the opposite way to which he was going.

"A very nice person helped me find my way even though my destination was in the opposite direction of his." This explains that the person helped you to find your way even though they were going in a different direction. "A local person helped me find my way even though it was in the opposite way to which he was going." This is another way of explaining that they helped you even though they were going in a different direction.
"A very nice person helped me find my way even though my destination was in the opposite direction of his."という例文について この文は、目的地がお互い異なるにもかかわらず、その人が道案内をしてくれたことを意味します。 "A local person helped me find my way even though it was in the opposite way to which he was going." この文は、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • When I went abroad, a generous local person guided me to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going

  • When I went abroad, a very helpful local person accompanied me right up to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going

It is not usual that a person who is not a tourist guide will go out of his way and guide you right up to your destination even though his/her destination is in the opposite direction. In this regard, such a person can be described as being 'generous'. The adjective 'generous' used in the first statement has several meanings, but, in this context, it means 'showing kindness toward other people'. That person was 'extremely helpful' to 'accompany' you to your destination even though his destination was on the other side. The verb to 'accompany' means to go somewhere with someone as an 'escort' in this case. So, you may say to someone: When I went abroad, a generous local person guided me to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going or When I went abroad, a very helpful local person accompanied me right up to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going
ツアーガイドでもない人がわざわざ反対方向にもかかわらず目的地まで案内してくれるというのはあまりないことです。そのような人は 'generous'(思いやりがある)と表すことができます。 一つ目の例で使われている形容詞 'generous' にはいろいろな意味がありますが、ここでは「思いやりがある」という意味です。 その人が目的地まで「一緒に行ってくれた」ということならすごく助かったと思います。動詞の 'accompany' はここでは「一緒に行く」という意味です。 次のように言えます。 When I went abroad, a generous local person guided me to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going (海外に行ったとき、地元の優しい人が方角が反対なのに目的地まで案内してくれました) When I went abroad, a very helpful local person accompanied me right up to my destination which was in the opposite direction of where he himself was going (海外に行ったとき、地元の優しい人が方角が反対なのに目的地まで案内してくれました)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • A lovely local escorted me to find my way even though they were not going that way themselves

  • A very nice person helped show me the way even though they were going in the opposite direction

If someone escorts you then they help and show you the way to somewhere and make sure you get there safely If they were going a different way then you can say 'they were not going that way themself' or 'were going in the opposite direction'
escort' は「〔人をある場所に〕送り届ける」という意味です。 相手が別の方向に行こうとしていたことは、 'they were not going that way themselves'(別方向に向かっていた) または、 'they were going in the opposite direction'(反対方向に向かっていた) で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A local helped me find my destination even tho it was out of his way

"A local helped me find my destination even tho it was out of his way" This statement is referring that someone had helped you find somewhere you wanted to go to and the person helping was not going in that direction and was not convenient for them. A 'local' is the term used to describe someone who is from an area that they live. When using 'destination' this is describing a location you are heading too. 'Out of his way' is an expression used when referring that something is an inconvenience for someone, that they have to do something requiring more effort that thought.
"A local helped me find my destination even tho it was out of his way"(地元の人が方角が全然違ったのに目的地まで案内してくれた) 「ある人が、行く方角が違ったのに目的地まで案内してくれた」と伝えています。 'local' は、その土地の人を指します。 'destination' は「目的地」のことです。 'out of his way' は「面倒なこと」「より労力が求められること」を表します。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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