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2017/11/21 20:34
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  • Having a child later in life carries additional risks for the baby

  • The baby has a better chance of being born healthy if the mother is young

In context, it is probably not necessary to say that you want a baby if you say something like: "The baby has a better chance of being born healthy if the mother is young." However, you could add the phrase - "Personally I am determined to have a baby before I get too old." You may also add: "I don't want my child to be put at risk." Discussing with your friend or husband how you feel about this important topic may help to reduce your building concerns about growing older.
この文脈では、"The baby has a better chance of being born healthy if the mother is young."(母親が若い方が赤ちゃんは健康で生まれる可能性が高い)のようなことを言いたいのであれば、おそらく赤ちゃんが欲しいと言う必要はありません。 しかしこう付け加えることが出来ます。 例文 "Personally I am determined to have a baby before I get too old." 個人的には、高齢になる前に子供を生みたい。 こう付け加えることもできます。 例文 "I don't want my child to be put at risk." 子供を危険にさらしたくない。 友人や夫とこのような重要な話題についてどのように思っているかを話し合うと、高齢になることへの募る不安を軽減するのに役立つかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I want to give birth at a young age so that my child can turn out healthy. / I want to give birth at a young age so that my child and I won't have any problems.

  • I want to give birth at a young age because older births often come with greater complications.

  • I want to give birth at a young age because the older you get, the greater the risk to the mother and child.

won't have any problems - this means that the you and the child won't face any health issues complications - during surgery, this means problems that arise on the operating table or after the surgery is finished... problems that arise due to an invasive surgery
won't have any problems - あなたとあなたの子どもがいかなる健康問題にも直面しないという意味です。 complications - 手術中に、手術台の上あるいは手術終了後に問題が起きることで、侵襲性の手術によって起こる問題を意味しています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • The earlier I have a child the better. Giving birth at an old age is to risky.

▪ The earlier I have a child the better. Giving birth at an old age is to risky. "the earlier the better" means that it will be much better to have a child now then when you get older. "risky" is great possibility to danger. The sentences is indicating that you want to have a child now at a young age rather then at a old age because there can be complications when getting a child at an old age.
例文 ▪ The earlier I have a child the better. Giving birth at an old age is to risky. 子供を産むのは早いに越したことはない。高齢出産はリスクが高い。 "the earlier the better"は、年を取ってきているので、今子供を産んだ方が はるかに良いということです。 "risky" は危険な状態になる可能性が高いということです。 高齢出産すると合併症になる可能性があるので、年を取ってからではなく、 若い内に子供が欲しいということを表しています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to give birth when I am 25 so that I avoid the complications of having a child when I am older.

*I would like to give birth when I am 25 so that I avoid the complications of having a child when I am older. You can be more specific and mention the age you want to have the child. e.g 25 years Complications means problems you may face. For example: "She developed complications after the surgery."
例文 *I would like to give birth when I am 25 so that I avoid the complications of having a child when I am older. 高齢出産の苦労を避けるために25歳までには子供を生みたい。 より具体的に子供が欲しい年齢を言うことができます。例25歳 Complicationsは直面する問題です。 例文 "She developed complications after the surgery." 彼女は、手術の後合併症を発症した。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Having a child when younger doesn't carry as many risks

  • When you are older having a child carries greater risks

  • The earlier i have a child the better, being older is more risky

When something can cause danger or something bad to happen this is called 'risky' When you are younger your body i seen as more healthy so having a baby is always considered better at a younger age as the older you get the more health problems can occur for you and the baby this can also be referred to as having 'risks'
何かが危険あるいは良くないことを引き起こす可能性があることは、'risky'(危険を伴う)で表せます。 一般に若いときの方が体は丈夫とされていて、出産は早ければ早いほどいいと考えられています。高齢になると母親にも赤ちゃんにも健康上の問題が起こりやすくなります。これは 'risks'(リスク)と表すこともできます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • I want to give birth while I'm still young, so as to avoid complications.

  • Having children now means I will face less complications than if I were to wait longer.

I want to give birth while I'm still young, so as to avoid complications. - Avoiding complications in this sentence refers to those that come with giving brith. Having children now means I will face less complications than if I were to wait longer. - Facing less complications implies that they could still happen, but the longer you wait the higher they become.
I want to give birth while I'm still young, so as to avoid complications. (合併症を避けるために若いうちに出産したい) - この文の "Avoiding complications" は出産に伴って起きる事を指します。 Having children now means I will face less complications than if I were to wait longer. (今子どもを産めば年を取ってからよりも合併症が少なく済む) - "Facing less complications" は「今でも合併症はあるかもしれないが、年を取れば取るほどその可能性は高くなる」というニュアンスです。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • I want children at a young age.

  • I do not want children when I am too old.

  • Having children at an older age is a health risk.

Many people are familiar with this idea that the older you are the harder it is to have a safe pregnancy. The simplest way to describe this is that you "wish to have children at a young age." If you must elaborate further then I would recommend this. "I want to have children early, so it is not a health risk later."
この考えはよく知られています。年を取れば取るほど出産にリスクを伴うということ。 最もシンプルな言い方は「若いうちに子どもを産みたい」です(→【例1】)。 より詳しく伝える必要があるなら、次のように言えます。 "I want to have children early, so it is not a health risk later." (健康上のリスクになる前に、子どもは若いうちに生みたい)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • I want to have children while I'm still young; older women tend to have more complications during pregnancy.

  • Older women tend to have higher risks during pregnancy, so I don't want to wait until I'm older to have children.

①I want to have children while I'm still young; older women tend to have more complications during pregnancy. 「まだ若いうちに子供を産みたい。年を重ねた女性の方が妊娠の合併症を患う傾向がある。」 ②Older women tend to have higher risks during pregnancy, so I don't want to wait until I'm older to have children. 「年を重ねた女性の方が妊娠中のリスクが高い傾向があるから、出産は(今より)もっと年を重ねるまで待ちたくない。」 アメリカでは、年々、女性の出産平均年齢が高くなっていることもあり、いわゆる「高齢出産」の定義が変わりつつあります。 「高齢出産」とは呼ばず、High Risk(リスクが高い)妊娠のカテゴリーに入ります。
Michiru 英語・異文化コミュニケーションコンサルタント
  • I want children at a young age because more problems aquires when you get older

I think this one statement provides the best option to express what do you want to explain for others. For example - The older I get the more difficult it will be to have children, so I prefer to have them earlier
これがあなたの言いたいことを伝えるベストな言い方だと思います。 例: The older I get the more difficult it will be to have children, so I prefer to have them earlier (年を取れば取るほど子どもを産むのが難しくなるから、早くほしいです)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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