世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2017/11/22 12:39
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  • Thanks to you, I was able to continue practicing English.

  • You're the reason that I'm able to continue studying English, so thank you.

"You're the reason" - this means the same thing as "because of you" For example, you might say to your mother, "You're the reason I was born." "Thanks to you, I was able to continue practicing my English." - putting "thanks to you" at the beginning instead of the end puts the emphasis on "thanks to you."
"You're the reason" (あなたのおかげです) -これは "because of you(あなたのおかげです)"と同じ意味になります。 例えばお母さんに次のように言うことが出来ます。 "You're the reason I was born." (あなたのおかげでこの世に生まれました) "Thanks to you, I was able to continue practicing my English." (お陰様で、英語の勉強を続けることが出来ました) - この"thanks to you"を文末ではなく文頭に持ってくることによって"thanks to you"を強調して言うことが出来ます。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • You motivated me to keep up my English studies. Kudos to you!

Motivate is a sophisticated and very appropriate word to use. To "Motivate" someone means to give someone a reason to do something or to cause a person to have enthusiasm or a desire to do something like studying English. Kudos is used to express respect in an informal manner.
「motivate」は洗練されていて、この場面にピッタリの言葉です。 「motivate」は、人に何かをする理由(動機)を与える、(英語の勉強などを)やる気にさせる、といった意味です。 「kudos」は、尊敬の気持ちをインフォーマルに表す言い方です。
Caryn DMM英会話講師
  • I was able to continue studying English, thanks to you.

  • Thanks to you that I was able to continue studying English.

In the first statement, you have started with the reason why you are grateful to the teacher, continuing to study English. Then you end with the 'gratefulness', 'thanks to you'. So, it is because of the teacher that you are continuing studying English. However, in the second statement, you have varied this by starting with the gratefulness and ending with the reason why. So, you may say: I was able to continue studying English, thanks to you. or Thanks to you I was able to continue studying English.
例文1:I was able to continue studying English, thanks to you. 「あなたのおかげで英語学習を続けることができました」 この文では、なぜあなたが嬉しいかの理由を最初に述べ、感謝の意で締めくくります。言い換えるとIt is because of the teacher that you are continuing studying English.「先生のおかげで英語学習を継続できました。」 例文2:Thanks to you I was able to continue studying English. 「あなたのおかげで英語学習を続けることができました」 こちらの文では、最初に「ありがとう」という感謝の意を表し、その後になぜありがとうなのかを続ける言い方です。
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • You are the reason I kept up my English studies.

  • I continued studying English because of you!

  • It is thanks to you that I kept studying English.

In this situation, you want to express your gratitude. A concise way to do that is to attribute your English studies to them. Saying "you are the reason..." or "it is thanks to you that" is a good and simple way of expressing this. For the first two options, you can include a "thank you" at the end of the sentences to show even more gratitude.
この場合、あなたの感謝の気持ちを表したいのだと思います。簡明な方法は、英語を学習できたのは先生の存在あってこそ、ということです。 "you are the reason..."(あなたが~をつづけることができた理由です) や "it is thanks to you that" (あなたのおかげで~)などがシンプルに~のおかげ、ということを伝えることができます。 最初の2つの回答例の最後に"thank you"をつけることで、より深い感謝の気持ちを伝えることができるでしょう。
Amelia May DMM英会話講師
  • I continued studying English all because of you!

  • You really motivated me to keep going with my English!

"..all because of you..." We use this construction when we want to say that something has happened solely because of one reason. "The football pitches were declared 'unplayable' all because of the weather." "All because of you, my future wife has left me!" To keep going = to continue persevering with something which may or may not be challenging.
"..all because of you..." まさにあなたのおかげで この表現を使うのは、単にある1つの理由によって物事が起こったと言いたい時です。 例文 "The football pitches were declared 'unplayable' all because of the weather." まさにその天気が原因で、サッカーの競技場は競技不可能と公表された。 "All because of you, my future wife has left me!" まさにあなたのおかげで、将来の妻と出会えた。 To keep going = 困難な又は困難でないことをやり続ける
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You have inspired me to keep learning English.

  • Thanks to you, I have been motivated to keep learning English.

  • Thanks to you, I have persevered and have kept learning English.

There are many ways to say that your teacher has influenced you to keep studying English such as the following examples; You have inspired me to keep learning English. keyword: inspire-fill one with the urge to do something. Thanks to you, I have been motivated to keep learning English. keyword: motivate-Cause one to have an interest in something. Thanks to you, I have persevered and have kept learning English. keyword-persevere-Continue in a course of action even in the face of difficulty.
様々な表現の方法がありますが、下記を参考にしてください。 You have inspired me to keep learning English. ーあなたに英語学習を続ける後押しをしてもらいました。 keyword: inspire-~を元気づける。勇気づける。後押しする。 Thanks to you, I have been motivated to keep learning English. ーあなたのおかげで、英語の勉強へのモチベーションを保つことができました。 keyword: motivate-興味を持ちづづけ~を継続して行うこと Thanks to you, I have persevered and have kept learning English ーあなたのおかげで辛抱して英語の勉強を続けることができました。 keyword-persevereー~をやり抜く。辛抱する。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • You are the reason I am able to keep studying English.

  • I was able to keep studying English thanks to you.

  • It was due to you that I was able to keep studying English.

keep studying' means to continue studying without stopping. 'I was able' is to be capable of doing something. 'You are the reason', 'It was due to you' and 'thanks to you' all mean that it was because of you. Be careful of tenses with the first example as: 'You are the reason I am able to keep studying English' is present continuous. 'You were the reason I was able to keep studying English' is past continuous and implies you are no longer studying English.
「keep studying」は、やめずに勉強し続けるという意味です。 「I was able」は、何かをすることができたことを表します。 「You are the reason」「It was due to you」「thanks to you」すべて「あなた(=you)のおかげだった」という意味です。 最初の例では時制に気をつけてください。 'You are the reason I am able to keep studying English' ↑現在形です。 'You were the reason I was able to keep studying English' ↑過去形です、今はもう英語を勉強していないというニュアンスです。
Mirek DMM英会話講師
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