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2017/11/23 08:58
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  • Most people get this as a souvenir the first time they come to Japan.

  • This is a typical souvenir for your first visit in Japan.

"Most people get this as a souvenir the first time they come to Japan." - one way to make a recommendation is to say that "most people (do something)." For example, "most people choose to eat at a sushi restaurant when they visit Japan." Another way of saying, most people could be to use the word "typical" like "a typical visitor."
"Most people get this as a souvenir the first time they come to Japan." (日本を初めて訪れるほとんどの人がこれをお土産として買っていきます) -何かを勧める時の一つの方法で "most people (do something)"(多くの人が~する)です。 【例】 "most people choose to eat at a sushi restaurant when they visit Japan." (日本を訪ねた時、ほとんどの人が寿司屋で食事をします) その他の表現は "typical(典型的な)" があります。 【例】 "a typical visitor."(典型的な旅行者)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • This is a very popular souvenir for first time visitors to Japan

  • This souvenir makes a great keepsake for your first visit

In the UK, customers are usually not very impressed when shopkeepers or salesmen recommend their own products. We tend to be dubious about the reason for recommending any one particular product - is the salesman on extra commission for selling that product? However, just slightly more subtle might be to say: "This is a very popular souvenir for first time visitors to Japan."
イギリスでは、店主や販売員が自社の製品を勧めても通常あまり気に留めません。私たちは特定の製品を勧める理由が何なのかを疑う傾向があります。販売員はその製品を売ると余分に手数料をもらえるのだろうかと考えます。 でももっとさりげなく言うのであればこう言います。 例文 "This is a very popular souvenir for first time visitors to Japan." 日本に初めて来た人にはこのお土産がとても人気があります。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I recommend this souvenir to remember your first visit to Japan.

  • This souvenir is special for your first visit to Japan.

You can recommend something you think is important or will be liked by the person you are talking to. To further explain why they should buy a certain souvenir, say it is special to their first trip in Japan. Something that will remind them of the new experience and remember forever.
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • This is the most popular souvenir for first time visitors.

  • People always buy this on their first trip to Japan.

"This is the most popular souvenir for first-time visitors." This explains that it is most often bought by tourists on their first trip to Japan. "People always buy this on their first trip to Japan." This is another way of explaining that the item is most commonly bought by people visiting Japan for the first time.
"This is the most popular souvenir for first-time visitors." という例文について この文は、これが初めて日本に旅行に来た人に一番人気の商品だということを説明しています。 "People always buy this on their first trip to Japan."という例文について この文は、上記と同じ意味の別の言い方です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • If this is your first time in Japan I would recommend this souvenir

  • For people who have never been to Japan this is the souvenir you should get.

  • All first time visitors to Japan should get this souvenir.

This is a way of telling first time travelers who are coming to Japan that they should get a specific souvenir because that souvenir would best represent their visit.
Nicole Le DMM英会話講師
  • We recommend this as a first time souvenir from Japan

  • This is a typical souvenir for your first visit to Japan

  • This is a popular souvenir for people visitng Japan for the first time

If you haven't been somewhere before then it would be called your 'first time' visiting or your 'first visit' a souvenir is a small item that you take home to remember where you have been or visitied If you suggest someone does something this is also called to 'recommend' if alot of people do something this is called 'popular' and something that happens because it is normal is said to be 'typical'
どこかに初めて行くなら、それは 'first time' や 'first visit' で表せます。 'souvenir' は、そこに行った思い出として家に持ち帰る小物をいいます。 人に何かを提案する(suggest)ことは、'recommend'(勧める)でも表せます。 何かをたくさんの人がするなら、それは 'popular'(人気の)と表せます。 そして、標準的なものは 'typical'(典型的な)で表せます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • A typical souvenir for first time visitors in Japan

  • The most popular souvenir for tourists in Japan

"A typical souvenir for first time visitors in Japan" A 'Typical' is an expression used to describe something stereotypical,standard,classic etc. 'Souvenir' is the term used when describing a gift or something you buy for yourself while on holiday/vacation. "The most popular souvenir for tourists in Japan" 'Popular' is an expression used when something or someone is famous or well known. 'Tourist' is the term given to visitors who travel abroad to a holiday/vacation destination.
"A typical souvenir for first time visitors in Japan"(日本に初めて来た人向けの典型的なお土産) 'Typical' は「ありふれたもの」「標準的なもの」「伝統的なもの」などを表す言葉です。 'Souvenir' は旅行先で自分自身に対して買う物やプレゼントをいいます。 "The most popular souvenir for tourists in Japan"(日本に来る観光客に最も人気のお土産) 'Popular' は、人やものが有名なときに使われる言葉です。 観光で海外を訪れる人は 'Tourist'(観光客)と呼ばれます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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