世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話


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2016/01/24 18:14
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  • I like to travel alone.

英語で正確に言おうとすると、難易度が上がってしまいます。 例えば I like to travel alone. 1人で旅行するのが好きです。 このように言えば、シンプルな英語で十分伝わるのではないでしょうか?
Nishizawa Roy イングリッシュドクター
  • I prefer traveling by myself than traveling with groups.

  • I like being on my own than being in a big group.

I prefer traveling by myself than traveling with groups. 団体旅行より個人旅行の方が好き。 I like being on my own than being in a big group. 大きな団体でいるより一人でいる方が好き。 これは構文ですね。"Prefer~than"や "like~than" を使うことで、「〜のほうが好き」という意味になります。
  • 1. I prefer travelling independently

  • 2. I'd rather travel alone

  • 3. Travelling in a group is too restricting

1. To travel independently = to go to different places as a lone traveler. 2. You state your preference is to get about unaccompanied. 3. You point out that as part of a group, you may not be able to do exactly what you would like to do. "I'd rather travel alone so I can do exactly what I want to do without having to consider other people."
1. To travel independently = 一人旅 2. 自分は1人のほうが好き、ということを言う表現。 3. グループのひとりとして、自分の本当にやりたいことができないかもしれない、ここを指摘する言い方です。 "I'd rather travel alone so I can do exactly what I want to do without having to consider other people." 他の人とのこと考えて自分のしたいことができないから1人の方がいいよ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I am a bit of a loner when it comes to traveling.

  • I prefer my own company while traveling.

  • I dislike traveling in a group,I would much rather be alone.

"I am a bit of a loner when it comes to traveling." a loner = a person that prefers not to associate with others. "I prefer my own company while traveling." prefer my own company = to enjoy being alone instead of people. "I dislike traveling in a group,I would much rather be alone." This is another way to express that you dislike traveling in a group.
"I am a bit of a loner when it comes to traveling." a loner = a person that prefers not to associate with others. Loner=一匹狼。「旅行に関しては、一人旅が好きです。」 "I prefer my own company while traveling." prefer my own company = to enjoy being alone instead of people. Prefer my own company=一人でいる方が好き。「旅行中は、1人でいる方が好きです(単独行動の方がいい)。」 "I dislike traveling in a group,I would much rather be alone." This is another way to express that you dislike traveling in a group. 「私は団体旅行が好きじゃありません。一人でいる方がいいです。」
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • I like traveling solo than in a group.

  • I like traveling alone than in a group.

  • When it comes to traveling, I like being a lone wolf.

Traveling alone does have its own advantages. However, I would favor traveling alone or solo (alone, without being accompanied), because, you do not have any differences of opinion with anybody else, your decisions are final and unopposed. The only disadvantage is that if you make a wrong decision, you are stuck with it. A 'lone wolf' is someone who likes to act alone, without any accompaniment or help from anybody. So, you may say: I like traveling solo than in a group. or I like traveling alone than in a group. or When it comes to traveling, I like being a lone wolf.
一人旅の良いところは確かにあります。しかし、私の場合は自分の決定にに対して反対がなくすべて自分で決められるという点から一人きりで(同伴者なしで)の旅を好んでいます。不利な点としては、悪い決定をした場合は逃れ道がないということでしょうか。” a lone wolf " とは他人の助けや同伴を得ずに一人で行動することが好きな人を指します。 例文 I like traveling solo than in a group. (グループで旅行するより一人旅が好きです。) I like traveling alone than in a group. (グループで旅行するより一人旅が好きです。) When it comes to traveling, I like being a lone wolf. (旅行に関していえば、一人でいることが好きです。)
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • i prefer to travel alone

  • I find travelling alone more convenient

  • I prefer to travel alone, rather than in a group

example "i find traveling alone more convenient for me". or "i prefer to travel alone". or "i don't like to travel in a group, i prefer to make my own way".
例 "I find traveling alone more convenient for me". (私には一人で旅行するほうがより都合が良いとわかりました。) あるいは "I prefer to travel alone". (私は一人で旅行することを好みます。) あるいは "I don't like to travel in a group, I prefer to make my own way". (私は団体旅行が好きではありません、私は自分ひとりで旅行するほうが好きです。)
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • I am traveling solo.

  • I going it alone on this trip.

"I am traveling solo." expresses that you are not traveling with anyone else just yourself/ alone/ solo.
I am traveling solo. (一人旅をします) これは、誰と一緒でもなく、だた自分自身で旅をする、と言う事を言い表しています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I prefer to travel alone than in groups.

  • I like traveling alone.

  • I prefer to travel alone.

We can talk about our preferences with, "to prefer," when talking about traveling. It's totally up to use whether we include, "than in groups," because when talking about the preference to travel, "alone," we can assume the opposite would be, "in groups." Lastly we can also use the verb, "to like," to talk about our enjoyment or feelings towards something.
Jonathan B DMM英会話講師
  • I like traveling alone more than in a group.

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ おっしゃられている内容は、 I like traveling alone more than in a group. 「グループでよりも1人で旅行する方が私は好きです」 のように表現しても良いと思います(*^_^*) 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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