世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/23 13:08
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  • We're paying as one

  • I'll pay this bill

  • I'll pay for both of us

In the UK, if you sit at a table at a restaurant and later finish your meal, you will be presented with one bill for the whole table automatically. If you wish to have the bill broken down to individuals or couples or any other variation, then you need to say so before people start ordering. So there is no need ever to say that you are paying together as that is the default position for payment. However, if, for example,. you wish to pay for someone on another table, you may well say: "We're paying as one," or "I'll pay for both of us."
イギリスでは、レストランのテーブルに座って、食事を済ませた場合は、 自動的にテーブルの人全員の勘定書が提示されます。 個人、カップル、又は他の方法で勘定書を別々にして欲しい場合は、 注文をする前にその旨を言う必要があります。 今回の場合はまとめて払うのが普通ですから、あなたがまとめて払うと 言う必要はありません。 しかし、もし他のテーブルの人の分まで払おうと思うのであれば、 こう言うことができます。 例文 "We're paying as one," まとめて払います。 "I'll pay for both of us." 両方まとめて払います。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • All together, please

  • Everything together, please

"All together, please" is an expression when handing the bill back to a waiter with one form of payment that states only one payment is being made for the whole bill. "Everything together please" can be used either at the time of asking for the bill or when making payment; it informs the person who is making the bill that the bill will not be split between two/or more.
「All together, please」は、請求書をウェイターに戻すとき一括に支払うこと、一つの支払いが全ての請求をカバーすることを意味します。 「Everything together please.」は、請求書を頼む時か、支払いをする時どちらかに使い、請求書を作る人に、請求が2つ以上に分かれないように伝えます。
Claire L DMM英会話講師
  • *hands waiter the payment* "For me and the (lady/gentleman/my friend)."

  • I'm paying for the both of us.

*hands waiter the payment* "For me and the (lady/gentleman)." - You don't have to say that you are paying, since this is implied. Instead, after handing in your payment, you can say, "For me and the (lady/gentleman/my friend)." This means that the payment is for your meal and the other person's meal.
*ウェイターへ支払いを渡して* "For me and the (lady/gentleman)." 「私とこの(女性/男性)の分です」 - この表現であなたが支払う事をほのめかしているので、わざわざ”支払います”と言う必要はありません。 代わりに、支払いをした後次のように言うことが出来ます。 "For me and the (lady/gentleman/my friend)." 「私とこの(女性/男性/友達)の分です」 これは、自分の食事と一緒にいる他の人の分の食事代の支払いです、と言う意味になります。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • I'll take care of the bill for both of us.

  • I'll pay for the both of us.

  • I pick up the bill for the two of us.

To explain that you will pay for you and someone else you say, "I'll pay for the both of us." You use the word "both" to talk about two of something.
自分と他の人の支払いを自分がすると伝える時は: "I'll pay for the both of us."(2人分払います) 「both」は二つのものについて言う場合に使います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • It's my shout.

  • This one is on me.

"It's my shout." is an expression meaning it's my turn to pay or buy something. This is good to use when out dining with friends or colleagues and you are not trying to be too formal. "It's on me." this is another useful expression for this situation. This is a very natural way of expressing your wish to pay , and is common in day to day conversation in these situations.
「It's my shout」は「私がおごります」という意味の表現です。 友達や同僚と食事に出かけて、あまりフォーマルになりたくない時に使うといいです。 「It's on me」。これもこの場面で使える便利な表現です。日常会話でよく聞きます。おごりたい気持ちを表すすごく自然な言い方です。
Spencer T DMM英会話講師
  • "We'll be on the same ticket"

  • "I'll be paying for both tickets."

  • "I'm paying his/her ticket as well"

"We'll be on the same ticket" is a way of saying you can put the total on one receipt. "Ticket" can be used instead of saying "receipt". In the United States any waiter will understand what you mean by "ticket". And I've noticed that it's more convenient for the waiter if you tell them that you'll be on the same ticket at the beginning of the meal or even when ordering. This is true especially if you are in a large group, for example, and you want to let the waiter know that you will only be paying for yourself and another person. I have been to restaurants where the waiter seems irritated when you tell them after the meal or after they've already brought you the bill on two separate tickets.
We'll be on the same ticket.  ー合計金額を一つの伝票にして払う、ということです。 "receipt"(レシート・伝票)の代わりに、"ticket"ということができます。 食事の最初や、注文の際にウエイターに「(個別ではなく)一つの伝票で払う」いうことを伝えた方が親切でしょう。 大勢のグループで食事をして、「自分自身と(グループの中の)もう一人」の代金を払うのであれば、特に最初に伝えておくほうがいいですね。 食事の伝票を個別に作ったあとで、客に「一つのレシートでまとめて」と言われイライラしているウエイターを見かけたことがあります。
Elain DMM英会話講師
  • I'll cover the bill.

  • This one is on me.

  • I'll treat you.

1) "I'll cover the bill." This is a good way to say that I will take care of the payment. 2) "This one is on me." This can be used when we want to treat someone (do something nice for them by paying the bill). 3) "It's my treat." This can be used in the same way as the second sentence.
1) "I'll cover the bill."  私が支払います。 これは、自分が支払うことをいういい方法です。  2) "This one is on me."  これは私のおごりです。 これは、誰かにおごりたいときに使われます。(お会計を支払うことで、親切をすること)   3) "It's my treat."  私のおごりです。 これは、二つ目の文と同じように使われます。
Hendrik DMM英会話講師
  • I will pay for both of us together.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・I will pay for both of us together. 私たち2人の分を一緒に私が払います。 together は「一緒に」という意味の英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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