世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/11/23 18:27
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  • So that will be ¥100,000. How would you like to pay, cash or card?

  • Your bill is $100,000. How would you like to pay, cash or card?

  • So that's ¥100,000. How would you like to pay, cash or card?

One way to say this is to introduce the cost, then ask the guest what method they will use to pay A. Good morning, how may I help you today? B. Umm, I have a room for 4. A. Yes, I see that reservation here. *after a bunch of formalities* A. So that will be ¥100,000. How would you like to pay, cash or card? B. Mastercard. A. Ok, you're all set. Enjoy your stay, and please let us know if you have any issues or questions.
一つの言い方として、値段を伝えてから、支払方法をゲストに尋ねることができます。 【例文】 A. Good morning, how may I help you today?(おはようございます。どのようなご用件でしょうか?) B. Umm, I have a room for 4.(えっと、4人部屋を予約したんですが) A. Yes, I see that reservation here.(はい、確認できます) *たくさんの手続きの後で* A. So that will be ¥100,000. How would you like to pay, cash or card?(10万円です。お支払方法は現金ですか?カードですか?) B. Mastercard.(マスターカードで) A. Ok, you're all set. Enjoy your stay, and please let us know if you have any issues or questions.(以上です。滞在をお楽しみください。問題や質問があればお知らせください)
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Rooms are paid for in advance. Please pay now.

  • You pay for your room as you check in.

The phrase 'paid for in advance' as used in the first statement, means that whatever service or product you are buying has to be paid for the service or the product is acquired. This means that the guest may not be given the keys to the room until he/she has paid. So, you may say: Rooms are paid for in advance. Please pay now. or You pay for your room as you check in.
'paid for in advance' というフレーズは最初の文で使われ、意味はサービスやものを買う時に「先払い」という意味です。 「前払い」の場合は、料金を支払うまで部屋の鍵がもらえないことがあります。 例:Rooms are paid for in advance. Please pay now. 「宿泊費は前払いです。今お支払ください」 or You pay for your room as you check in. 「チェックインする時に支払いをしてください」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • Would you like to pay by cash or card?

  • Here is your bill, sir/madam

Well, in real life we rarely ask someone if they would 'like to pay' for something. The context of the situation usually makes it obvious that they have the role of someone who needs to pay for something. When checking into a hotel, the receptionist may well ask: "Would you like to pay by cash or card?" This would be the cue for you to reach for your wallet and determine the method of payment.
そうですね、日常生活では人に支払いをしたいかどうかを尋ねることは 滅多にありません。通常状況から、お客様が支払いをしなければ いけないことは明らかです。 ホテルにチェックインした時に、フロント係はおそらくこう尋ねるでしょう。 例文 "Would you like to pay by cash or card?" お支払いは現金ですかそれともクレジットカードですか? こう言えば、財布に手を伸ばし、支払い方法を決めるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Paid in advance...(On Check in)

  • Please note...Rooms must be paid for in or credit card?

It is hotel policy in some establishments that rooms must be paid for "in advance" or "upon checking in". This is probably to avoid any chance of unscrupulous giuest "skipping out on the bill";-o) In any case Cash or credit card signifies the time to pay has arrived. "Please note...Rooms must be paid for in or credit card?"
宿泊代金を前払い又はチェックイン時に払うことがホテルの規則になっている所もあります。このような規則があるのは、おそらく支払いをしないたちの悪いゲストを排除するためです。 とにかく現金かクレジットカードで、到着時に支払わないといけないことを知らせます。 例文 "Please note...Rooms must be paid for in or credit card?" 注意:宿泊代金は、現金かクレジットカードで前払いでお願いします
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • The total amount for payment is $200.

  • The amount payable is $200.

▪ The total amount for payment is $200. This is telling the person indirectly that he/she must pay now and also giving the amount. ▪ The amount payable is $200. "payable" is the amount that needs to be paid immediately. Example Customer: How much do I pay for 2 nights? You: The total amount for payment is $200.
例文 ▪ The total amount for payment is $200. お支払の合計は200ドルです。 間接的に、今支払わなければいけないことと合計金額を伝えています。 例文 ▪ The amount payable is $200. お支払は200ドルです。 "payable" はすぐに払う必要がある金額です。 例文 Customer: How much do I pay for 2 nights? 2泊でおいくらですか? You: The total amount for payment is $200. お支払の合計は200ドルです。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • Please may I take your reservation and booking fee now.

  • Please pay for your room now, and then I will give you the keys

  • Please check in to your room, I will take payment now and then give you the keys.

Example "Please check in to your room, I will take payment now and then give you the keys." or "Please pay for your room now, and then I will give you the keys." or "Please may I take your reservation and booking fee now."
"Please check in to your room, I will take payment now and then give you the keys." チェックインをお願いします。お支払いの後に鍵をお渡しします。   "Please pay for your room now, and then I will give you the keys. "  お支払いをお願いします。それから鍵をお渡しします。 "Please may I take your reservation and booking fee now." ご予約のお支払いを頂けますか?
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • You have to pay for your room at check-in.

  • The room must be paid for at check-in.

"You have to pay for your room at check-in." tells the guests of the hotel who are checking in that the room that they have booked has to be paid during check in.
"You have to pay for your room at check-in." チェックイン時に部屋代金の支払いをしなければいけません。 こう言えばホテル客にチェックイン時に予約した部屋の代金を支払う必要があることを伝えることができます。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • We ask our guests to pay in advance.

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・We ask our guests to pay in advance. 先払いでお願いしております。 チェックインの際にこのように言うことで、宿泊代の支払いをお願いすることができます。 pay in advance で「先払い」を表すことができます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • Would you like to pay by cash or card?

  • We ask our guests to pay when checking in.

Would you like to pay by cash or card? 現金とカード、どちらにしますか? 上記のように言うことで、いま支払ってもらいたいことを伝えることができます。海外のホテルでもよく聞く英語フレーズです。 We ask our guests to pay when checking in. お客様にはチェックイン時にお支払いいただいております。 上記はチェックインの際に支払ってほしいことをそのまま伝えることができます。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。
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