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drunk driveとありますが、動詞で飲酒運転をするといには何と言えばいいですか?
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2017/11/24 18:35
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  • driving while drunk / drunk driving

  • driving under the influence / driving while intoxicated

  • DUI / DWI / impaired driving

The crime, infraction or law offense is called "DUI" or "DWI." This is basically an acronym for "driving under the influence (of alcohol)" or "driving while intoxicated." It is also referred to in the law as "impaired driving" because alcohol impairs you or makes you a bad driver. Commonly you'd say, "driving while drunk" or "drunk driving."
"DUI" 又は"DWI"というのは飲酒運転のことを指す。"DUI"というのは"driving under the influence (of alcohol)"の頭文字をとり、"DWI"は "driving while intoxicated"の頭文字をとっている。 アルコールはあなたの運転をimpair(悪くする)ので"impaired driving"とも呼ばれる。 口語表現では"driving while drunk"や"drunk driving"と言う。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • To drink drive

  • To drive whilst under the influence of alcohol

  • To drive, pissed

In the UK, the offence committed when someone takes control of a vehicle and is 'over the limit,' (which means the driver has more than the permitted level of alcohol in their bloodstream) is known as 'drink driving,' (not drunk driving). A legal way of describing this is, 'To drive whilst under the influence of alcohol.' A slang way of expressing this is to say that someone is driving, pissed. pissed = drunk (slang)
イギリスでは、限界を超えて(ドライバーの血中のアルコール濃度が 基準値以上になるということです)車を運転する違反は 'drink driving(飲酒運転)' (drunk drivingではない)として 知られています。 このことを法的に表現すると、'To drive whilst under the influence of alcohol.' (アルコールの影響がある中で運転すること)になります。 このことをスラングで言うと、someone is driving, pissed (酒を飲んで運転している)です。 pissed = 酔っている (slang)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • DUI

  • Drunk driving

DUI stands for Driving Under the Influence of alcohol. For example: DUI is the stupidest thing a human being can do. *Drunk driving is the act of driving a vehicle after drinking too much alcohol. For example: "The police arrested him for drunk driving."
DUIは、 Driving Under the Influence of alcohol(アルコールの影響下で運転する)を表しています。 例文 : DUI is the stupidest thing a human being can do. 飲酒運転は、人間がする最も愚かな行為だ。 *Drunk driving は、お酒をたくさん飲んだ後に車を運転する行為です。 例文 "The police arrested him for drunk driving." 警察は彼を飲酒運転で逮捕した。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Drunk driving

  • Driving while drunk

  • Driving while under the influence

They were caught for drunk driving. They were driving while drunk. "Driving while under the influence." is the more formal way of expressing they were driving while drunk.
例文 They were caught for drunk driving. 「彼らは飲酒運転で捕まった。」 They were driving while drunk. 「彼らは酔っぱらいながら運転していた。」 酔っぱらっているときに運転していたというのを説明する よりフォーマルな表現は "Driving while under the influence." です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Drink driving

  • Driving under the influence

When someone drinks alcohol it affects how they can do things especially driving therefore it 'influences' how they can drive so we call this 'driving under the influence' (alcohol) The simple term for driving after drinking alcohol is 'drink driving'
飲酒は人の行動、特に運転に 'influence'(影響)を与えます。そのため、飲酒運転は 'driving under the influence' と呼ばれます。 飲酒運転を表すシンプルな言葉は 'drink driving' です。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Drink Driving.

  • Driving under the influence

When you are driving whilst drunk. You may say that the person is "drunk driving". The more formal way of expressing this is to say that they were "driving under the influence". This means that the alcohol that they drank was having an effect on their driving.
お酒を飲んで運転することは "drunk driving" と言えます。 よりフォーマルな言い方は "driving under the influence" です。これは「アルコールの影響(influence)を受けた状態で運転すること」という意味です。
Max W DMM英会話講師
  • Drunk driving.

  • Drinking and driving.

  • Driving while intoxicated.

"Drunk Driving" is the most common phrase for this. However in more formal terms it would be "Driving under the influence" (D.U.I.) or "Driving while intoxicated" (D.W.I.) These are the terms that the police use. I got a D.U.I. yesterday. I was pulled over and given a D.W.I. I was too intoxicated to drive. I was drunk driving. / I was driving drunk.
"Drunk Driving" がこれについて表す最も一般的なフレーズです。 ただ、より正式な言い方としては、"Driving under the influence" (D.U.I.) や "Driving while intoxicated" (D.W.I.) になるでしょう。これらは警察が使う言葉です。 I got a D.U.I. yesterday. I was pulled over and given a D.W.I. (昨日飲酒運転で捕まりました) I was too intoxicated to drive. (酩酊していて運転できませんでした) I was drunk driving. / I was driving drunk. (私は飲酒運転をしていました)
Zachary S DMM英会話講師
  • Drunk driving

  • Driving under the influence

  • Drink and drive

You can use all of these to talk about someone driving after having consumed a lot of alcohol. Ex: -You should never drink and drive. -she was driving under the influence and crashed into another car. -drunk driving kills a lot of innocent people.
3例とも、お酒を大量に飲んだ後運転することを表します。 例: -You should never drink and drive.(飲酒運転は絶対にしては駄目) -She was driving under the influence and crashed into another car.(彼女は飲酒運転をして別の車に衝突した) -Drunk driving kills a lot of innocent people.(飲酒運転は多くの尊い命を奪う)
Rachel Ly DMM英会話講師
  • To drive drunk

  • Drunk driving


Driving under the influence (DUI), driving while impaired/driving while intoxicated (DWI) - operating a vehicle under the influence of alcohol or drugs. The most simple way to describe the situation would be:" I was driving drunk. Shouldn't have done it".
Driving under the influence (DUI), driving while impaired/driving while intoxicated (DWI) →飲酒または麻薬の影響下での運転。 シンプルに言うなら、例えば: "I was driving drunk. Shouldn't have done it" (飲酒運転をしました。反省しています)
Sarah Elizabeth DMM英会話講師
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