This Tv show is so addictive. I cannot stop watching.
*This TV show is so addictive. I cannot stop watching.
If something is addictive it means that you cannot stop having it. You want more of it. In this case it means that the TV show is very interesting and you want to watch more of it.
*This TV show is so addictive. I cannot stop watching.
I can't help but binge-watch my favorite Netflix shows.
binge-watch - you can binge on food, which means that you eat a lot of food in one sitting. Similarly, you can binge watch a tv show, which means you watch a lot of episodes at once. A lot of people do this with Netflix shows since they release an entire season at once.
binge-watch - 番組のエピソードを一度にたくさん観る事。
tv showをbinge -watchするということはいろんなエピソードを一気に観るということです。一度にシーズンまるごとリリースするのでいろんな人がNetflixでよくbinge-watchします。
1) binge watchとは最近よく聞く表現で、テレビのエピソードを次から次へと見てしまうという意味です。”binge"にはやりすぎてやばいという意味合いがあります。
食べ過ぎた時、飲みすぎた時にも"binge eat" "binge drink"という言い方も出来ます。
2)の"back to back"とは次から次へと、連続でやるという意味で、連続で何かをする時に使えます。例えば、
"I took my tests back to back" 「連続で試験を受けました」
This television drama series is so addictive, I just can't stop watching.
1. This television drama series is so addictive, I just can't stop watching.
The word "addictive" means habit-forming. or so enjoyable that you just cannot stop doing it
1. It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.
2. My son enjoyed playing these addictive arcade games.
1. This television drama series is so addictive, I just can't stop watching.
1. It started as a hobby, but it got so addictive I had to keep on doing it.(趣味として始めたけれど、癖になって続けてしまった)
2. My son enjoyed playing these addictive arcade games.(私の息子は、この癖になるアーケードゲームを楽しんでいた)
I'm addicted to this series. I've spent days binge watching it.
Native speakers will say like this: “I'm addicted to this series. I've spent days binge watching it”.
There are lots of other ways to say it, but this one is the most accurate and most commonly used.
Here is an example on how to use this in a conversation:
A: I've been binge watching a drama series recently. I'm addicted to it!
B: Which one is it? I have a lot of free time, I need something to watch as well!
“I'm addicted to this series. I've spent days binge watching it”.
A: I've been binge watching a drama series recently. I'm addicted to it!(この頃はまっているドラマがあってそればかりずっと見ています)
B: Which one is it? I have a lot of free time, I need something to watch as well!
These days people sometimes watch an entire series or season of a drama back to back ie nonstop. The whole series is sometimes referred to as a 'box set' as TV programmes are or were also available in multiple dvd form in a box. If you are 'hooked by a tv series it means that you are like a fish on the end of a fishing line and you want to watch all of the series.
最近では、ドラマのシリーズやシーズン全体を続けて見ることがあります。テレビ番組が箱に入った複数のDVD形式で利用できる(できた)ことから、シリーズ全体を 'box set' と呼ぶこともあります。あなたが'hooked by a tv series'(テレビシリーズに夢中)というのは、それはあなたが釣り糸の先の魚のように、シリーズのすべてを見たくなっていることを意味します。
I could not stop watching it, as it was so interesting
I enjoyed the tv series so much I couldn't stop watching it
The tv series was so addctive I couldn't stop watching it
When watching a tv series they usually leave the episode at an exciting part on the end so it makes you want to watch the next one this is said to make it interesting or 'addictive' making you want to keep watching it