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2017/11/30 05:03
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  • My nose started running yesterday.

  • I got this running nose yesterday.

「鼻水」のことを"running nose"といいます。 My nose started running yesterday. 直訳:昨日鼻水が始まった。 I got this running nose yesterday. 直訳:昨日鼻水(の状態)になった。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • I've had a runny nose since yesterday, and it won't go away.

  • My runny nose won't go away.

(something) wont' go away - When you have a symptom or disease, you can say that "it won't go away," if you are trying to treat it, but it is consistent. I've had a runny nose since yesterday. - You can also say that you've "had something since (period of time)" to indicate that it still has not "gone away." e.g. I've had a cold since Friday, and it won't go away.
(something) wont' go away ~が治らない 病気の症状がある又は病気になっている時に、治療しようとしているのだけど、なかなか治らないのであれば、"it won't go away,"(良くならない)ということが出来ます。 例文 I've had a runny nose since yesterday. 昨日から鼻水が出ています。 まだ病気が治っていないことを表すために(いついつ)から~の症状があるということが出来ます。 例文 I've had a cold since Friday, and it won't go away. 金曜日から風邪をひいていて、まだ治らない
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • My nose has been runny since yesterday.

  • I have been having a runny nose since yesterday.

*"My nose has been runny since yesterday." or "I have been having a runny nose since yesterday." These sentences mean that your nose hasn't been runny from the day before. For example: You: My nose has been runny since yesterday. Friend: You should probably take some medication.
例文 *"My nose has been runny since yesterday." or "I have been having a runny nose since yesterday." 昨日から鼻水が出ている。 これらの文は、昨日から鼻水が出ているということです。 例文 You: My nose has been runny since yesterday. 昨日から鼻水が出ている。 Friend: You should probably take some medication. 多分薬を飲んだ方が良いよ。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • My nose has been driving me crazy since yesterday!

  • I must have used a whole packet of tissues in the last 24 hours!

In the context of you obviously having a red nose - and dabbing the nose with a tissue, and speaking nasally, you could just say something like: "I must have used a whole packet of tissues in the last 24 hours!" Likewise, in the same scenario where you are clearly suffering from the effects of a runny nose, you may say: "My nose has been driving me crazy since yesterday!
この場合、明らかに鼻が赤くなり、鼻にティッシュをあて、鼻声で話していますので、このように言うことが出来ます。 例文 "I must have used a whole packet of tissues in the last 24 hours!" 24時間でティッシュを丸々1箱使ったに違いない。 同様に明らかに、鼻水が出る症状で苦しんでいる場合は、こう言えます。 例文 "My nose has been driving me crazy since yesterday! 昨日から鼻水が止まらないので、気がおかしくなりそうだ。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Streaming...

  • When I have a cold, my eyes and nose are streaming all the time...

A running /streaming nose can be so annoying...Some people make jokes about it " My nose is running a marathon" ;_D ...To describe a heavily streaming nose. For others..."its no laughing matter" My nose " has been streaming for days!" Streaming (like a small river or stream)
"A running /streaming nose"はいらいらさせるものです。 " My nose is running a marathon" (鼻水が長く続いています。)と、ある人は冗談をいいます。鼻水が垂れることが重症だということを表しています。 他にも、"its no laughing matter"(笑い事じゃないです。) "My nose has been streaming for days!"(ここ数日間鼻水が垂れています。) "Streaming"は小さな川やせせらぎのようだという意味です。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • My nose has been running non-stop since yesterday.

  • I have had a snotty nose since yesterday.

When you have a cold we say that our "nose is running". You could say "My nose has been running non-stop since yesterday." Non-stop means without stopping. In the UK we also say we have a "snotty nose" as a colloquial term for the mucous that comes out of your nose with a cold is "snot". So you could say "I have had a snotty nose since yesterday."
風邪をひいたら、次のように言います。 "nose is running" (鼻水がたれる) 次のように言いあわらすことが出来ます。 【例】 "My nose has been running non-stop since yesterday." (昨日から鼻水が止まりません) "Non-stop"(ノンストップ〉とは止まらないという意味になります。 また、イギリスでは "snotty nose"(鼻水を垂らした鼻) と話し言葉で言います。 私たちの鼻から出てくる"mucous"(液体)は"snot"(鼻水)と呼ばれるからです。 ですので、次のように言うことが出来ます。 【例】 "I have had a snotty nose since yesterday." (昨日から鼻水が止まりません)
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • My nose has been running since yesterday.

  • My nose has been running for the past two days.

  • My nose started running yesterday. I may have a cold.

To express that your nose has been running since yesterday you may make use of the following word; since yesterday-In the intervening period between the time that is relevant and typically the present. for the past two days- Elaborates on when it started making use of the present continuous to show that it is also still currently happening. started running yesterday-Giving the time it first started.
昨日から鼻水が出ていることを表現する場合、以下の表現が使えます: since yesterday- その時点(=yesterday)と通常は現在の間に for the past two days- 現在完了形で表していることがいつ始まったかを伝えます。 started running yesterday- それがいつ始まったかを伝えています。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
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