世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/01 00:48
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  • The teachers proceed their lessons according to the student whose level is the lowest in the class.

  • If there is a student who is following behind, the teachers adjust their lessons according to the student's level.

The teachers proceed their lessons according to the student whose level is the lowest in the class. (授業で先生は、レベルの低い生徒に合わせて授業を展開する。) If there is a student who is following behind, the teachers adjust their lessons according to the student's level. (もし遅れている生徒がいたら、先生はその生徒に合わせた授業を展開します。) というのはいかがでしょうか ヽ(o´ω`o)ノ proceed = 続けて行う according to 〇〇 = 〇〇に合わせる follow behind = 遅れる adjust = 合わせる 以上、乱雑で申し訳ありませんが、少しでも参考になれば嬉しいです (*´ω`*)ノ
Kanako 通訳/翻訳家・英語習得コンサルタント
  • This teacher follows the pace of the slowest student in the class.

  • The slowest student sets the pace in this class.

  • The learning curve in this class is set at the slowest student's pace.

This teacher follows the pace of the slowest student in the class. The slowest student sets the pace in this class. The learning curve in this class is set at the slowest student's pace. I like the way this teacher helps the slowest students keep up with the rest of the class. No one falls behind in this class because the teacher goes at the slowest student's level. If you don't understand something, this teacher slows down the whole class so you can catch up. "No child left behind!" is this teacher's motto. This teacher makes it easy for everyone to be at the same level.
This teacher follows the pace of the slowest student in the class. (この先生はクラスで一番遅れている生徒のペースに合わせます) The slowest student sets the pace in this class. (このクラスでは授業は一番遅れている生徒のペースに合わせます) The learning curve in this class is set at the slowest student's pace. (このクラスでは授業は一番遅れている生徒のペースに合わせます) I like the way this teacher helps the slowest students keep up with the rest of the class. (この先生は遅れている生徒が他の生徒について来られるように工夫しているところが素晴らしいです) No one falls behind in this class because the teacher goes at the slowest student's level. (先生が一番遅れている生徒のペースに合わせているので、このクラスでは落ちこぼれる人は誰もいません) If you don't understand something, this teacher slows down the whole class so you can catch up. (分からない人がいると、この先生はクラス全体のペースを遅らせてついて来られるようにします) "No child left behind!" is this teacher's motto. (「どの子も取り残さない」がこの先生のモットーです) This teacher makes it easy for everyone to be at the same level. (この先生はみんなが同じレベルになるようにしています)
Bobbi S DMM英語講師
  • The pace of the lesson is based on the slowest student

  • The teacher panders to the needs of the slower students, so progress for others is inhibited

If you want to explain that, in a group lesson, the teacher will conduct lessons at the level of the student who has the lowest understanding, then you may try one of the above suggestions.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Teachers teach at a pace so that everyone can keep up.

"Teachers teach at a pace so that everyone can keep up." This is a polite of saying the teach teaches at the level of the lowest learning level. Pace refers to how fast or slow one does something.
"Teachers teach at a pace so that everyone can keep up."(先生はみんながついて来られるペースで教えます) これは、先生が最も低いレベルの生徒に合わせて教えることを丁寧な言葉で説明しています。 "Pace" は、物事を行う速さを言います。
Alyss DMM英会話講師
  • Teachers conduct lessons so that students with the least understanding can keep up

  • The teacher paces the class so that everyone can keep up

Sometimes when there are a few students not all them will understand everything at the same time some might not be at the same level so teachers tend to do the class so everyone can understand and follow to pace something means the speed or level that something is done at
何人か生徒がいる場合、全員が同じタイミングで理解できないことがあります。生徒全員が同じレベルでないことがあるので、先生はみんながついて来られるように授業を行います。 'to pace something' は何かが行われるスピードやレベルを指します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • Even students of lower level can thrive in school because lessons are taught at a lower level so all can understand.

  • To accomodate students of lower performance, lessons are conducted to suit students of lower level.

  • At schools, teachers teach in a way that allows even lower level students to grasp understanding.

School is of importance to every child growing u. All kids are different and possess a unique set of learning capabilities. Lower level students may take a little longer than others to grasp an understanding of their work and so teachers teach in such a way that allows students of all levels to be on the same page.
学校は全ての子どもたちにとって大切です。 学習能力というのは一人ひとり違います。 能力の劣る生徒は他の子よりも理解をするのに時間がかかるかもしれません。先生は、どのレベルの生徒も遅れることがないような教え方をします。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • In class the teacher formats the lesson so that the student with the least understanding can follow

  • The teacher ensures that the student with the least understanding can follow

"In class the teacher formats the lesson so that the student with the least understanding can follow" "Formats" is a term used to structure something, in this case to structure the lesson. "To ensure" something is to make certain of something, in this case it is to make sure that the student with the least knowledge is able ti understand the class.
"In class the teacher formats the lesson so that the student with the least understanding can follow" (先生は最も遅れている生徒に合わせて授業を行います) "formats" は「物事を構成する」の意味です。この場合は、レッスンを構成しています。 "ensure" は「確実にする」という意味です。この場合は、最も知識の少ない生徒が確実に授業についてこられるようにするわけです。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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