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中学時代に部活でバスケットボールをして、身長がたくさん伸びました。I become taller. My height grew. は伝わりますか? 伝わりやすい英語のアドバイスをよろしくお願いします!
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2017/12/03 09:42
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  • When I was in middle school, I grew taller.

  • When I was in middle school, I got taller.

Explanation: *When I was in middle school, I grew taller. During puberty, boys and girls will have a growth spurt and grow to their adult height. A growth spurt is when you grow quickly and suddenly in a short period of time. For example: "When he was 11 he has a growth spurt." Therefore the sentences above means that you grew/got taller quickly when you were in middle school and reached your adult height.
説明 *When I was in middle school, I grew taller. 中学校の時、背が伸びた。 思春期では、男の子も女の子も成長期で大人の身長と同じくらいまで成長します。成長期とは、短期間に短期間で急速に成長する時期です。 例文 "When he was 11 he has a growth spurt." 彼は11歳の時成長期だった。 ですから上記の文は、中学校の時に急速に背が伸びて、大人の身長に達したということです。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • I got so much taller when I was in middle school.

  • I grew so much taller when I was in middle school.

こちらの言い方のポイントは「うんと」にあるかと思います。 英語の"so much taller"でその勢いを表しましょう。 お力になれたら嬉しいです。
Michey House 新宿区高田馬場の言語カフェ
  • I shot up at middle school

  • I had a growing spurt at middle school

To shoot up - if someone or something shoots up, it means it grows very quickly. A 'shoot' as a noun also has the meaning of: a young branch or sucker springing from the main stock of a tree or other plant. "He nipped off the new shoots that grew where the leaves joined the stems." A growing spurt is a period of time when someone or something grows very quickly: "As soon as the rain came, all the mushrooms had an, incredible growing spurt."
To shoot up - 急に成長する 急速に成長するということです。'shoot' という名詞には、若い枝、木又は他の植物の幹から伸びている吸枝という意味もあります。 "He nipped off the new shoots that grew where the leaves joined the stems." 彼は葉が茎に接合している所から出ている新しい若枝を切り落とした。 A growing spurtは、人や物が急速に成長する時期です。 例文 "As soon as the rain came, all the mushrooms had an, incredible growing spurt." 雨が降るとすぐに、全てのキノコは、驚くほど成長した。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I experience a growth spurt in middle school.

  • I went through a growth spurt in middle school.

  • I grew like crazy in middle school.

to experience a growth spurt- this means to experience of period of extreme growth; this happens to a lot of men growing through puberty, and the term for this is "growth spurt" (to do something) like crazy - this means to do something to an unimaginable extreme or just to do something a lot e.g. When I fall in love, I fall in love like crazy.
to experience a growth spurt- 急成長する 急成長する期間があったということです。思春期に多くの男性が経験し、このことを表す語は "growth spurt"です。 (to do something) like crazy - 猛烈に~する 想像もできないくらい何かをする又はただそのことだけをする。 例文 When I fall in love, I fall in love like crazy. 恋に落ちると、夢中で愛します。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • A growth spurt...

  • I had a major growth spurt when I was 13... before that I was small for my age!

We can be said to " shoot up" like plants..."experience a sudden growth spurt".., During adolescence, "Growth Hormones" will flood the system and at certain times. we will experience a measurable increase in our height... This is known as "A growth spurt" ;-)
植物のように"shoot up"(ぐんとのびる)または、"experience a sudden growth spurt"(急成長を経験する)といった表現を使うことができます。思春期には「成長ホルモン」がある時間になるとあふれ出し、身長が急激に伸びることはよくあることです。これは"A growth spurt"(急成長)と知られています。
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • When I was in middle school I grew alot taller

  • When I was in middle school I got a lot taller

If you get bigger with age then you are said to 'grow' so in the past tense if it has happened then to are said to have 'grew' a lot means many or by a bigger amount, 'when I was in middle school' explains where you were
年齢とともに体が成長することは、'grow' という言葉で表せます。もしそれが過去のことなら、'grew' と過去形にします。 'a lot' は「たくさん」「大いに」の意味です。 'when I was in middle school'(中学校時代)は、その時どこにいたのかを説明します。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • In middle school i had a growth spurt

  • While in middle school i grew and became a lot taller

"In middle school I hit a growth spurt" growth spurt is normally referred as when you you increase in height due to puberty, this normally happens when you're in the teenage years and you will increase in height in a very short period of time.
"In middle school I hit a growth spurt"(中学時代に急激に身長が伸びた) = "growth spurt" は普通、思春期に急激に身長が伸びることをいいます。これは普通10代の時に起きます、非常に短い期間に身長が伸びます。
Jack F DMM英会話講師
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