世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




久しぶりに日本に来た外国の友人に、久しぶりに日本に来てどんな気分かと訪ねたいとき、どのように言えばよいですか? ちなみにメールでのやりとりです。
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2017/12/04 00:21
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  • Is it still how you remember?

  • Has much changed?

  • Do you enjoy being back?

Is it still how you remember? Common, this is used when you know that the person hasn't been to a place in a long time. Great conversation starter. Has much changed? Common, you want to know if the person notices any changes such as new shops, districts, roads, people etc. Do you enjoy being back? It is just courtesy to ask the person/friend and also asking them without asking if they need anything you can help with. These are a series of questions which can be used in a dialogue which may go something like this -"Is it still how you remember?" - "Not really no, a lot has changed and it seems to have all changed. Before I left......(etc). "Has much changed? / Whats changed?" - "It is a lot more busier and loads more people." "Do you enjoy being back?" _ "Yes of course, it's great seeing family and friends but do you know what happened to Alice? I cant seem to get in touch."
Is it still how you remember? (あなたが覚えているまま?) ありふれた表現 これはある場所から長い間離れていた人に使われる表現です。 素晴らしい会話を切り出す話題です。 Has much changed? (どのくらい変った?) ありふれた表現 新しいお店や、地区、道、人々など何か以前と変った事があるかどうか尋ねたい時に使う表現です。 Do you enjoy being back? (戻ってきたことを楽しんでますか?) これは何か自分が手伝えることはあるか聞いたりする礼儀的な表現です。 これら一連の質問は次のような会話のやり取りで使われます。 【例 1】 "Is it still how you remember?" (君が覚えてるまま?) "Not really no, a lot has changed and it seems to have all changed. Before I left......(etc). (そうでもないかな、すごく変わってるし、なんか全く変わっちゃったみたい。私が出発する前に比べると…) 【例 2】 "Has much changed? / Whats changed?" (どのくらい変わった?) "It is a lot more busier and loads more people." (なんか人が増えて忙しそうだね) 【例 3】 "Do you enjoy being back?" (戻ってきたことを楽しんでる?) "Yes of course, it's great seeing family and friends but do you know what happened to Alice? I cant seem to get in touch." (もちろん。家族や友達に会えるのはホントに素晴らしいね。ところで、アリスはどうしたの?連絡が取れないだけど) <ボキャブラリー> remember = 覚える、覚えている change = 変わる enjoy = 楽しむ
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Are you having a good time?

  • Are you enjoying being back?

  • Is it the as good as the last time?

"Are you having a good time?" This asks your friend to tell you if they are having a good time while on their holiday. "Are you enjoying being back?" This asks them if they are enjoying their second time in Japan on holiday. "Is it the as good as the last time?" This asks your friend to tell you if their time now is as good as the last time they were in Japan.
"Are you having a good time?" (楽しい時間を過ごしてますか?) これは休暇中の友達なのに楽しい時間を過ごしているかどうか、尋ねる表現です。 "Are you enjoying being back?" (戻ってきたことを楽しんでいますか?) これは2回目の来日を楽しんでいるかどうか尋ねる表現です。 "Is it the as good as the last time?" (前回と同じくらい楽しい?) これは前回の来日の時と同じくらい今回の来日も楽しめているか、尋ねる表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • How's your trip going?

  • What's the trip this time like compared with last time?

There are two aspects here. One is the present trip and one is the previous trip. Although what is happening on the present trip is important and interesting, it may be more informative if you ask your friend how the trips compare with each other in order to get a full piucture of her overall impression of Japan. "What's the trip this time like compared with last time?"
ここには二つの見方があります。 一つは今回の旅と前回の旅です。 今回の旅で何が起こっているかも大事で楽しいかもしれませんが、彼女の日本に対する全体の印象を尋ねるにはこれらの旅を比べることは得るところが多いかもしれません。 【例】 "What's the trip this time like compared with last time?" (前回の旅と比べて今回の旅はどうですか?)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • How is Japan for you since the last time you visited?

  • It has been a while since you last visited. What do you think of Japan now?

  • How do you feel about Japan after all this time?

英訳① 「久しぶり」は since the last time you visited(最後に来てから)で表現しています。 英訳② 「久しぶりに(日本に)来ましたね。今の日本はどうですか?(どう思いますか?)」という文です。 最初の文は、直訳なら「最後に訪問してからしばらく経っている」となります。 英訳③ 「長い間でしたが、日本はどうですか?(どんなかんじですか?)」 after all this time は「(日本にいなかった)この時間を終えて」→「しばらくぶりの」ということ。 また、以下は上記の英文で使用した「~はどうですか」という意味の表現です: How is...? What do you think of...? How do you feel about...? その他の言い方: How is Japan compared to the last time you visited? 「最後に訪れた時と比べて、日本はどうですか?」 *compared to ...「…に比べて」
David Thayne エートゥーゼット英語学校代表
  • How is Japan the second time around?

  • Is it good to be back?

You can use second/third/fourth/any amount of time around. This questions asks how is it? What is different, if any, after the last time the person visited. The second phrase has the same meaning and is more commonly used. If you visit a place regularly or you haven't been for a while, people will often ask you 'is it good to be back?' or 'how does it feel to be back' 'happy to be back?'
"second(2回目)/third(3回目)/fourth(4回目)"これらの来日回数を使うことが出来ます。 この質問 "how is it?"(どうですか?)前回の来日した時と何か変わっていますか?、という様な意味になります。 2番目のフレーズも同じような意味になりますが、もっとよく使われる表現になります。 よく訪れる場所や長い間そこには訪れていなかったりしたら次のようによく尋ねます。 'is it good to be back?' (戻ってきてよかった?) 'how does it feel to be back' (戻ってきてどんな感じ?) 'happy to be back?' (戻ってきて嬉しい?)
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Are you enjoying your stay?

  • How does it compare to the last time you were here?

  • Is Japan as you remembered it?

If you want to ask in general how the trip is going you could ask "Are you enjoying your stay?". If you want to see if your friend has noticed any changes in Japan since their last visit or if they are enjoying it as much as last time you could ask "How does it compare to the last time you were here?' or "Is Japan how you remembered it?".
旅行を楽しんでいるかザックリ聞く言い方として: "Are you enjoying your stay?" (旅行を楽しんでますか?) 前回訪れた時と比べて何か日本が変わっているか、または、前回と同じくらい楽しめているか、尋ねるなら: "How does it compare to the last time you were here?" (前回と較べてどう?) "Is Japan how you remembered it?" (日本は覚えていたのと同じ?)
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • How does it feel to be back?

  • Does it still feel like home?

How does it feel to be back? - We use this phrase normally when we ask someone how a place feels now that they have returned to it again. You can also say something like, "Does it still feel like home?" or "Do you still feel at home?" if that place is their hometown or adopted hometown. "To feel at home" or "when a place feels like home," means that you feel welcome and safe in that place, like it is your home.
How does it feel to be back? (戻ってきてどんな気分ですか?) - どこかの場所から戻ってきた人などに、戻ってきてどんな気分なのかどうか尋ねる表現でよくつかうフレーズです。 また、次のように言う事も出来ます。 "Does it still feel like home?" (家(地元)にまだいるよう気分ですか?) "Do you still feel at home?" (家(地元)にいる気分ですか?) 地元や第二の故郷にいるかのように表現できます。 "To feel at home"や "when a place feels like home" とは歓迎されている気がして、安心安全な場所という意味です。 あなたのお家のような。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • How are you finding your visit to Japan this time around?

  • Are you having as good a time in Japan like you did the last time?

How are you finding your visit to Japan this time around? "Finding" means what has your experience been like so far and "this time around" implies that you have been before. The person wants to know if your experience is different or very similar to the previous time. Are you having as good a time in Japan like you did the last time? This means that your last visit was fantastic and the person is asking you to confirm or deny whether you are having a great time like you did previously.
【例】 How are you finding your visit to Japan this time around? (今回の日本訪問はどうですか?) "Finding"(わかった事)とは今までのあなたの経験はどんな感じか、 そして "this time around"(今回)とは 以前にも来日したことがあることをほのめかしています。 これは、前回と比べて今回はどう違うかどうか、という事を尋ねています。 【例】 Are you having as good a time in Japan like you did the last time? (前回と同じように今回も来日を楽しんでいますか?) これは、前回の来日は素晴らしかったので今回も前回と同じように楽しい時間を過ごしているかどうかを尋ねる表現になります。
Shams DMM英会話講師
  • Does it feel nice to be back?

こんにちは。 様々な言い方ができると思いますが、例えば下記のような表現はいかがでしょうか: ・Does it feel nice to be back? 久しぶりに帰ってこれてどうですか? Does it feel nice は「いい感じですか?」というニュアンスを持つ英語表現です。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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