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2017/12/04 19:11
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  • Parents want their children to have a bright future.

  • To avoid their kids having difficulties in the future, parents make sure their kids get a good education.

'Parents want their children to have a bright future.' - This means that parents want their children to have a happy life and to also be successful. The word ''difficulties'' suggests suffering, unhappiness, struggles, etc. Many parents do not want to see their kids unhappy or struggling. They will what is necessary to avoid this hence given them a good education.
Parents want their children to have a bright future.'' (親は子供に輝かしい将来を持ってほしい) これは親は自分の子供たちに幸せな生活してまた、成功を願っています、と言う意味になります。 この''difficulties''とは苦難、不幸、もがき苦しむことを意味します。 多くの親は自分の子供たちがもがき苦しむのを見たくはありませんよね。 それを避けるために親は子供に良い教育を受けさせます。
Jemy K DMM英会話講師
  • A hard life...

  • Parents don't want children to have a hard they invest in their future!

Spending money on education is an investment in the future...and most parents want "a good life" for their offspring! So they are happy to make that "considerable investment:"-D Parents don't want children to have a hard they invest in their future!
教育にお金をかけるという事は将来への投資ですよね。 そして、多くの親は自分たちの子供に "a good life"(豊かな暮らし)を送ってほしいと願っています! ですので、親は "considerable investment"(相当な投資)を喜んでします:"-D 【例】 Parents don't want children to have a hard they invest in their future! (親は子供につらい生活を送ってほしくないので将来に投資します)
Scobie DMM英会話講師
  • Parents will make every effort to invest in their children so they don't have to struggle.

  • Parents will spare no effort to make sure their children don't struggle, that's why they invest in them.

The two sentences you see provided above are excellent ways to express to your listener that parents do not want their children to struggle, that is why they invest in their children. In the first sentence you will see the term make every effort and in the second sentence you will see the term spare no effort. Both of these terms mean to work very hard. These terms are appropriate for informal settings.
上記二つの例文は「親は子どもに苦労して欲しくないので子どもにお金をかける」と伝える素晴らしい言い方です。 一つ目の例文には "make every effort"、そして二つ目の例文には "spare no effort" という表現がそれぞれ使われています。これらはどちらも「一生懸命努力する」という意味です。これらの表現はインフォーマルな場面に適しています。
Jessica Lynn DMM英会話講師
  • Parents invest money in their children's education because they want them to have many opportunities in their future.

  • I want you to have a good job so I will pay for a good education for you.

"Parents invest money in their children's education because they want them to have many opportunities in their future. " "Parents invest money in their children's education" This explains that the parents send a lot of money on education for their children. "because" This is followed by the reason for what they are doing. " they want them to have many opportunities in their future." This explains that the reason they do things is that they want their children to have many job opportunities when they grow up. This explains to the child that when they grow up you want them to have a good job and be able to take care of themselves so you will pay for a good education so they can achieve this. "I want you to have a good job so I will pay for a good education for you."
【例】 "Parents invest money in their children's education because they want them to have many opportunities in their future. " (将来沢山のチャンスを得てほしいので、親は子供の教育にお金をたくさん掛けます) "Parents invest money in their children's education" (親は子供の教育に沢山のお金をかけます) これは親は子供の教育に沢山のお金をかけます、という意味になります。 "because" (なぜなら) これに何故なのかと言う理由が続きます。 " they want them to have many opportunities in their future." (将来彼らに多くのチャンスを得てもらいたいから) これは子供たちが大人になった時に色々な仕事の機会を得てほしい、という理由を説明しています。 これは子供へ大人になったらいい仕事について自分たちの事は自分で出来る様にお金を払っていい教育を受けさせている、と説明することが出来ます。 "I want you to have a good job so I will pay for a good education for you." (あなたにいい仕事についてもらいたいからいい教育の為にお金を払っています)
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Parents want their children's future to be as easy as possible, so they are willing to invest in their education.

  • Parents hope their children will not battle when they are grown up, so they will invest in their children's education.

"Parents want their children's future to be as easy as possible, so they are willing to invest in their education."- By saying as easy as possible that is similar to saying you would not want them to suffer or struggle. "Parents hope their children will not battle when they are grown up, so they will invest in their children's education."- When you say "not battle" you are letting the listener know they won't be suffering.
"Parents want their children's future to be as easy as possible, so they are willing to invest in their education."- これは子供に将来苦労してほしくないという意味です。 "Parents hope their children will not battle when they are grown up, so they will invest in their children's education."- "not battle" を使うことによって苦労をしてほしくないことを伝えることができます。
Kirst English teacher
  • Parents try to give children a good education so they have the best start in life

  • Parents feel that good education of children helps prevent suffering in later life

If you wish to explain that parents don't want their children to suffer/go through trouble when they grow up.and so, invest a lot of money in their children's education because 'they don't want them to suffer,' then you can explain this by using one of the above sentences.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • People don't want their children to struggle when they are older so invest in their education

  • Parents invest in their children's education to give them a brighter future

  • To give their children a good start in life they invest in their education

By saying you want your children to have a 'brighter future' it means you want them to suceed and do well for themselves this can also be called 'a good start in life' By invest in education doesn't always mean money it can also be helping them with their homework/studies and exams
a brighter future'は「明るい未来」という意味です。ここでは、将来の子どもの成功を表します。これは、'a good start in life'(人生の良いスタート)と言うこともできます。 'invest in education'(教育に投資する)は必ずしもお金を意味するわけではありません。宿題や勉強を手伝うことも含みます。
Mia St DMM英会話講師
  • don't want ○○ to go through hardships

英会話講師のKOGACHIです(^^)/ 「苦労させたくない」は、文脈によっては、 don't want ○○ to go through hardships 「困難な道を通って欲しくない」 のようにも表現できると思いました(*^_^*) 例) I don't my son to go through hardships. 「息子には困難な道を通って欲しくない」 以上ですm(_)m 少しでも参考になれば幸いです(#^^#) お困りの時は、いつでも気軽にご質問ください(^0^)/ ★★どうぞよろしくお願いもうしあげます★★ see you soon♪
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