世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/05 23:48
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  • I have decided to use my credit card, because I don't have enough cash available at the moment.

  • I changed my mind and would prefer to use my credit card, because I'm not carrying a lot of cash.

  • Can I split the bill and pay in cash and whatever the difference is I'll pay with my card, because I don't have enough cash to cover the bill.

These three different ways of how to tell the bill collector of why you're choosing to pay the way you are is very helpful in helping them understand your situation. There are many different ways you can cover a bill and these are 3 great examples of how you can phrase it.
なぜあなたがその支払い方法を選んだのかについて、支払い相手に説明するこの3つの異なる方法は、相手に状況を理解してもらうのにとても役立ちます。 支払いについてたくさんの異なる言い方がありますが、これらはとても使える3つの表現例です。
Celeste O DMM英語講師
  • Sorry may I pay by card? I thought I had some cash but I haven't

  • Sorry I have no cash. I'll have to pay by card"

In context, it's probably sufficient for you just to say: "Sorry I have no cash. I'll have to pay by card." In this situation you would probably be searching frantiocally in your pockets for any cash you may or may not have. An alternative is that you just say you have no cash and must pay by card. Though you may feel you want to explain everything, shop assistants are probably not very interested in reasoning and simply wish to proceed to the next customer quickly.
この場合、以下のように言うのが効果的だと思います。 "Sorry I have no cash. I'll have to pay by card." 現金がないので、カードで払わないといけないわ。 この場合、ポケットに現金がないか探していることでしょう。 自分の状況をきちんと説明したいかもしれませんが、お店の人はどちらで払おうと気にはならないと思いますし、次のお客さんのためにあなたのお会計を済ませたいとおもっているかもしれません。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this.

  • Is it okay if I pay with my credit card. I do not have enough cash.

*Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this. This means that initially you thought you had enough cash to pay for the goods only to check in the bag and it is not enough. Therefore you want to pay with your credit card instead. You can also say "Is it okay if I pay with my credit card. I do not have enough cash."
*Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this. この文は、最初は支払うのに十分な現金を持っていると思ったけれど、カバンを確認して十分でないことが分かったということを意味しています。 したがって、あなたはその代わりにクレジットカードで支払いたいということになります。 以下のようにいうこともできます。: "Is it okay if I pay with my credit card. I do not have enough cash."
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this.

  • Actually I will pay with my card, I dont have enough cash/money on me.

"Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this." This asks the cashier to let you pay with your card because you just realised that you didn't have enough cash/money on you to pay for the shopping. "Actually I will pay with my card, I don't have enough cash/money on me." This explains to the cashier that you have decided to ay with your card because you don't have enough cash/money on you.
"Can I pay with my credit card instead. I just realized that I don't have enough cash to pay for this." これはあなたが買い物の支払いに十分な現金を持っていないのでカードで支払いたいということをレジの人に伝えています。 "Actually I will pay with my card, I don't have enough cash/money on me." これはあなたが十分な現金を持ちあわせていないのでカードで支払うことを決めたということを説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • I'm low on cash; do you accept card instead?

  • Can I pay by card; I'm strapped for cash.

low on cash - this means that you have depleted your supply of physical money do you accept card? / will you accept card? / Can I pay by card? - you can use any of these phrases to ask if the vendor will accept the payment in credit card, and if they have the tools to process credit card payments. I'm strapped for cash - this means you have a shortage of cash; it's a very familiar, almost slang way to say this
low on cash - これはあなたが物理的にお金を使い切ってしまったということを意味しています。 do you accept card? / will you accept card? / Can I pay by card? - 上のどの表現も販売者がクレジットカードでの支払いが可能かどうか、また、クレジットカード支払いの手続きの手段があるかどうかを尋ねています。 I'm strapped for cash - これは現金が不足していることを意味しています。 これはとても親しみがある表現で、lほとんどスラングのようになっています。
Chantelle DMM英会話講師
  • Actually, I’d like to pay with my credit card.

  • Could I pay with my credit card instead?

  • Oh sorry but let me pay with my credit card, please.

「やっぱり」= actuallyは英語でよく会話に出てくる単語の一つで、「実は」や「本当のところ」の他にも「やっぱり」で使います。気が変わった時などに使うのでこの例文の場面にもぴったりだと思います。 ”Actually, I’ll have a coffee” “Actually, can we meet at six instead?” 英語的には、さらっと状況の説明をするのが無難、場合によっては失礼に当たらないの(何か断る時など)で、この文章の後に ”I thought I had more cash on me.” もっと現金持ってるとおもったわ。 “I don’t have enough cash at the moment” 今現金が足りない。 などと付け足すと良いかと思います。
  • Actually, let me pay with my card.

  • On second thought, I'll pay with my credit card.

  • Sorry but I don't have enough cash with me so, I'll pay by credit card.

"Sorry but I don't have enough cash with me so, I'll pay by credit card." first apologizes for not having enough money then, states you would like to pay with a credit card instead.
「Sorry but I don't have enough cash with me so, I'll pay by credit card.」は、支払えるだけのお金を持ってなかったことに対して最初に謝り、その代わりにクレジットカードで支払いたいと申し出ています。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • I will pay with a credit card instead.

“やっぱり~代わりに~で!”日本語でたくさん使う表現ですね! これは下記の表現で表すことが可能です。例えばお支払の時だけでなく、コーヒーショップで“やっぱりMサイズで!”という時も “Actually, I will go for a Medium size instead.”ということができます。 現金が不足していた等の理由がある際はこの表現の後に理由を言うこともできます。 “Sorry, I didn’t realize I didn’t have enough cash.”
  • Actually, can I pay by card?

  • Actually I want to pay by credit card.

  • Sorry, can I pay with my credit card?

Actually, can I pay by card? 「やっぱり、カードで払えますか?」 Actually I want to pay by credit card. 「やっぱり、クレジットカードで支払いたいです」 Sorry, can I pay with my credit card? 「すみません、クレジットカードで払えますか?」 上記のように英語で言うことができます。 pay by credit card で「クレジットカードで払う」を表現できます。 ぜひ参考にしてください。
Erik 日英翻訳者
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