世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/09 16:29
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  • (name) will be taking the lesson today

  • (name) will be in attendance in today's class.

  • For today,(name) will be coming to class

"(name) will be taking the lesson today" This is an acceptable way to inform the teacher as to which of your sons will be in class. "(name) will be in attendance in today's class." In attendance = This is a formal way of saying someone will be coming to a meeting/class. "For today,(name) will be coming to class" This is another good way of specifying which of your sons will be in class.
"(名前) will be taking the lesson today" 授業を受けるのが息子のうち誰であるのかを先生に伝えるのに許容される表現です。 "(名前) will be in attendance in today's class." In attendance = これは授業を受けるのが誰であるのかを伝えるフォーマルな表現です。 "For today,(名前) will be coming to class" こちらも息子のうちの誰が授業を受けるのかを特定するよい表現です。
Babz DMM英会話講師
  • "Yuri" will be doing the lesson today.

  • Today's lesson will be attended by "Yuri".

▪ "Yuri" will be doing the lesson today. This is telling the teacher that "Yuri" will be doing the lesson today. ▪ Today's lesson will be attended by "Yuri". Attend = to be present for the lesson. This is saying that "Yuri" will be taking the lesson today.
▪ "Yuri" will be doing the lesson today. "Yuri"が今日はレッスンを受けることを先生に伝える表現です。 ▪ Today's lesson will be attended by "Yuri". Attend = レッスンを受けること この例文では、"Yuri"が今日のレッスンを受けると言っています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • (name) will be attending your class today.

  • You are going to have (name) for your lesson today.

*(name) will be attending the class today. Attending means to come for the class.." For example: "Shuan will be attending your class today.' *You are going to have (name) for your lesson today. Since the teacher is aware of this arrangement you can say it in a casual way. For example: "You are going to have Shuan for your lesson today."
*(名前) will be attending the class today. Attendingとは、授業に来るという意味です。 【例文】 "Shuan will be attending your class today.' (Shuanは今日授業に出席します) *You are going to have (名前) for your lesson today. 先生はこの仕組みを知っていることから、カジュアルな言い方ができます。 【例文】 "You are going to have Shuan for your lesson today." (今日はShuanがあなたのレッスンを受けます)
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • It will be (name) taking the lesson today.

  • You will be seeing (name) for the lesson today.

You can inform the teacher who will be taking the lesson today in these two ways. By saying you will be seeing (name) today makes it more casual. Both phrases are polite and informative. To make it even more simple, you can say, "It will be (name) today". This is really casual but acceptable to use.
これら二つの表現を使って、先生に今日は誰がレッスンをするか 伝えることがで出来ます。 "You will be seeing (name) today" (今日は(子供の名前)の番です) と言う事によって、よりカジュアルになります。 どちらの表現も丁寧に情報を伝えています。 もう少し簡単に表現すると "It will be (name) today". (今日(子供の名前は)です) となります。 これは本当にカジュアルな表現ですが、容認できる言い方です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Johnny's on next

  • Here's Johnny!

  • It's Johnny today!

If this is an habitual process, then it may be interesting to think of alternative ways of heralding the imminent lesson with little Johnny. A humorous way would be to mimic the words of Jack Nicolson in the Shining: "Here's Johnny!" Of course the name may be adapted to anything: "Here's Sarah!"
これがもし習慣になっているなら、小さなジョニー君とのレッスンの前振りの違った方法を考えるのがおもしろいかもしれませんね。 おもしろい方法は、「シャイニング」のジャックニコルソンのセリフ、"Here's Johnny!"をマネすることです。 もちろん、"Here's Sarah!"のように、名前の部分をかえるといいでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Today, you will be teaching (name)

  • (Name) will be your student today.

The first phrase, "Today, you will be teaching..." is the best way to inform the teacher who their student will be in a short and effective way. Both phrases perform the same function, but using different grammatical structures. I hope this helps.
"Today, you will be teaching..." で、シンプル、明確に誰がレッスンを受けるのか(先生に)伝えられます。 どちらのフレーズも言っていることは同じですが、文法構造は違います。 参考になるといいです。
Joshua R DMM英会話講師
  • Dear Teacher, your student today will be Yuta.

  • Teacher, today, you will be teaching Yuta.

  • Hello, Teacher! Yuta will be your student today.

Here, I used "Yuta" as an example in which the two brothers are Yuta and Hiro. If you wish to indicate that it will be Yuta taking the class, you can use any of these three sentences. The grammar is different in each case, but they all have exactly the same meaning. All three examples are acceptable and show good manners. The teacher will find any of the above sentences to be helpful.
ここでは、例として二人の兄弟に "Yuta" と "Hiro" という名前を付けました。 "Yuta" が授業を受けると伝えたいなら、お示しした三つの文どれも使えます。 文法はそれぞれ異なりますが、意味は全く同じです。 3例とも無難で礼儀正しい言い方です。先生もこのように言ってもらえると助かると思います。
Amy H English teacher
  • I will take online English classes today.

ご質問ありがとうございます。 ・「I will take online English classes today.」 (意味)今日オンラインの英語の授業を受けます。 <例文>What are you doing today?/ I will take online English classes today. <訳>今日は何をしますか?/ 今日オンラインの英語の授業を受けます。 参考になれば幸いです。
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