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そのドア閉めて! ワンちゃんがイタズラするからって英語でなんて言うの?

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2017/12/11 17:41
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  • Keep the door shut! The dog destroys everything if it gets out!

  • Please keep the door closed! It's such a destructive dog!

Pets all have different characters - playful, inquisitive, energetic - and sometimes destructive! Puppies especially may like to test their teeth and cats their claws on you prized pieces of furniture and fixtures around the home. It is essential that such creatures have their destructive activities limited! In this case, the most important point is to keep the door shut so as an instruction to the listener the imperative form is used: "Shut that door, there's a draught!"
全てのぺットはそれぞれ違った個性がありますね。 - playful(遊び好き), inquisitive(探求好き), energetic(活発的) そして、時に destructive(破壊的)だったりします! 子犬は歯を試してみたかったり、猫は家じゅうのとっておきの家具に爪を立てたりします。 彼らの破壊的行為を最小限にとどめることはとても不可欠です! この場合、重要な事は命令形を使って相手にドアを閉めることを指示する事です。 【例】 "Shut that door, there's a draught!" (ドアを閉めて、隙間から入ってくる!)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Please keep the door shut! Otherwise, the dog will make a mess of everything!

  • He is a destructive dog. If we do not keep the door closed, he will make a mess wood!

If you tell someone to just close the door, they may forget to do so. But if you say something like, "Please keep the door shut! Otherwise, the dog will make a mess of everything!" People understand why you want the door kept closed. "mess"this word can mean dirty, untidy, the idea that things are out of place. another example "He is a destructive dog. If we do not keep the door closed, he will make a mess of the wood!"
ただ単に誰かにドアを閉める様に言うだけだと、その人は忘れてしまうかもしれません。 ですが、次のように言うと何故あなたがドアを閉めてほしいのか、人々は理解してくれるでしょう。 【例】 "Please keep the door shut! Otherwise, the dog will make a mess of everything!" (ドアを閉めて!そうしないと犬がめちゃまちゃにしてしまうから) "mess"とは汚い、散らかっている、という様な意味になり、物が場違いに広がっているお云う意味になります。 次はもう一つの例になります。 【例】 "He is a destructive dog. If we do not keep the door closed, he will make a mess of the wood!" (彼は破壊的な犬よ。ドアを閉めておかないとめちゃめちゃになってしまいます)
Aimee T DMM英会話講師
  • Can you shut the dog out

  • Make sure the doors shut, so the dog can't get out.

examples "can you shut the door, to stop the dog getting out". or "remember to keep the door closed otherwise the dog makes a mess of everything". or "the dog chews things, so we keep this door shut to keep it out of the house". you could also say, the dog pen if its a large enclosure or dog house if the dog has a shelter.
例文 "can you shut the door, to stop the dog getting out". 犬が外に出ないようにドアを閉めて頂けますか? "remember to keep the door closed otherwise the dog makes a mess of everything". ドアを閉めるのを忘れないで下さい。そうしないと犬が 全てをめちゃくちゃにしてしまいます。 "the dog chews things, so we keep this door shut to keep it out of the house". 犬が物を噛むので、犬が中に入らないようにこのドアを締めています。 犬のすみかがあり、それが大きな囲いや犬小屋なら、犬のオリについても言うことが出来ます。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Please keep the door closed so the dog can't get out

  • Don't let the dog out!

  • Please close the door behind you, if the dog gets out he will tear up the place!

Don't let the dogs out!', 'Who let the dogs out?' and similar variations are popular phrases in English. There is even a famous song entitled 'Who let the dogs out?. This is because dogs are often kept as pets in the UK and it is common knowledge that dogs will often 'tear up' (destroy) an area when not supervised.
Don't let the dogs out!',(犬を外に出さないで)、'Who let the dogs out?(誰が犬を外に出したの?)のような表現が英語ではよく使われます。"Who let the dogs out?"というタイトルの有名な歌もあるほどです。 その理由は、イギリスでは犬はペットとして飼われていることが多く、監視していないと、その場所をめちゃくちゃにしてしまうことをみんなが知っているからです。
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Please close the door behind you otherwise the dog get in and makes a mess.

  • Close the door! otherwise the dog gets in and makes a mess.

"Please close the door behind you otherwise the dog gets in and makes a mess." This politely asks the friend to close the door when they come into the room or the dog will come in and make a mess of the furniture. "Close the door! otherwise, the dog gets in and makes a mess." This quickly asks the friend to close the door so the dog does not get in and explains why.
例文 "Please close the door behind you otherwise the dog gets in and makes a mess." ドアを閉めて下さい。そうしないと犬が入ってきてめちゃくちゃにしてしまう 部屋に入った時にドアを閉めるように丁寧に頼んでいます。そうしないと犬が中に入ってきて家具をメチャクチャにしてしまいます。 例文 "Close the door! otherwise, the dog gets in and makes a mess." ドアを閉めて。そうしないと犬が中に入ってきてめちゃくちゃにしてしまう 犬が中に入らないようにするためにドアを閉めるように急いで頼んで理由を説明しています。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Please keep the door closed to restrict access for the dog.

  • The dog misbehaves, please close the door behind you so the dog doesn't come in.

  • Please keep the door closed so the dog won't come in.

Pets can be destructive especially when they are still young and immature. They love to chew on things, scratch and urinate everywhere! We can make sure the dog has no access to the house or the room we don't want it to enter, by keeping the door closed at all times.
ペットは特にそれがまだ若くて未熟だと物を壊してしまうことがあります。 かみついたり、引っかいたり、そこら中にオシッコします。 ドアを必ず閉めるようにすれば犬を家や部屋に入られないで済みます。
Tiyani DMM英会話講師
  • We only allow our dog to go into certain areas. It is very important to keep the door closed.

  • We are trying to train our dog. He is naughty and scratches. so we close the door at all times.

  • I do not want my dog to be naughty and scratch all over, so will you please keep the door closed at all times?

There is a reason why we have our door. It restricts the area that our dog is allowed to go into. We want to keep the door shut at all times. Our dog is naughty and scratches all over unless we keep the door shut. Please close the door so that he only stays where we permit him to be. You could also put a sign on your door that says, "Please keep door closed at all times" this might help so that you do not have to keep asking. Hopefully, your dog will be able to be trained to not be so naughty and will stop scratching all over. In the meantime, you can kindly tell people to please keep the door closed at all times.
There is a reason why we have our door. It restricts the area that our dog is allowed to go into. We want to keep the door shut at all times. Our dog is naughty and scratches all over unless we keep the door shut. Please close the door so that he only stays where we permit him to be. ↓ 【訳】 扉があるのには理由があります。犬が行けるところを制限します。この扉はいつも閉めておきたいのです。犬がイタズラ好きで、閉めておかないといろいろ引っかき回してしまいます。犬が他のところに行かないようにドアを閉めてください。 扉に "Please keep door closed at all times"(扉は閉めておいてください)と書いた貼り紙を貼ることもできます。こうすれば何度も言わなくて済みます。 イタズラしないように犬をしつけることができればいいですけどね。それまでの間は、扉を閉めておくように優しくお願いできます。
Rhonda DMM英会話講師
  • Please keep the door closed, our dog likes to destroy things!

  • Please keep the dog shut out

"Please keep the dog shut out" is an expression used to tell/state that the dog should be kept out (Shut out). "Keep the kids shut outside this afternoon so they do not disturb us"
"Please keep the dog shut out"(犬を中に入れないようにしてください)は、犬をその場所に入れてはいけないことを伝えます。 例: "Keep the kids shut outside this afternoon so they do not disturb us" (邪魔されないように午後は子どもたちを中に入れないようにしよう)
Jack F DMM英会話講師
  • Please keep the door closed, our dog is destructive.

  • Our dog will scratch everything if you forget to close that door.

To remind someone to close the door due to your naughty dog, you can say: "Please keep the door closed, our dog is destructive." "Our dog will scratch everything if you forget to close that door."
「犬がイタズラをするのでドアは閉めておいてください」は、次のように言えます。 "Please keep the door closed, our dog is destructive."(犬がイタズラをするので、ドアは閉めておいてください) "Our dog will scratch everything if you forget to close that door."(そのドアを閉めるのを忘れると犬が全部引っかいてしまう)
Allex H DMM英会話講師
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