Monkeys are primates just like humans. Monkeys live in tropical and sub tropical countries whereas humans live on every continent. In Japan there is the Japanese macaque, characterized by brown-grey fur, red face, red buttocks, and short tail, which .inhabits all of the islands in the Japanese archipelago except northernmost Hokkaido."The last time I saw any kind of monkey was at the zoo."
monkey は人間と似ています。猿は熱帯地方で見られます。日本では茶色い毛, 赤い顔, 赤いお尻, 短い尻尾などが特徴的なJapanese macaque(ニホンザル)がいます。これは北海道以外の場所で見られます。
(例文)"The last time I saw any kind of monkey was at the zoo."
Monkeys are smart.
What do monkeys eat?
Where I live in Cambodie one can see monkeys in many areas.... running free!
A primate is any member of the biological order "Primates", this group contains all the species commonly related to the lemurs, monkeys, and apes...
(With the latter category including humans:-)
So I think its better to "call a spade a spade"(idiom)
or in this case,...A Monkey:-D
"primate"(霊長類)は生物分類目の"Primates"(霊長目)で"lemurs"(キツネザル), "monkeys"(サル),そして "apes"(類人猿)などに関連するグループになります。
ですので "call a spade a spade"(ありのままに呼ぶ⦅イディオム⦆)やこの場合 "Monkey"(サル)と呼ぶといいと思います。:-D
Monkeys are normally indigenous to tropical countries and are normally seen in zoos in developed countries.
For example, green monkeys are indigenous to Barbados. But in the U.K, you are likely to see a monkey at the zoo.
I looked for the monkey section at the zoo.
She couldn't wait to see the monkeys in the zoo.
He saw a monkey jumping in its cage.
I hope that helps!
I looked for the monkey section at the zoo.(動物園でサルのセクションを探しました)
She couldn't wait to see the monkeys in the zoo.(彼女は動物園でサルを見るのが待ちきれなかった)
He saw a monkey jumping in its cage.(彼は檻の中でジャンプするサルを見た)
Have you ever seen a monkey?
I saw monkeys at the zoo.
This kind of monkey comes from Brazil.
My son is scared of monkeys.
In general, we call animals like this a "monkey", but a really big one could be a "gorilla". Monkeys are notorious for being mischievous & badly behaved. There's a few famous places you may see them like at a Japanese hot springs, Gibraltar, the jungle, zoo, etc.
"Did you see the monkey swinging from the trees?"
You can also use it as a simile (comparison) for describing children. "You're such a cheeky-monkey speaking to your grandmother like that!"
"Did you see the monkey swinging from the trees?"
"You're such a cheeky-monkey speaking to your grandmother like that!"