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2017/12/13 00:07
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  • A liar

  • Liar liar!

  • I doubt the veracity of your statement

A person who is untruthful or who says something which is false, is usually labelled 'a liar.' If this becomes common knowledge, it may impact greatly on such a person's standing in the community, social and possibly working life. Depending on the setting and circumstances, you may say to this person: 'You're a liar.' Of course, this is a very critical and condemning statement. Other ways to say this are: 'I doubt the veracity of your statement.' (Formal) 'It seems you have distorted the truth somewhat.' (Formal) 'You can't open your mouth without lying.' (Informal)
a liar.'は[嘘](つきのことです。このような人々によって職場や生活が影響されます。状況によってこのようなフレーズを使うことができます: (英文) 'You're a liar.' 'I doubt the veracity of your statement.' (Formal) 'It seems you have distorted the truth somewhat.' (Formal) 'You can't open your mouth without lying.' (Informal) (訳) 「あなたは嘘つきです。」 「それたぶん言っていること本当じゃないです。」(丁寧) 「あなたはなんらかの[嘘をついている](ようです。」(丁寧) 「あなたは嘘をつかずに話すことができません。」(カジュアル)
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Your a liar.

  • You tell to many fibs.

"You're a liar." This is what you would say to someone to express that you think they never tell the truth. "Liar" is the term used to call someone who is dishonest. "You tell many fibs." This tells the person that they tell too many lies. "Fibs" is another word for lies. A person can also be called a fibber.
"You're a liar." これは[嘘](をつく人に言います。 "Liar" は嘘つきのこと。 "You tell many fibs."これは相手が[多くの](嘘をつきすぎているという意味です。 "Fibs" はlies(嘘)と同じ意味。嘘つきのことを fibberとも言います。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • a liar

  • pathological liar

*a liar- If a person is lying to you you can call them a liar. This means that you are telling them that whatever they telling you, you know it is untrue. For example: A: Yesterday I came home at 6pm. B: You are such a liar. I heard you coming in at 1am. *pathological liar- This a bit serious. This is someone that lies to the extent it can be considered as a disease. It is like lying is now a habit to them.
*a liar- 嘘をつく人は、a liarと呼ばれます。相手が言うことが本当ではないと知っていることを意味します。 【例文】 A: Yesterday I came home at 6pm.(昨日は午後6時に帰宅したよ) B: You are such a liar. I heard you coming in at 1am.(嘘つきね。夜中の1時に入ってくる音を聞いたわよ) *pathological liar- これは少し深刻です。これは病気だとみなされるほどに嘘をつく人のことで、嘘をつくことが習慣であるような場合です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • Cheat

  • Liar

  • Phony

All of the examples would be acceptable to say that someone has lied. But liar is the most common.
Kirst English teacher
  • a liar

  • fibber

"liar" is a person who doesn't tale the truth. "fibber" is a less serious term than "a liar" usually a person who tells small not damaging lies.
"liar" (嘘つき)とは本当の事を言わない人の事です。 "fibber"(嘘つき/ほらふき)とは "a liar"よりもそれほどひどくないけど、 小さなウソをつく人の事を言います。
Jason T DMM英会話講師
  • Liar!

  • Cheat!

  • Liar liar, pants on fire!

Liar - This would be the most appropriate without using vulgar language. For instance - "Where have you been?" - "I was in the office." - "Liar! I saw you in the bar!" Cheat! - Depending on what the person has done you can also use this. For example - "It will only cost $100 to get it started."- "Don't try to cheat me I know it's going to cost more!" Liar liar, pants on fire! - This is a playground phrase which you can also use with the kids at home. As in - "It wasn't me!" - "Liar liar, pants on fire!"
Liar (嘘つき) -これが、品のない言葉を使わずに言う最も適切な表現でしょう。 【例】 "Where have you been?" (どうしてたの?) "I was in the office." (職場にいたよ) "Liar! I saw you in the bar!" (嘘つき!あなたがバーにいるのを見たよ!) Cheat!(嘘つき) -これが、相手が何をしたかによりますが、これも使うことが出来ます。 【例】 "It will only cost $100 to get it started." (これを始めるのにたった100ドルですよ) "Don't try to cheat me I know it's going to cost more!" (嘘つかないで!もっと高くなっていくのを知っています) Liar liar, pants on fire! (うそつき、うそつき、ズボンが燃えてる!) - これは子供のはやし言葉で、子供と家で使うことが出来ます。 【例】 "It wasn't me!" (僕じゃないよ!) "Liar liar, pants on fire!" (嘘つき、嘘つき、ズボンが燃えてる!)
Jacques DMM英会話講師
  • Pathological liar

  • Liar

When someone lies a lot, you can simply call them a "liar" and if it's so bad that they can't control themselves from lying, they would be called a "pathological liar". For example: -My friend Sam is a pathological liar. He lies so much that he forgets his own lie. -I was accused of being a liar and I got really offended because I'm always honest.
"liar" は「嘘つき(よく嘘をつく人)」のことです。「自分で制御できないくらいに嘘をつく人(ひどい liar)」は "pathological liar" と言います。 例: -My friend Sam is a pathological liar. He lies so much that he forgets his own lie. 友達のサムは、病的虚言者です。自分のついた嘘を忘れるほどです。 -I was accused of being a liar and I got really offended because I'm always honest. 嘘つきと言われて、本当に腹が立った。私はいつも正直だ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
  • Liar

  • Fibber

A liar is a person that tells lies. Lies are things that are said or written by people and they are not true.
Jessica N DMM英会話講師
  • Such a liar

  • Lies!

  • fib

This expression can be used when telling someone they lying or when you want to express surprise. For example: I bought me a new car You liar...are you serious? Fibs are also used to describe the word lies/liar/lie So depends on how you use it. Above is a few suggestions for you to choose from:-)
これは嘘をついていることを伝える時や驚いている時に使われるフレーズです。 例: (英文) I bought me a new car You liar...are you serious? (訳) あなたは私に新しい車を買った。 嘘でしょう。本当に? Fibsは lies/liar/lie(嘘)という意味です。 使い方によって意味が変わってきます:-)
Fay A DMM英会話講師
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