世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/14 17:11
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  • In Europe, you can find beautiful cities and lots of magnificent historic buildings such as Windsor Castle, in Windsor, England.

  • If you visit Europe, you will find beautiful cities such as London, and, wonderful historic buildings.

Many of the 'historic buildings' are not just historic, they are 'magnificent'. The adjective 'magnificent' means, wonderful or superb. For example, in England, you can visit London and Windsor Castle, which is the largest and oldest occupied castle in the world. Windsor Castle is a wonderful building. It has been the family home of British kings and queens for over 1,000 years. This is where Queen Elizabeth spends most of he private weekends. So, you may say: In Europe, you can find beautiful cities and lots of magnificent historic buildings such as Windsor Castle, in Windsor, England. or If you visit Europe, you will find beautiful cities such as London, and, wonderful historic buildings.
歴史的建造物は、単に"historical"「歴史がある」だけではなく、"magnificient"「壮麗」です。"Magnificient"は、素晴らしいという意味の形容詞です。 例えば、イギリスには世界最大・最古の城であるウィンザー城を観ることが出来ます。ウィンザー城は、素晴らしい建造物です。1000年以上に渡って、代々イギリス王室の王や女王の「ホーム」となっています。イギリスのエリザベス女王は、プライベートの週末を殆どウィンザー城で過ごしています。 なので、下記のようなに表現してもいいでしょう。 「ヨーロッパでは、イギリスのウィンザーにあるウィンザー城など、美しい都市や歴史的建造物がたくさんあります。」 または、 「ヨーロッパを訪問する際は、ロンドンのような美しい都市や素晴らしい歴史的建造物に出逢えるでしょう。」
Teddy Zee DMM英語講師
  • There's lots of beautiful historic cities in Europe

  • In Europe you will find lots of beautiful historic buildings and cities.

  • I love learning about the historical cities in Europe.

*There's lots of beautiful historic cities in Europe* *In Europe you will find lots of beautiful historic buildings and cities.* *I love learning about the historical cities in Europe.* All of the above phrases are very similar and mean the same thing. If you were talking about specific cities in Europe such as Paris for example, you could mention specific buildings or monuments that you like or would like to visit. For example: 'I would love to see the historic Palace of Versace just outside the French capital: Paris. If you knew some facts about the cities or buildings you could also talk about those, this would make your conversation very interesting. For example: ' did you know the Colosseum in Rome started to be built in 70 AD and its purpose was to house the gladiator tournaments'.... Hope this helps! ^ ^
(英文) *There's lots of beautiful historic cities in Europe* *In Europe you will find lots of beautiful historic buildings and cities.* *I love learning about the historical cities in Europe.* (訳) ヨーロッパにはたくさんの美しい街があります。 ヨーロッパではたくさんの美しい街と歴史的建造物があります。 ヨーロッパの街の歴史について学ぶのが好きです。 これらのフレーズは全て似ている意味です。 より具体的にヨーロッパの街の名前を言うこともできます。例えばパリです。 例:(英文) 'I would love to see the historic Palace of Versace just outside the French capital: Paris. (訳) パリから少し離れた歴史のあるヴェルサーチの宮殿に行きたいです。 街や歴史的建造物についての事を少しでも知っていたら会話がはずむと思います。 例:(英文) ' did you know the Colosseum in Rome started to be built in 70 AD and its purpose was to house the gladiator tournaments'.... (訳)ローマのコロシアムは剣闘士のために70ADに建てられたって知ってた? 参考になれば幸いです! ^ ^
Beki DMM英会話講師
  • You can find many beautiful cities with lots of historical buildings in Europe.

  • You can see lots of old buildings and beautiful cities in Europe.

"You can find many beautiful cities with lots of historical buildings in Europe." This is a way of explaining when you go to Europe you can visit many historical/old buildings and that the cities are very beautiful. "You can see lots of old buildings and beautiful cities in Europe." This is an easy way of explaining to people that when they visit Europe they will see lots/many beautiful cities and lots of old buildings.
"You can find many beautiful cities with lots of historical buildings in Europe." これはヨーロッパの街ではたくさんの美しい歴史的建造物があるという意味です。 "You can see lots of old buildings and beautiful cities in Europe." このフレーズを使うことによって簡単にヨーロッパの街ではたくさんの美しい歴史的建造物があるということを伝えることができます。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • Europe is historical and beautiful

  • There are many ancient structures in Europe and they are beautiful

  • Europe is filled with beautiful, old buildings and historical structures

Europe has so much history and ancient ruins. In many ways Europe remained in an old, historical style with little or no modern structures. This makes Europe fascinating, spectacular and special especially to tourists from other parts of the world. The history of Europe is long and you can still see this in the city centers and buildings, and even in some infrastructure. Sometimes, cities and towns are not up to date and can be falling apart. Europe gives much of attention into fixing or restoring structures such as walls, buildings, cities centers etc., rather than destroying and rebuilding.
ヨーロッパには多くの歴史と古代遺跡があります。 ヨーロッパは、近代的な建物が建てられることなく、古い歴史的様式がいろいろなところに残りました。 これは、海外からの旅行者にとって、ヨーロッパを特別な、とても魅力的な場所にしています。 街の中心や建物、またインフラからも、ヨーロッパの歴史の長さが伺えます。 古い都市や町には崩壊の危険のあるところもあります。 ヨーロッパは、古い建物や壁などを壊して建て直すのではなく、修復することに力を入れています。
Elisabeth L DMM英会話講師
  • You will find numerous beautiful and historic cities in Europe

  • Beautiful buildings from earlier centuries and famous iconic sites can be found in many European cities

What makes a city beautiful? Its situation on the land, by the sea, on a hill, around a river? Of course, all of these things may be important and contribute to the overall beauty of a place, but when you are actually inside the city, it is the buildings all around you that dominate your vista. Architecture is the key, defining ingredient of a city's character. For example, in Barcelona there are very many examples of the work of Gaudi, including of course, the towering Sagrada Familia cathedral.which attract visitors from all over the world.
何によって街は綺麗に見えますか? どのような環境なのですか? これらは大切な要素です。建造物を説明することによって町並みのことがよくわかります。例えばバルセロナではSagrada Familia cathedralなどGaudiによって建てられたものがたくさんあります。これによってたくさんの観光客が来ます。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Europe is full of beautiful cities and historical buildings

Europe is full of beautiful cities and historical buildings There are many historical buildings throughout Europe There are many beautiful cities located in Europe
【例文】 Europe is full of beautiful cities and historical buildings [訳]ヨーロッパには美しい街と歴史的建物がいっぱいあります There are many historical buildings throughout Europe [訳]ヨーロッパの各地に歴史的建物がたくさんあります There are many beautiful cities located in Europe [訳]ヨーロッパには美しい街がたくさんあります
Kelly J DMM英会話講師
  • Europe is saturated with beautifully historic buildings.

  • Europe has many wonderful old buildings where history is deeply embedded in their walls.

Both sentences give the listener the impression that Europe is filled with old historic buildings. The word saturated means it is filled with buildings. Filled as in you can't add more because it has reached the maximum amount if buildings. deeply embedded in their walls: means that there is so much history in these buildings that the walls themselves are made of it. Hope this helps!
どちらの文も、聞き手にヨーロッパには歴史的建造物がたくさんあるという印象を与えます。 "saturated"は、そこが建物で一杯(filled)であることを表します。 deeply embedded in their walls: これらの建物にはたくさんの歴史があって、壁自体が歴史で出来ているという意味です。 お役に立てば幸いです。
Zoulfa DMM英会話講師
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