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素敵ですね。 など、試着されたときの褒め言葉、気の利いた言葉を知りたいです。
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2017/12/14 21:09
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  • That suits you really well.

  • That looks great on you.

  • That color looks great on you

"That suits you really well." This explains to the person that the item of clothing they have put on looks really good on them. "That looks great on you." This is another way of telling the person that the item of clothing they have tried on looks nice on them. "That colour looks great on you" This explains that the item looks good on them and that the colour of it suits them really well.
"That suits you really well." 身に付けた商品や洋服がとても似合っていることを相手に伝える表現です。 "That looks great on you." こちらも、身に付けた商品や洋服がとても素敵であることを相手に伝える表現です。 "That colour looks great on you" 相手に商品が似合っており、その色がとてもぴったりであることを相手に伝える表現です。
Jody R DMM英会話講師
  • That really suits you sir/madam!

  • That style looks great on you!

  • That's a perfect fit!

If the clothing isn the correct size, you may talk about 'the fit.' "It fits you well." Or, "It's a good fit for you." If something is a little big in one area, it may be adjusted or 'taken in' if that facility is available in that shop. When talking about the design of the clothing and its suitability for the customer, you may mention that the style suits them. If you are talking about colour, you could say, for example, "It goes well with your complexion," or. "It matches your hair," or, "It goes with your eyes." However, customers are highly attuned to the possibility of insincere comments from assistants in clothing shops and any comment should be as accurate as possible.
服が正しいサイズでない場合は、「the fit(フィット感)」について話すことがあります。"It fits you well."(お似合いです)や"It's a good fit for you."(あなたに適しています)と言うでしょう。 少し大きい部分がある場合は、そのお店に施設があれば、調整あるいは"taken in"(詰める)ことができます。服のデザインやお客様に似合うかどうかについて話すときは、"the style suits them"(そのスタイルが合っている)言うこともあります。色について話す場合は、"It goes well with your complexion"(あなたの肌色に合う)、あるいは"It matches your hair"(あなたの髪に合う)、"It goes with your eyes."(あなたの目の色に合う)などと言うことがあります。ただし、お客様は衣料品店の店員からの不誠実なコメントに非常に敏感であるため、コメントはできる限り正確である必要があるでしょう。
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • You look amazing in that! It fits perfectly.

This phrase is a powerful compliment and should make anyone smile. The use of the word amazing adds great emphasis on emotion. When we say something fits perfectly, we mean that the size and style really suit our body shape and style. It is quite often difficult to find something that fits perfectly.
このフレーズは強力な褒め言葉で、誰もを笑顔にするはずです。amazingという単語の使用は、感情に重点を置いています。something fits perfectly(何かが完全に合っている)と言うときには、サイズやスタイルが実際に体形やスタイルに合っていることを意味します。完全に合うものを見つけることは、しばしば困難です。
Alex CB DMM英会話講師
  • Oh wow. That looks good on you.

  • It really suits you very well.

*Oh wow. That looks good on you. This means that you really like how the clothes look on them. For example: You: Oh wow. That looks good on you. Customer: Thank you so much. I am going to definitely buy this dress. *It really suits you very well.- This means that the clothes fit the customer very well.
*Oh wow. That looks good on you. 相手に服が似合っていると思うことを伝える表現です。 【例文】 あなた: Oh wow. That looks good on you.(あら、これはあなたにお似合いですね) お客様: Thank you so much. I am going to definitely buy this dress.(ありがとうございます。このドレスは絶対買います) *It really suits you very well. お客様に服がとてもよく似合っているという意味です。
Natsai DMM英会話講師
  • That fits you great!

  • Oh I love that!

  • That looks really good on you!

The "fit" is how the shape of the clothes compliments the person's body. If you compliment by saying that you love it, usually that means that it is something that you would wear too. If something "looks really good", it doesn't always have to be your style, but whatever they picked really does compliment the person wearing it.
この "fit"(合う)とは、人の体に洋服の形が、どんなに合っているかと言う事を褒めています。 "love it"(好き)と言って人を褒めたとすると、それは普通、あなたもその服を着てみたい、という意味になります。 "looks really good"(とても恰好いい)とは、それは必ずしもあなたの好みである必要はありませんが、それを着ている人には似合っていて、それを褒める事になります。
Sarah Hu DMM英会話講師
  • You look great!

  • I love your outfit!

  • That's a really good fit for you!

A compliment on someone's outfit is a great confidence booster. It's important to be specific because it reassures the receiver of your compliment that you really mean it. You could mention how the garment fits, the color of the garment, the style of the garment. You can even mention if it accentuates a particular body part but this is very specific as you will have to know the person's specific concerns. For example, you may say this outfit makes you look slim, or highlights your figure.
誰かの服装を褒めることは、自信の素晴らしい後押しになります。本気で言ったほめ言葉で聞き手の不安をなくすため、明確であることが重要です。服のスタイルや色がどのように合ってるか言えるでしょう。もし、体のある特定の部分を強調する服なら、言えなくもないですが、その人の特別な関心を知っておく必要があるため、非常に特殊です。 例: This outfit makes you look slim, or highlights your figure. この服は、あなたをスリムにみせる、つまりプロポーションを強調させますね。
Yash DMM英会話講師
  • That item of clothing compliments you.

  • That dress/jacket/shirt looks wonderful on you.

  • That outfit suits you.

To express that someone looks good in a specific item of clothing you may express any of the following; That item of clothing compliments you. compliments: A polite expression of praise or admiration or to express something suits one well. It is always useful and helpful to be specific and mention what item of clothing you are referring to. You may say for example; Those jeans compliment you. That green sweatshirt compliments your eyes. That dress/jacket/shirt looks wonderful on you. That outfit suits you.
特定の洋服について似合ってると表現するなら、下記のいずれかで表現できます。 That item of clothing compliments you. その洋服は、似合ってますね。 compliments:褒めること、称賛の丁寧な表現、またはよく似合ってると表現すること。 どの洋服について言っているのか明確であることが、常に役立ち、助けとなります。 例えば、下記のように言えます。 例: Those jeans compliment you. そのジーンズは、似合ってますね。 That green sweatshirt compliments your eyes. その緑のスウェットシャツは、あなたの目とよく合ってます。 That dress/jacket/shirt looks wonderful on you. そのドレス/ジャケット/シャツは、素晴らしくよく似合ってます。 That outfit suits you. その洋服は、よく似合ってます。
Mary Lee DMM英会話講師
  • That looks great on you.

  • That's a really good fit on you.

  • That is going to look great on you.

When you're trying to compliment a customer on how an item/outfit looks on them, then you can say it in the following ways: -That looks great on you. -That's a really good fit on you. -That is going to look great on you. -I think that looks good on you. You should definitely get that.
お客さんに、商品/服がどれほど似合っているか褒めたいときのフレーズです。  -That looks great on you. すごく似合っています。 -That's a really good fit on you. 本当によくお似合いです。 -That is going to look great on you. とてもお似合いになると思います。 -I think that looks good on you. You should definitely get that. お似合いになると思います。絶対買ったらいいですよ。
Aiden J DMM英会話講師
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