Oden is a Japanese winter dish consisting of ingredients such as boiled eggs, daikon, konjac, and processed fishcakes stewed in a light, soy-flavored dashi broth. What people choose to put into this dish may vary according to region and between each household.
In the UK a dish comprising boiled vegetables and meat and served in it's boiled juices perhaps with
added stock, would be described as a 'stew' and the name of the meat wull define the type of stew. For example, rabbit stew, chicken stew.
Fishcake stew
Fishcake and vegetable stew
To explain Oden you would say it is a stew made with boiled eggs, radish (daikon) and fishcakes and stock (dashi).
It is a stew made with boiled eggs, radish(daikon) and fish cakes and stock(dashi).
"Broth" and "stew" are names for a soup-based meal that contains other things to add flavour.
Oden is a broth/stew that contains boiled eggs and fish cakes.
Oden is a broth/stew that contains boiled eggs and fish cakes.(おでんは、ゆで卵やフィッシュケーキを含むスープベースの食事です)
Oden is a very traditional Japanese stew, that I enjoyed during the winter months!
it is a delicious and hearty stew, with boiled eggs, radish (daikon) / fishcakes and stock (dashi). This dish is very popular across Japan and is a traditional meal.
Oden is also a popular restaurant/cafe offering and can be found on menus almost anywhere.
"Oden is a very traditional japanese stew, that I enjoyed during the winter months!"
"Oden is a very traditional japanese stew, that I enjoyed during the winter months!"(おでんは昔からの日本の食事で、冬によく食べました。)
Oden is a warming stew/broth complete with fishcakes, noodles and vegetables. It is rich in flavour and healthy!
"Stew" and "broth" denote a similar recipe or consistency of liquid.
"fishcake" is the proper translation for "oden" and is usually spongy in consistency.
"Processed fish cake stew"
"Soy-flavored broth"
"Oden" is a one-pot winter dish consisting of various ingredients such as boiled eggs , daikon "known as radishes", konyaku "known as a jelly or used to substitute gelatine" and processed fishcake stew in a light soy-flavored broth. Served as a soup.
"Processed fish cake stew"
"Soy-flavored broth"(醤油ベースの出汁)