世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2015/11/04 11:03
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  • I would like your blessing to marry her.

  • May I have your daughter's hand in marriage?

上記のような表現の仕方があります。 ちなみに、最近流行った MAGIC! の「Rude」という曲の歌詞で「娘さんをください」というところがあります。こちらは「May I have your daughter for the rest of my life」という言い方をしてますね。
Erik 日英翻訳者
  • I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.

欧米の両親への結婚の挨拶は日本のよりはカジュアルで、結婚もその結婚する本人が決める文化が強いです。よって、日本のように「娘さんをください」と頭を下げることは一般的ではないところも多いです。 ということで、もしそれでも何かお父様に伝えたい場合は、疑問形にするよりも(May I have your daughter's hand in marriage?)、「I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.」とはっきりと言うことをお勧めします。
Reina Saeki マルチリンガル英会話講師/ハーバード卒バイリンガル
  • 1. I'd like to ask your permission to marry your daughter.

  • 2. We love each other and would like to marry and we would so appreciate your blessing.

  • 3. I love your daughter and request your permission to take her hand in marriage

1 and 2 are realtively informal. 3. Is a more formal request.
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • I would like your approval to marry (your girlfriend’s name).

  • I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage.

  • I am kindly asking for your blessing to marry (your girlfriend's name)

In order to justify marriage, you have to express your undying commitment to their daughter. Tell them that you want to spend your life with her. Example: Say, “I pledge my whole heart to your daughter and will do everything in my power to provide for her the best life I can.” Then take a deep breath and ask directly, “I would like your approval to marry (your girlfriend’s name).” OR "I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." OR "I am kindly asking for your blessing to marry (your girlfriend's name)" Do not say, "I would like to marry your daughter.” A comedic parent might ruin the solemnity of the moment by asking “Which one?” if they have multiple daughters.
結婚を正当化するにあたって、永遠の愛を誓わなければなりません。 一生一緒にいたいということを伝えなさい。 例: まずはこういって “I pledge my whole heart to your daughter and will do everything in my power to provide for her the best life I can.” (私の全身全霊をあなたの娘さんに捧げ、僕が与えられる最高の人生を彼女に与えるためにすべてを捧げるつもりです。) ここで大きく深呼吸して、直球です! “I would like your approval to marry (彼女の名前).” (...さんと結婚する許可をください。) "I would like to ask for your daughter's hand in marriage." (彼女と結婚をさせてください。) または "I am kindly asking for your blessing to marry (彼女の名前)" (...さんとの結婚を祝福してください。) これはいっちゃだめですよ "I would like to marry your daughter.” (あなたの娘さんと結婚させてください。) ふざけるのが好きな親で、娘が複数いれば、どちらの?ときいてきて台無しになるかもしれませんからね。
Sharon R DMM英会話講師
  • I would like your approval to marry your daughter.

Asking for approval is asking for their blessings. It is also asking for the parents to give you their daughters hand in marriage.
承認を求めるのは、彼らの祝福を求めることです。 また、両親があなたに娘たちを結婚させてもらうことを求めています。
Denton DMM英会話講師
  • I would like to ask your daughter's hand in marriage.

  • Please give me your blessing to marry your daughter.

Explain your wish to marry his daughter. Assure him that you understand the seriousness of the commitment and that being able to spend the rest of your life with his daughter would make you the happiest man in the world.
Kels DMM英会話講師
  • I'd like to have your daughter's hand in marriage

  • I'd like to have your blessing to marry your daughter.

  • May I have your daughter's hand in marriage.

Asking the parents for their daughter's "hand in marriage" is a the same as asking their permission to marry her. Asking the parents for their "blessing to marry their daughter' is a polite and very respectful way to tell the parents that you want their approval to marry their daughter. Hope this helps :)
相手のご両親に、娘さんの"hand in marriage"をお願いするということは、結婚の許可を得ることと同じです。 また、ご両親に娘さんの "blessing to marry their daughter" をお願いするということは、丁寧で尊敬を持って、娘さんの両親に結婚の許可をお願いすることといえるでしょう。 参考になれば幸いです :)
Jerryann DMM英会話講師
  • May I marry your daughter?

「娘さんと結婚しても良いですか?」の意味です。 このように表現しても良いと思います。 日本人にも非常に分かりやすい言い方ですね(^^)
  • (father's name) I would like to ask for your blessing to have your daughters hand in marriage.

  • Your daughter means the world to me, I would like to ask you if i may marry her.

(father's name) here put the name of who you are going to ask. If you have a certain tradition follow it and you can add a sentence like these. I believe that saying someone's name is considered as respect and also being the father it may show much respect.
(father's name)には、お願いする人の名前をいれてください。 特定の伝統があるのであれば、それに従ってください。 その上で、上記のような文章を使うことができます。 私は、相手の名前を呼ぶということは、父親として相手に敬意を表すものだと思います。
Marina P DMM英語講師
  • May I have your permission/consent?

  • May I have your permission, to marry your wonderful daughter.?

"May I have your permission, to marry your wonderful daughter?"
求婚者が花嫁の両親に同意または許可を求めることは、昔から行われています。 このものすごく重要な質問の、明確で、シンプルな、説得力のある聞き方です: "May I have your permission, to marry your wonderful daughter?" 〔訳〕素晴らしい娘さんと結婚させて頂けませんか?
Scobie DMM英会話講師
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