世界とつながるオンライン英会話 DMM英会話




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2017/12/18 21:48
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  • Birthplace

  • Place of birth

When looking at the key page of your passport, if you are from the UK you will notice that the information about the city or town where your mother gave birth to you is listed as: 'Place of birth.' However, in conversation or in prose, such place is normally referred to as your 'birthplace.'
[パスポート](のページを見てみると、もしイギリス出身であれば、母親が出産した都市の情報が'Place of birth'(出生地)として書かれています。 しかし会話などでは、[生まれた](場所を、birthplaceと普通は言います。 他には hometown も「故郷」のニュアンスになります。 place of birth = 出生地 birthplace = 出身地 hometown = 故郷
Ian W DMM英会話講師
  • Hometown.

  • Birthplace

  • Motherland.

The town or city which you were born is called hometown. It is called hometown even if it is not a town. Leicester is my hometown. My hometown is Delaware. That is my hometown. Have you been to my hometown? Another word to describe where you are born is: Birthplace. This could be the actual building or place you were born. It is slightly more specific than hometown. My mother showed me her birthplace. Another word for the country that you were born is: Motherland. She considered Hungary to be her motherland. His motherland was Turkey. I hope that helps!
生まれた町や都市はhometown と呼ばれています。 町でなくても hometown と呼ばれています。 【例文】 Leicester is my hometown. レスターは私の[故郷](です。 My hometown is Delaware. 私の故郷はデラウエア州です。 That is my hometown. あれが私の故郷です。 Have you been to my hometown? 私の故郷に行ったことがありますか? 他にも、自分の[生まれた](場所を意味する言葉として birthplace というのがあります。 hometown よりも特定の場所を示します。 My mother showed me her birthplace. 私の母は、彼女の出生地を見せてくれました。 また、生まれた国のことは motherland とも言います。 She considered Hungary to be her motherland. 彼女はハンガリーが祖国だと考えていました。 His motherland was Turkey. 彼の祖国はトルコです。 お役に立てれば幸いです。
Danielle K DMM英会話講師
  • Birthplace

  • Hometown

  • The place I was born

Hometown' can be used to explain where a person is born but is more often used if you also grew up in the same location. Generally you spent a lot of time there when you were young and have strong memories of this place. 'Birthplace' is used to explain where you were born. For some people this might have only been for a very short period of time.
「hometown」は生まれた所を言う場合にも使われますが、生まれ『育った』場所を言うことが多いです。 大抵は、若い時に多くの時間を過ごし、はっきりと記憶に刻まれた場所を言います。 「birthplace」は生まれた場所を言います。人によってはすごく短い期間しか過ごさないこともありますね。
Iain DMM英会話講師
  • My home

  • Where I am from/ I am from

My home is an endearing way of helping someone to understand where you were born. ex: My home is in Japan. Where I am from/ I am from, can be used also to help people know where you originally were living. ex: I am from Japan.
My home (実家)がどこか聞くことは、出身地を理解するのに役立ちます。 例文:My home is in Japan. (実家は日本です) Where I am from/ I am fromは、元々どこに住んでいたのかを知ってもらうときに使います。 例文:I am from Japan. (日本出身です)
Fields DMM英会話講師
  • hometown

  • birthplace

こんにちは。 「出身地」は「hometown」や「birthplace」といいます。 「私の出身は〜です」という場合に一番よく使われるのが「I'm from~」です。 【例文】 I'm from Tokyo. 「東京出身です」 参考になれば嬉しいです。
  • The place that i was born

  • the place where i was born

  • my hometown

example "I love my hometown" or "I am visiting my hometown" or "This is where I come from" or "I was born in ......."
 "I love my hometown" 故郷が大好きです。   "I am visiting my hometown"  地元を訪れています。 "This is where I come from"  ここが私の生まれたところです。 "I was born in ......." ~で生まれました。
Homa DMM英会話講師
  • Place of birth (if you stayed there while growing up).

  • city or town where you grew up

  • Where you spent your formative years.

Basically it means where you spent the most time living while you were growing up. Now that meaning can go off of whether or not you were born there. You can also still have a birthplace not be your hometown if you were moved out of that town or city right after you were born. Example sentence: Sally was born in Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Honolulu, Hawaii as an infant. Sally and her family lived in Honolulu, Hawaii while Sally attended primary and secondary schooling. Honolulu is Sally's hometown, and Boston is Sally's birthplace.
基本的にこれはあなたが主に育った場所という意味です。あなたがそこで生まれたかどうかによって意味が変わります。 その町や都市から生まれた直後に引っ越した場合は、出生地と故郷が違う場合もあります。 例文: “Sally was born in Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Honolulu, Hawaii as an infant. Sally and her family lived in Honolulu, Hawaii while Sally attended primary and secondary schooling. Honolulu is Sally's hometown, and Boston is Sally's birthplace.” (サリーはマサチューセッツ州のボストンで生まれましたが、赤ちゃんの時にハワイのホノルルに連れて行かれました。サリーと彼女の家族はサリーが小学校と中等学校に通う間ハワイのホノルルに住んでいました。ホノルルはサリーの故郷でボストンは出生地です。)
Eli M DMM英会話講師
  • place of birth

  • hometown

On official documents in England you would be asked for your place of birth and it is also possible to use this phrase in conversation, for example "London is my place of birth". However it is more common to say "I was born in London". You may also refer to the place you were born as your hometown if you continue to live there or still have family there. It is possible that your place of birth and hometown are two different places if you grew up in a different town to the one you were born in e.g. "I was born in London but I grew up in Manchester and that is my home town."
イギリスの公文書を書く時に、place of birth (出身地)の項目があると思います。また、会話の中でもこの表現は使われます。 例文:""London is my place of birth"" (ロンドンは私の出身地です) しかしながら、もっとよく使われる表現は ""I was born in London"" (ロンドン生まれです)です。 もし、今も自分や家族が住んでいるのであれば、出身地を hometown (故郷)と表現することも出来ます。 place of birth (出身地)と hometown (故郷)が二つの違う場所になってしまう場合や、生まれと育ちが違うところになる場合は、以下のように表現出来ます; ""I was born in London but I grew up in Manchester and that is my home town."" (生まれはロンドンですが、育ちがマンチェスターなので、故郷はマンチェスターです)。
Lou A DMM英会話講師
  • birthplace

  • place of birth

生まれた場所又は「出身地」は英語で「birthplace」と「place of birth」といいます。 例文: 「あなたの出身地はどこですか?」 →「Where is your birthplace?」 →「Where is your place of birth?」 「私の出身地は久留米市です」 →「My birthplace is Kurume City」 →「My place of birth is Kurume City」 ご参考になれば幸いです。
  • hometown

  • place of birth / birthplace

hometown - 故郷 place of birth / birthplace - 生まれた場所 hometown は単に「故郷」のようなニュアンスです。 必ずしも「生まれた場所」でなくても良いように思います。 place of birth / birthplace と言うと「生まれた場所」です。 生まれてすぐ他の国に移住していても、生まれた場所が place of birth / birthplace です。 お役に立てれば嬉しいです。 またいつでもご質問ください。
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